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The immune system
Your bodies cavalry
Your defense system
• Made of:
– Skin
– Mucus
– Bone marrow
– Special blood cells
– Lymphoid organs
• Lymph nodes
• Spleen
• Thymus
• 1st barrier against foreign
• Invaders can only get in
through breaks in the skin
• Protects natural breaks in
the skin
• Sticky and traps invaders
• Allows your body to safely
get rid of invaders
– Natural breaks
– Accidental breaks
Blood and bone
Bone marrow
• Blood cells are made in the bone
• Immune cells called leukocytes
• 2 types and 3 subtypes
– Lymphocytes: tags invaders
• B cells
• T cells
• Natural Killer cells
– Phagocytes: engulfs and digests
Lymphoid organs
• Lymph nodes: filters blood for invaders and
stores leukocytes
• Spleen: also filters blood
• Thymus: stores immature leukocytes
Identifying enemies
• Skin and mucus keep everything out
• The blood cells are selective
• Your body must first identify invaders, learn
how to kill them, then actually kill them
Invading the human body
• It is very difficult to get into
the body
• 1st line of defense: Skin and
mucus keep stuff out
• 2nd line of defense: body
removes irritants through
coughing, sneezing, or crying
• 3rd line of defense: the body is
very inhospitable for invaders
– Strong acids in the stomach and
If invasion is successful
• If bacteria gets into the body…
• Genetic markers identify foreign cells as “not you”
• Something must be done!
• If invaders have entered through a break or damage in the
skin – inflammation response and localized fever
Inflammation response
Blood flow to the area is increased
This brings extra leukocytes
The phagocytes seek out foreign cells and eat them
Blood also brings platelets which block access to the
body and extra nutrients which help your damaged
cells repair themselves
• Digested invaders are carried through the blood stream
to be filtered out and released in urine
If invasion is successful
• Fever
– Body temperature will be raised where there is
– Heat kills some types of invaders
– Heat slows reproduction of other invaders
– Heat can be caused by extra blood in the area