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Miranda Allen
Presentation Handout
Tiberius; Livia
Name: Tiberius Claudius Nero
o Son of Tiberius Claudius Nero (senior) and Livia Drusilla
o Emperor from 14- 37 AD
o Second Emperor of Julio-Claudian dynasty of Roman Empire
o 39 BC: His mother divorces his father and marries Octavian, who later becomes
o 32 BC: Civil wars break out between Mark Antony and Octavian
o 31 BC: Octavian secures position as head of state under the title Augustus
o 27 BC: Beginning of the Roman Empire
Younger Days
o 13 BC: Tiberius marries Vispania Agrippina, daughter of Augustus’s friend and army
general Marcus Agrippa
o Augustus tries to make Agrippa emperor by marrying him to his daughter Julia, but
Agrippa dies in 12 BC
- Agrippa has two children with Julia, Gaius and Lucius Caesar, to add to the
succession line that Augustus tries to create
o Augustus forces Tiberius to divorce Vispania and marry the widowed Julia
- Not a happy marriage: Tiberius and Julia do not produce children, but
Tiberius does move up in the succession line as a result of the marriage
o 6 BC: Tiberius becomes consul for second time, prominent in the military in Pannonia
and Germany, and becomes leading general in the state
- seen as Augustus’ heir as a result of new status as Julia’s husband and military
o Also in 6 BC: Tiberius leaves Rome and goes to Rhodes for speculative reasons
- Augustus is offended and upset by it and refuses to allow Tiberius to return to
o 2 AD: Lucius Caesar dies of illness, leaving only remaining heir Gaius
- Livia persuades Augustus to allow Tiberius back to Rome
o Gaius Cesar dies during a siege in Armania, leaving Tiberius as last resort for an heir
o 14 AD: Augustus dies
Early Reign
o Tiberius appears to not wish to take on the powers voted to him by the Senate, but
eventually accepts the position of emperor, while refusing the title of Augustus
- he maintained a difficult relationship with the Senate throughout reign
o 19 AD: Tiberius’ adopted son, Germanicus, is killed by the governor of Syria, leaving his
other son Drusus as heir
Sejanus (Seianus)
o Tiberius’s closest friend, prefect of the Praetorian Guard
- Praetorian Guard: the Roman imperial bodyguard, which Augustus
- Sejanus evolved guard into a sector of government dealing with public safety
- He controlled an estimated 9000 troops within Rome
o 23 AD: Sejanus poisons Drusus, Tiberius’ son, and tries to marry his wife Livilla—
Tiberius refuses to allow it
o 26 AD: Tiberius goes from Rome to live in Capri
- Sejanus essentially removed all obstacles in Tiberius’ absence: removing
Agrippina (Germanicus’s widowed wife) and her family from the picture
through a series of imprisonments
o 30 AD Sejanus was betrothed to Livilla’s daughter
- He successfully marries himself into the royal family
By 31 AD Sejanus was very powerful, holding consulship with the emperor
- In the same year, Tiberius pronounced Sejanus a traitor and demanded his
o Sejanus is arrested and executed, along with his friends and family
Sources claim that Tiberius did this either because he knew of Sejanus’
persecution of Germanicus’ family, or learned of the poisoning of his son,
Later Years
o Tiberius withdraws from Rome out of depression and paranoia, keeping in touch with
- Sources say that he spent most of the remainder of his life in Capri.
o He had gained such unpopularity that the Senate refused to give him divine honors upon
his death in 37 AD
Lasting Effects
o What was said to be one of the biggest impacts of his rule was his military inertia and his
lack of attempt to expand the empire as Augustus did
o The Sejanus Affair with the Praetorian Guard set a precedence for a phenomenon seen
later in the Roman Empire
- The strong presence of the Guard within the city made them heavy political
- whoever had the support of the Guard, has the power of an emperor