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Marketing – the process of planning, pricing, promoting, selling and
distributing products to create exchanges that satisfy customers
The Marketing Concept – A business striving to satisfy customers needs
and wants while making a profit
Products – Goods, services or ideas
Goods – Tangible items that have monetary value that
satisfy wants and needs
Services – Intangible items that have monetary value
that satisfy wants and needs
Ideas – Intellectual concepts that have monetary or
intrinsic value that satisfy wants and needs
Quality marketing brings idea to the message for goods or services
Ideas evoke (bring about) emotions
Emotions “connect” customers to product
Channel Management – getting product to customers in the best way
Marketing Information Management – gathering and using
customer information to improve business decisions
Market Planning – development of a market plan to reach different
types of customers.
Pricing – deciding how much a product or service will cost the
Product/Service Management – design, create, improve or
maintain a product toward what the consumer wants or need.
Promotion – communications to inform, persuade and remind
consumers of a product’s benefit and encourage them to buy it
Selling – direct contact with potential customers to determine and
satisfy their needs
Provides the means for competition
to take place
• Global Force
• Raises standard of living
– from the Latin “to use”
Utility – attributes of a product or service that make it capable of
satisfying customer wants and needs. (5 types of utility)
Form – changes in raw materials or putting parts together to
make them more useful
Place – having a product where customers can buy it
Time – having a product available at a certain time of year or day
Possession – exchange of a product for money
Information – communication to the consumer about the
Utility enhanced
Two main benefits
Product / Service Management
Increased demand
New or improved Products
Fixed costs ÷ increased # of units
Lower Prices
These terms form the very foundation of Marketing
Market – all people who share similar needs and wants and
who have the ability to purchase the product
Question: name a market in which you would be included
Consumer Market – those who purchase for personal use
Organizational Market – businesses who purchase products
for use in their operations
Market Share – A company’s percentage of the
total sales volume generated by all companies in
a given market
Target Market – group identified for a specific
marketing program
Customer Profile – specific characteristics of customers within a target market
Marketing Mix – includes four basic marketing
strategies called the Four P’s. This is the
basic, central recipe for all marketing plans.
1) Product – All aspects of the product from what to provide, its
features, benefits, needed improvements, etc.
2) Place – The means of getting the product to the consumer’s
hands; channel of distribution
3) Price – how much are customers willing to pay, what are
competitors charging
4) Promotion – decisions regarding advertising, personal selling,
sales promotion and publicity
Thursday – Unit Review. Must be filled out completely. Turn in as part of Notebook folder
Friday – Unit Poster “7 functions of Marketing” or “Marketing Mix” as assigned. 20 pts.
Mondayday – Finish Poster, prepare presentation + classroom Q & A in preparation for test
Turn in Notebook folder (23 pts) within first 20 minutes. Remember, must be a flat folder
with all contents neatly bound. Being put together “professionally” is worth 5 points. Must
include each of the following (3 pts each) in this order:
• The Marketing Concept #1
Online Resources
• Functions of Marketing #2 search “Marketing I-II Unit I”
• Importance of Marketing #3
• Targeting the Market #4
• The Marketing Mix #5
Reminder - All lessons on Classroom web site
• Unit Review Sheet
Kentwood HS site / Our School menu
Tuesday – “Game Day”
Directory of Teacher Web Pages/Zender/Documents
A) Take test
Mr. Zender Mr. Zender
B) Poster speeches, vote and results
Click this one
Worth 23 points. Points deducted as follows:
Turn in within first 20 minutes. After = -1.
Each daily notes page + completed assignment is worth 3 point. Incomplete = -3
Out of order (see front to back order below) = -3
Folder – wrong kind or missing completely = -5
Page(s) wrinkled, ripped or crooked = -3
General lack of professional appearance ranges from -1 to -5
Entire folder not turned in on time = 50% credit deduction
The Marketing Concept #1
Functions of Marketing #2
Importance of Marketing #3
Targeting the Market #4
The Marketing Mix #5
Unit Review Sheet #6
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