Download HR Diagram of One Solar Mass Evolution

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Review – Stellar Evolution
• Main Sequence - star burns hydrogen to helium ion core
• Red Giant – hydrogen burns in shell leaving helium
• Horizontal Branch – helium burns in core leaving carbon
One Solar Mass Star’s Evolution
Red Giant Branch
Interior of
Asymptotic Giant •
Branch Star •
All Helium in core burns
to carbon-oxygen
Core contracts beginning
shell Helium fusion
Star becomes a Red Giant
again but this time it is
called Asymptotic Giant
Branch star
• Core spins faster than
envelope from Kepler
asteroseismology data
Asymptotic Giant Branch
• Horizontal Branch (10) to end of Asymptotic Giant (11)
takes 50 million years
• Convection goes deep into star & dredges up Carbon etc.
• Kepler asteroseismology data can now distinguish AGB
from red giant stars
Thermal Pulses
• Helium shell flashes
surrounding the inert carbon
core eject the envelope
• Star can lose half its mass
AGB Stars Enrich Interstellar Medium
• Diagram by, Marengo, M.
• M57 the “Ring Nebula” is the
most famous of ~1000
• Originally named Planetary
by W. Herschel in 1790
because they resembled
Uranus which he discovered
Dumbell M27
• Gas ejected by “thermal pulses”
during Helium shell flash
• First planetary nebula discovered
by Messier 1764
Hourglass Nebula
• Emission lines indicate a
low density gas
• And a hot (>25000K)
central star
• Nitrogen red & Hydrogen
green & Oxygen blue
Planetary Nebula - NGC 7027
• Slow wind initially and fast wind later catches it and compresses
Planetary Nebula-NGC 6751
• From apparent size and proper motion the age is 1000’s years
• From expansion velocity of ~10 km/sec the distance is 1000 lightyears
• From distance and apparent size the linear size is ~a light year
Planetary Nebula
• Short lived phase of star’s life yet we see thousands so most stars
must produce planetary nebulae
NGC 2440: Cocoon of a New White Dwarf
• In center of frame is 200,000K temp white dwarf
• Mass loss from solar wind & esp. dust in atmosphere
• 8 Solar masses can become 5 in 500,000 years
Core Becomes White Dwarf
• One Example is Sirius B
• Radius about the Earth’s
• Surface temperature is
• Mass is ~1 solar mass
• Gravity = 100,000 Earth’s
• Atmosphere very thin
White Dwarfs in M4
• Most stars become white dwarfs
• So there are billions in our galaxy, but they are faint
Cooling Curves
• After formation white dwarf continues to cool – no energy sources
• Coolest “black dwarf” is ~6000K – age of 12 billion years
Density of
White Dwarf’s density is
Pressure resisting gravity
is given by degenerate
Compact Objects / Stars
• Small radius & Large mass =
• High density
Relation for
White Dwarf
Chandrasekhar Limit
• An electron degenerate star
can not be more massive than
1.4 solar masses
• Mass loss can be so large that
even 7 or 8 solar mass stars
may become this small
• But what about bigger stars?
Death of an OB Star
Massive Star Evolution
• Electrostatic repulsion (Coulomb barrier) larger for heavy elements
• Higher temperature & pressure is needed to fuse heavy elements
• No degenerate core
• Higher core temperatures burn heavy
elements into heavier elements
• Each element burns more quickly
giving less energy than the last
Up to Iron
• Other elements fuse/burn
producing energy/heat
• Up to IRON
• Heavier elements
produces less energy
• So burn for a shorter time
8 Solar Mass Star
• Lighter elements burn in cooler
shells farther from core
• Star larger than 8 Msun can’t
lose enough mass to become
white dwarf
• We are all made of star dust
• We are ashes of nuclear
• We are nuclear waste
Type II Supernova
When iron core reaches a few solar masses – dense core collapses
Innermost 500km in a few millisconds (0.25c)
So hot photons photodisintegrate Iron - absorbing energy
Electron +Proton  Neutron + Neutrino & Neutrinos escape
99% of energy comes out as neutrinos, 1% shock wave, 0.01% light
Supernova Explodes
Neutron degeneracy stops collapse => rebounds
Rebound forms shock wave but it stalls
Density ~1012 gm/cm3 so even neutrinos push shock
Plus turbulence and star explodes
Fritz Zwicky
• Bright as galaxy: TypeIa@6500ly=Venus
@500ly=Moon, @1 light year =Sun
Types of Supernovae
• Type I – No Hydrogen
• Type II – Have
• Type III – SN 1961I
• Type IV – SN 1961F
Supernovae Classification
Spectra Comparison
• Type Ia – White dwarf
explodes destroying star
• Type II – core-collapse
of massive star leaving
neutron star or black hole
• Type Ib – core collapse
of stripped star
Historical Supernovae
Year Date Con
1006 Apr 30 Lup
1054 Jul 4 Tau
1203 ?
1572 Nov 6 Cas
1604 Oct 9 Oph
1680?1667? Cas
mag Remnant
-6 M1 Crab
-1 3C 58
0 1230? Aql
–4 Tycho SNR
–3 Kepler SNR
? Cas A
Arabic; also Chinese, Japanese, European
Chinese, North American(?) Arab, Japan
Chinese and Japanese
Tycho Brahe's SN
Johannes Kepler's SN
Not seen ? Radio remnant 1950
1 supernova per galaxy per 100 years BUT
Not all observed !
Guest star appeared 4 July 1054
Seen by Chinese in daytime; distance=6500ly
Red is emission nebula =supernova remnant
Blue is synchrotron emission
Powered by compact object
• Electron Spirals in
Magnetic field
• Acceleration causes
emission of photon
• Polarized light
Supernova Remnants
• Expanding shell enriches interstellar
medium with heavy elements
• Debris from Crab=100tons, hits
Earth in 100,000years
Cosmic Elemental Abundances
• Peak at Iron
• Elements beyond iron formed rapidly
by neutron capture during collapse
In LMC, by Ian Shelton
169,000 light years
Peculiar Type II
Decay of radioactive Nickel and
Cobalt kept it bright for months
Neutrino Detector
• 10 trillion/sec pass through you
• 20 Neutrinos from SN1987A
detected so theory is correct
• Neutrinos arrived hours before
light so neutrino’s speed~=light
• IceCube @ South Pole
Are Supernovae Dangerous?
Type II=Spica, Rigel, Betelguese not close
IK Peg Type Ia progenitor
Initial burst of light, neutrinos, okay but
X-rays & Gamma-rays=ozone layer destruction
Dangerous within ~10 pc
• Extinction every 100?
Million years
• Past extinctions? –
maybe evidence from
sea floor&ice caps
Earth-like Planet?
GL 667C M2V: triple system: 22 light years distant
Planet is 5 Earth Masses
Orbits in 28days= Middle of habitable zone
So close there must be lots of similar planets
Lagrange 1736-1813
• One of the greatest mathematicians of
the 18th century
• Survived the French Revolution
• Newton solved two body problem
• Lagrange solved restricted three body
Lagrange Points
• Lagrange Points are where gravitational forces of two stars balance
• L1, L2, L3 are unstable but L4&L5 are stable
• SOHO at L1 and at L2 is WMAP and maybe JWST
Roche Lobes
• Roche Lobes are the
regions of gravitational
influence of each star
• Close Binary stars have
a different evolution
• If the star fills Roche
Lobe then it will
overflow onto
Mass Transfer
• Massive star makes big dent and small star makes small dent
• When more massive star becomes red giant
• It overflows its Roche lobe transfers mass through L1 point
Semidetached binary
• Can peel off outer layers of star and transfer them to the companion
• Algol paradox: 5Msun is on Main Sequence and 1Msun is a red giant
Contact Binary
• Two stars can touch
• Overflow = Overcontact
• Forming Blue Straggler Or Rapidly rotating giant
Accretion Disk
• Hydrogen gas flows through L1 but
• Due to angular momentum the gas forms
• Accretion disk first: then falls on star
Hot Spot
• Hot spot forms where
stream hits accretion disk
• Friction in accretion disk
heats gas up to ~million K
• Emitting X-rays
Binary Star Evolution
Higher mass star evolves first
Forming white dwarf
Companion star becomes a red giant
Overflows its Roche Lobe
Dumping Hydrogen onto white dwarf
• What happens to the Hydrogen
which falls on a electron
degenerate white dwarf??
Nova 2
• Do not throw gasoline on hot coals!
This  fmjk  
GK Persi
After ~100 earth masses, burns hydrogen to helium
Nebula ejected at ~600km/sec
0.001 solar mass ejected so white dwarf is not destroyed
We observe a few novae per year in galaxy
Recurrent Nova T Pyx
• Nova can happen again every few to thousands of years
Novae Light
• Distance Indicators
• Depending on rate
of decline absolute
magnitudes ~-4
Thermonuclear Supernova
• Mass transfer forces white dwarf to exceed (Chandrasekhar?)
limit & collapse triggers carbon deflagration=Type Ia
Debris Enrich Next Generation
Tycho’s SNR 1572
High, medium and low energy x-rays are blue, green and red
Debris are red yellow green at~10Million K
Material ejected at ~15,000 km/sec creates shock wave
Spectra of light echo gives Type Ia
Animation of
Tycho’s Supernova
• “Runaway star” is found
moving away from center of
nebula at 3 times speed of
other stars ~ 140km/sec
Type Ia
Light Curves
• After correcting for the
• All Type Ia supernovae
have the same intrinsic
• Same absolute magnitude
Most Distant Supernova
• Because they can become
as bright as a whole galaxy
of stars
• We can find their distance
• Even when they are on the
other side of the universe
Galactic Habitable Zone
Red zone has too many supernovae
Blue has too few supernovae=heavy elements
Green is just right
Each time step is 600 million years from beginning
of Milky Way until today (12Billion years)
Type Ia
• White dwarf in a
binary system
• Which is heated to
ignition by mass
transfer from
• Heat ignites
• Producing Iron,
silicon etc.
Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
• Envelope unstable and is ejected relatively gently
Death of a Sun-like Star 0.4-4 Msun
SN1993J in M81in Visible and Radio
• 11 Million ly distant Type IIb
• Reached V=10 so Absolute
Magnitude is ~-18
• Equals a galaxy of stars
• Expansion of nebula and size give
estimate of age ~1000’s years
• Velocity of expansion (10,000
km/sec) & proper motion gives
Supernova Cosmology Project
Supernovae in Spirals and Ellipticals
• Supernova in M51 V=8
• Supernovae Type I found in
spiral and elliptical galaxies
• Supernovae Type II found
only in spiral galaxies near
young stars
Supernova Animation
Nova Herculis 1934
• Hydrogen accretes onto white dwarf = degenerate gas
• After ~100 earth masses
• PP then CNO cycles burn hydrogen to helium