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Last Name, first: __________________________ _______________
Due at the beginning of the exam
Match the body system in column B with the best description in column A
Column A
1) locomotion, support, heat production
2) directs immediate responses to stimuli
3) absorption of organic nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and water
4) includes glands, the pancreas, and the gonads
5) returns tissue fluid to the bloodstream
Column A
6) conducts nervous impulses
7) support s and nourishes the neurons
8) voluntary contractile fibers
9) involuntary cells with intercalated disks
10) involuntary fibers
11) brain, spinal cord, nerves
Column A
12) cuboidal
13) transitional
14) squamous
15) glandular
16) tendons-ligaments
17) cartilage
Column A
18.Which muscle is a principal muscle of the upper leg?
19. Which muscle is located on the upper shoulder?
20.Which muscle is antagonistic to the action of the biceps?
21.The Achilles tendon attaches which muscle to the heel bones? e
22.Which muscle is the principal muscle extending across the chest?
Column B
A) Digestive
B) Endocrine
C) Lymphoid
D) Nervous
E) Muscle
Column B
A) skeletal muscle tissue
B) cardiac muscle tissue
C) smooth muscle tissue
D) nervous tissue
E) neuron
AB) neuroglia
Column B
A) nervous tissue
B) muscular tissue
C) connective tissue
D) epithelial tissue
Column B
a. pectoralis major
b. deltoid
c. rectus femoris
d. triceps
e. gastrocnemius
23. The brain and spinal cord make up the peripheral nervous system.
a. True
b. false
24. How many kinds of tissues are there in the human body?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 24 d. 42
25. How many types of muscle cells are found in humans?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
26. How many calories in a gram do we get from fat?
a. 6
b. 4
c. 8
d. 9
27. Arrange the following in order from largest to smallest.
a. capillaries, arteries, arterioles
b. arterioles, arteries, capillaries
c. arteries, arterioles, capillaries
d. arteries, capillaries, arterioles
28. What is the hierarchy of the human structure from smallest to biggest?
a. cell, tissue, organ, organ systems
b. tissue, cell, organ, organ systems
c. cell, organ, organ systems, tissue
d. tissue, atom, human body
29. Increasing human body temperature, i.e. causing a fever, assists the immune system because:
a. speeds up chemical reactions
b. pathogenic bacteria do not grow well at high temperatures
c. causes foreign proteins to denature
30. Which of the following is considered a "big eater"?
d. All answers are correct
a. macrophage
b. glial cells
c. natural killer cell
d. lymphocyte
31. The inflammatory response involves ________________: release of chemical alarm signals
a. redness, swelling
b. arrival of phagocytic white cells c. fever
d. all of them
32. The location where gas exchange occurs in the mammalian lung is the ________.
a. bronchus
b. trachea
c. diaphragm
d. alveoli
33. Which of the following is carried by hemoglobin?
a. bicarbonate
b. hydrogen ions
c. oxygen
d. super nitric oxide
34. The transfer of oxygen to the body's cells takes place in the_____________.
a. arteries
b. arterioles
c. capillaries
d. venules
35. The lymphatic system is like the circulatory system in that they both:
a. filter out pathogens
b. are made up of arteries
c. deliver blood to the heart
d. carry fluids
36. Plasma is made up of water and ________.
a. metabolites and wastes b. salts and ions
c. proteins
d. all of the above
37. Oxygen is transported by ___________ :
a. hemoglobin
b. white blood cells
d. platelets
d. calcium
38. Which of the following exerts control over the anterior pituitary?
a. posterior pituitary b. thyroid gland
c. testes
d. hypothalamus
39. Which muscle is voluntary muscle?
a. skeletal
b. smooth
c. cardiac
d. none of them
40. Each neuron is comprised of:
a. glia and myelin
b. nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplast c. cell body, axon, dendrite
d. filaments all over
41. Norepinephrine and epinephrine are the:
a. flight or fight response b. main blood regulators
c. master neurotransmitters
d. none of them
42. The most complex organ to evolve is the:
a. heart
b. brain
c. lung
d. uterus
43. The endocrine and nervous system are both similar in that both:
a. control and connect
b. secrete lipids
c. both of them
d. none of them
44. Examples of connective tissue are:
a. blood
b. bones
c. both of them
d. none of them
45. What is the function of the adipose tissue?
a. stores fat
b. produces neurotransmitters
c. send enzymes
d. body defense
46. Allergies are caused by hyperactivity of the:
a. sinus cavity
b. pituitary gland
c. immune system
d. parents
47. The thyroid gland becomes swollen when a person has a deficiency in:
a. iron
b. iodine
c. potassium
d. calcium
48. Which of these is not a type of neuron?
a. sensory
b. motor
c. association
d. connective
49. What are the contractile protein fibers of a muscle cell?
a. ADH and PTH
b. K and Ca
c. actin and myosin
d. lipase and amylase
50. The cell types responsible for depositing bone and breaking down bone are respectively:
a. both stem cells
b. osteoblast, osteoclast
c. osteoclast, osteoblast
d. none of them
51. Signals from an axon are carried across the synapse by chemical messengers called:
a. neuroreceptors
b. neurofilaments
c. interneurons
d. neurotransmitters
52. What is serotonin associated with?
a. flight/fight response
b. sleep/emotions
c. muscle responses
d. cholesterol levels
53. What are the two types of cells found in the nervous tissue?
a. axial, central
b. red, white
c. cardiac, tendon
d. neurons, glial.
54. The arms and legs belong to what part of the skeleton?
a. axial
b. central
c. peripheral
d. appendicular
55. The uptake of oxygen and simultaneous release of carbon dioxide is called:
a. respiration
b. gas exchange
c. inhalation
56. The bone disorder where the bones are loosing minerals is called:
a. osteoseeyou
b. osteowindow
c. osteoinjury
d. none of the above
d. osteoporosis
57. All of the following are functions of the bony skeleton except ______.
A) production of blood cells
B) support and protection
C) storage of vitamins
D) transmission of muscular forces by acting as levers
E) all of the above are functions
58. Which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton?
A) the sacrum
B) the sternum
C) the pelvis
D) the skull
E) the ribs
59. Functions and properties of the axial skeleton include all of the following except ________.
A) supports and protects abdominopelvic organs
B) contains special sense organs
C) attachment sites for muscle used in respiration
D) contains joints reinforced with ligaments
E) contains tarsals and metatarsals
60. Smooth muscle is:
a.involuntary and nonstriated.
b.responsible for movement of the skeleton.
c.involved in contraction of the heart.
d.connected to bones by tendons. e.both involuntary and nonstriated, and is also involved in contraction of the heart.
63. Each muscle fiber is also called a:
a. muscle.
b.muscle cell.
e. all of these
64. The deltoid muscle is located : the forelimb.
b.on the back. the hip area. the lower leg. the neck.
65. The pectoralis major muscle is located: the chest.
b.on the back.
c.near the hips. the upper leg. the lower leg.
66. Which of the following includes all the others?
e.muscle cell
67. During muscle contractions:
a.the myofibrils shorten. b.the actin and myosin filaments slide over each other.
c.the actin filaments move toward the middle
of the sacromere during contraction and away on relaxation. d.the muscle thickens.
e.all of these
68. During contraction:
a.cross bridges of muscle filaments are broken and reformed.
b.ATP is used
c.muscle cells use glycogen
d.if poor supply of oxygen, then lead to fatigue.
e.all of these
69. The sliding filament mechanism: the energy needed for muscle contraction.
b.provides a flexing action for the muscle fibers.
c.describes the action of the actin and myosin in a muscle cell.
d.explains muscle fatigue.
70. The principal job of the human nervous system is to
a.facilitate communication among the body systems. information.
c.replace or repair damaged tissues.
d.provide for defense against pathogens.
e.rid the body of metabolic wastes.
71. The basic unit of the nervous system is
a.the neuron.
c.the brain.
d.a nerve.
e.a nerve impulse.
72. Which of the following is NOT true concerning sensory neurons?
a.They have receptor regions for detection of stimuli. b.They lie in the pathway between the interneurons and motor neurons.
c.They relay information to the spinal cord. d.They are part of a reflex arc.
e.They are one of three types of neurons.
73. The single long process that extends from a typical motor nerve cell is the
e.cell body.
74. Within a single neuron, the direction an impulse follows is
a.dendrite >>> axon >>> cell body.
b.axon >>> dendrite >>>cell body.
c.dendrite >>> cell body >>> axon.
d.cell body >>> dendrite >>> axon.
e.cell body >>> axon >>> dendrite.
75. Neuroglial cells:
a.metabolically support other neurons.
b.form sheaths around neurons and control the rate of impulse transmission.
c.form more than half of the volume of the brain.
d.provide physical support.
e.all of these
76. Which is a junction between two neurons?
a.Schwann cell
d.sodium gate
e.all of these
77. The myelin sheath: formed by the Schwann cell.
b.speeds up the transmission of impulses.
c.does not surround all nerves.
d.extends from node to node.
e.all of these
78. The spaces that separate adjacent Schwann cells are called:
a. neuroglia.
b.myelin sheaths.
79. Saltatory (“jumping”) conduction:
a.occurs only in the central nervous system. a quicker type of nerve conduction.
c.occurs between nerves and muscles.
d.involves the movement of impulses from node to node.
e.involves both a quicker type of nerve conduction and the movement of impulses from node to node.
80. A deterioration in the myelin sheaths of motor axons to the lower leg would be expected to:
a.remove the restraints to ion movement and speed up impulse transmission.
b.cause immobility of the leg due to cessation of impulses to leg muscles.
c.slow the rate of transmission and cause lack of motor control.
d.have little effect because the sheaths are for insulation only.
e.cause paralysis.
81.The two main divisions of the nervous system are:
a.somatic and autonomic. b.sensory and motor.
c.central and peripheral. d.sympathetic and parasympathetic.
e.skeletal and visceral.
82.Clusters of cell bodies of neurons outside the central nervous system are known as:
a.nerve cords.
c.a plexus.
83.Which of the following would NOT be a part of the central nervous system?
d.spinal nerves
e.neuroglia cells
84.By definition, a nerve is:
a.a bundle of axons.
b.a single extension of a neuron.
c.the same as a neuron within the central nervous system.
d.a dendrite.
e.a fiber more than 10 inches in length.
85.The two principal divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the:
a.somatic and autonomic systems.
b.sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
c.peripheral and central systems.
d.afferent and autonomic systems. e.cranial and skeletal nerves.
86.All nerves that lead away from the central nervous system are:
a.efferent nerves.
b.sensory nerves.
c.afferent nerves.
d.spinal nerves.
e.peripheral nerves.
87.The autonomic subdivision consists specifically of:
a.central and peripheral nerves.
b.parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves
c.somatic and involuntary nerves.
d.brain and spinal cord nerves.
e.spinal and cranial nerves.
88.Areas of the spinal cord appear glistening white because of:
a.naked dendrites.
b.cell bodies.
c.neuroglia cells.
d.lack of meninges.
e.myelin sheaths.
89.The center of consciousness and intelligence is the:
90.If the motor cortex on the right side of the brain is destroyed by a stroke, what would be impaired?
a.movement on both sides of the body
b.reception of sensory information from the left side of the body
c.movement by the right side of the body
d.movement by the left side of the body
e.all of these
a.are muscles in circular arrangement.
b.prevent backflow.
c.are smooth muscles.
d.are found at the beginning and end of the stomach. e.all of these
92.Which process propels the food down the esophagus into the stomach?
a. glycolysis
e.all of these
a.physically and mechanically breaks up the food.
b.aids in forming the food into a consistency suitable for swallowing.
c.increases the surface area of food exposed to digestive enzymes.
d.actually mixes some enzymes with the food.
e.all of these
94.High stomach acidity:
a.creates ideal conditions for carbohydrate digestion. b.promotes emulsification of fats.
c.favors protein digestion.
d.blocks the release of histamine, thereby favoring production of peptic ulcers.
e.converts lipases into their active forms.
95.Of the following parts of the GI tract, the greatest amount of nutrient absorption takes place in the:
*b.small intestine.
96.Which of the following are tiny projections of the mucosal wall?
97.The first part of the small intestine is the:
984.The digestion of fats mostly occurs in the:
c.small intestine. d.lymph vascular system. e.liver.
99.Bile: a by product of digestion.
b.helps in the digestion of fats.
c.helps in the digestion of carbohydrates.
d.helps in the digestion of proteins.
e.helps in the digestion of both carbohydrates and proteins.
100. The organ that inactivates and detoxifies different organic compounds is the:
a. pancreas.
b.small intestine.
e.gall bladder.
101. The primary function of the large intestine is the: of nutrients.
b.retention of water.
c.maKe vit D.
d.digestion of fats. e.removal of H2O from undigested food.
102. What is the proper sequence of air flow in the human respiratory system?
a.nasal cavities, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, trachea
b.nasal cavities, pharynx, bronchi, larynx, trachea
c.nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi
d.nasal cavities, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi
e.nasal cavities, bronchi, larynx, trachea, pharynx
103. Which of the following is NOT a function of the nasal cavities?
a.filter dust out of the incoming air b.detect odors c.warm the air d.oxygenate the blood
e.moisturize the air
104. Name the structure that is positioned in the pathway of air just before the alveoli.
105. Food and drink are prevented from entering the respiratory passageways during swallowing by means of the:
106. When you swallow, the epiglottis covers the opening to the:
107. The human vocal cords are located in the:
108. Actual exchange of gases in the lungs occurs in the:
109. The molecule that binds oxygen contains globin proteins with four attached ____.
A) oxyglobins
B) acids
C) heme groups
D) calcium ions
E) fibrinogens
110. Average blood volume for an adult male is 5 - 6 liters and for an adult female is 4 – 5 liters.
A) True
B) False
111. Precapillary sphincters open when CO2 levels rise and closes when CO2 levels decline.
A) True
B) False
112. A single cardiac cycle is the period between the start of the right atrium contracting to the end of the left atrium
A) True
B) False
113. The primary purpose of the endocrine system is to:
a.provide a mechanism for rapid response to changes in the body.
b.maintain a relatively constant internal environment.
c.ensure proper growth and development.
d.allow for a mechanism to control gene action.
e.inhibit the actions of muscles.
114. Which gland could be called the “master gland” because of the extent of its effects on the body?
b.pituitary c.thyroid
115. The pituitary gland is controlled by the:
b.corpus callosum.
116. If you were cast upon a desert island with no fresh water to drink, which of the following would increase in your
bloodstream in an effort to conserve water?
a.erythropoietin b.oxytocin
d.antidiuretic hormone
117. Oxytocin has specific effects on the:
a.uterine wall. b.voluntary muscles throughout the body. cells in the digestive tract.
c.nervous tissue.
e.glucose cells in the brain.
118. Prolactin:
a.stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk.
b.causes the development of breasts and other secondary sexual characteristics in the male.
c.acts in concert with FSH to produce milk.
d.has secondary effects on reducing the size of the uterus after birth. secreted only after the flow of milk has begun after delivery of the child.
119. Blood glucose levels are regulated by:
d.insulin and glucagon only.
e.insulin, glucagon, and cortisol.
120. The hormone whose levels remain high when the body is suffering from inflammation and stress is:
e.parathyroid hormone.
121. The "fight-or-flight" response is enhanced by secretions:
a.from the adrenal cortex. b.known as epinephrine and norepinephrine. c.stored in the pancreas.
d.from the adrenal cortex, as well as epinephrine and norepinephrine.
e.from the adrenal cortex, as well as epinephrine and norepinephrine, and are stored in the pancreas.
122. A goiter is an enlarged form of which gland?
123. A goiter is caused by a deficiency in:
a. thyroxine. b.triiodothyronine. c.calcium.
124.Glucagon is produced by the:
a.adrenal cortex. b.adrenal medulla.
125. Insulin directly affects the:
a.secretion of saliva. of proteins.
c.secretion of pancreatic juices.
d.metabolism of sugar.
1. The lymphatic system is responsible for returning blood loss from the capillaries to circulation. true
2. White blood cells kill invading cells in the body. True
3. Natural Killer Cells are a very important defense against cancer cells. true
4. Organs are body structures composed of several different tissues. True
Stomach acid kills bacteria. true
Blood platelets contain nuclei. false
Individuals with a BMI of over 25 are considered overweight. true
Increasing human body temperature is a way for the body to fight the pathogenic bacteria? True
Autoimmune response is the body’s immune system ability to attack their own cells. True
Our circulatory system transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. True