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Ms. Catsos
World History
A 2500 year old tradition that began in
India and spread and diversified
throughout Asia
A philosophy, religion, and spiritual
practice followed by more than 300 million
Based on the teachings of the Buddha
Who was the Buddha?
Born Siddhartha Gautama – of noble caste in India,
563 B.C.E.
Raised in great luxury to be a king
Felt empathy for the suffering of others;
At age 29 rejected the life of luxury to seek
enlightenment and the solution to suffering
Followed a strict ascetic lifestyle for six years
The Buddha, cont.
Rejected this extreme, sat
in meditation, achieved
Nirvana – an awakening to
the truth about life,
becoming a Buddha,
(Awakened One) at the
age of 35
Spent the rest of his life
teaching others how to
achieve the peace of mind
he had achieved
What did the Buddha
The Four Noble Truths:
All life is suffering
The cause of suffering is desire & attachments
The solution is to eliminate desire and attachment,
thus achieving Nirvana (union with the universe and
release from the cycle of rebirth)
The way to Nirvana is through the “Eightfold Path”
What is the Eight-Fold Path?
1. Right understanding Moral discipline:
2. Right motivation
3. Right speech
4. Right action
Mental discipline:
6. Right effort
5. Right livelihood 7. Right mindfulness
8. Right meditation
What do Buddhists believe?
Once Gautama Buddha died, he ceased
to exist
Buddhism is non-theistic: Buddha is not
the Buddhist god – he is just a revered
How is Buddhism similar to
Both faiths believe in…
Moksha / Nirvana
How does Buddhism differ
from Hinduism?
Buddhism rejects…
Authority of the ancient Vedic texts
The caste system
The many Hindu gods
Hindu priests
Spread of Buddhism
Buddha attracted many
They set up
and convents
for mediation
and study.
Buddhist monks
A monastery
in Bhutan
The Spread of Buddhism
Missionaries and
traders spread
Buddhism to north
and east into Asia
By the1100s,
Buddhism had
disappeared from
Adapted from:
Introduction to Buddhism by
Laura Ellen Shulman