The Evolution of the Precepts
... what he discovered and pointed out as advice for all who want to gain release from suffering. Vinaya — discipline — is what he formulated as rules, ideals, and standards of behavior for those of his followers who went forth from home life to take up the quest for release in greater earnestness. Dham ...
... what he discovered and pointed out as advice for all who want to gain release from suffering. Vinaya — discipline — is what he formulated as rules, ideals, and standards of behavior for those of his followers who went forth from home life to take up the quest for release in greater earnestness. Dham ...
Reaffirming Our Right to Happiness
... “Seven Teachings on the Gohonzon” records the Daishonin’s orally transmitted teachings and Nikko Shonin’s comments on the meaning of various inscriptions on the Gohonzon, as well as instructions on the transcription of the Gohonzon. This particular passage simply indicates that when transcribing the ...
... “Seven Teachings on the Gohonzon” records the Daishonin’s orally transmitted teachings and Nikko Shonin’s comments on the meaning of various inscriptions on the Gohonzon, as well as instructions on the transcription of the Gohonzon. This particular passage simply indicates that when transcribing the ...
Sunyata 07 - Was Arya Nagarjuna A Mahayanist
... Mula Madhyamaka Karika he will realize that this book is not only contain the admonition to Kaccayan thera by the Buddha but it is a large commentary to the primary sutras of Nikayas and Agamas and specially to Sutras in the Atthakavagga of Suttanipata. ...
... Mula Madhyamaka Karika he will realize that this book is not only contain the admonition to Kaccayan thera by the Buddha but it is a large commentary to the primary sutras of Nikayas and Agamas and specially to Sutras in the Atthakavagga of Suttanipata. ...
Tathagata Meditation - phaptangmeditation.org
... criticism during this lost believes time. If there are those who at the Final Law Period pessimistly look at life and initiate the mind to practice, when they succeed, they are aware that all the given periods are the same, we all have Buddhist nature and True Dharma. As one’s mind becomes unsettle ...
... criticism during this lost believes time. If there are those who at the Final Law Period pessimistly look at life and initiate the mind to practice, when they succeed, they are aware that all the given periods are the same, we all have Buddhist nature and True Dharma. As one’s mind becomes unsettle ...
... Known as the “King of Kings” of all Buddhist scriptures because of its profundity and great length with more than 700,000 Chinese characters. This sutra contains the most complete explanation of the Buddha’s realization and the 52 steps in a cultivator’s quest for awakening. With detailed explanatio ...
... Known as the “King of Kings” of all Buddhist scriptures because of its profundity and great length with more than 700,000 Chinese characters. This sutra contains the most complete explanation of the Buddha’s realization and the 52 steps in a cultivator’s quest for awakening. With detailed explanatio ...
Attitudes Towards Nuns: Nandakovāda Light of its Parallels Journal of Buddhist Ethics
... turn is it to give instructions to the nuns?” The venerable Ānanda said to the Buddha: “Blessed One, the elders have been taking turns in giving instructions to the nuns until Nandaka‖s turn has come, yet Nandaka does not wish to give instructions.” 4. At that time, the Blessed One said to Nandaka: ...
... turn is it to give instructions to the nuns?” The venerable Ānanda said to the Buddha: “Blessed One, the elders have been taking turns in giving instructions to the nuns until Nandaka‖s turn has come, yet Nandaka does not wish to give instructions.” 4. At that time, the Blessed One said to Nandaka: ...
A History of Mindfulness
... So we should start by identifying the smallest, simplest units of meaning used to describe satipaṭṭhāna. These are the basic terms and phrases common to all descriptions of satipaṭṭhāna in all the schools. It makes sense to start with the Buddha’s first sermon. This raises an interesting question. T ...
... So we should start by identifying the smallest, simplest units of meaning used to describe satipaṭṭhāna. These are the basic terms and phrases common to all descriptions of satipaṭṭhāna in all the schools. It makes sense to start with the Buddha’s first sermon. This raises an interesting question. T ...
An Analysis of the Pali Canon
... however, been completely revised as a consequence of the vast output of books on the subject that have come on to the market over the past few decades. Indeed, it was originally intended to make this an exhaustive section of Pali works in the English language, past and present. A number of anthologi ...
... however, been completely revised as a consequence of the vast output of books on the subject that have come on to the market over the past few decades. Indeed, it was originally intended to make this an exhaustive section of Pali works in the English language, past and present. A number of anthologi ...
ATINER`s Conference Paper Series HIS2015-1862
... In the Mahāyāna tradition, the doctrine of emptiness and Selflessness of the person holds a great place; which is also known as the second turning of the wheel of law. This doctrine or philosophy has been preserved in a category of texts, known as Prajñāpāramitā literature. The concept of Prajñāpāra ...
... In the Mahāyāna tradition, the doctrine of emptiness and Selflessness of the person holds a great place; which is also known as the second turning of the wheel of law. This doctrine or philosophy has been preserved in a category of texts, known as Prajñāpāramitā literature. The concept of Prajñāpāra ...
Nor is it clear to me, as people are born and die
... visions of the Pure Land as strictly transcendent and counter-visions of the Pure Land as strictly immanent spring up almost simultaneously. These counter-visions make the Pure Land interesting to Japanese philosophers looking for a utopian image that they can set in opposition to the existing stat ...
... visions of the Pure Land as strictly transcendent and counter-visions of the Pure Land as strictly immanent spring up almost simultaneously. These counter-visions make the Pure Land interesting to Japanese philosophers looking for a utopian image that they can set in opposition to the existing stat ...
The Dawn of Abhidharma - Numata Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde
... such formal aspects, he shows how the attempt to provide a comprehensive map of the teachings gradually led to the arising of new terminology and new ideas. He identifies the notion of the supramundane path as an instance where fully fledged Abhidharma thought manifests in the discourses, namely in ...
... such formal aspects, he shows how the attempt to provide a comprehensive map of the teachings gradually led to the arising of new terminology and new ideas. He identifies the notion of the supramundane path as an instance where fully fledged Abhidharma thought manifests in the discourses, namely in ...
Skilful Means: A Concept in Mahayana Buddhism
... have been encouraged to think that my own study of the concept has played some part in this process. Some people prefer to use the Indian word upAya, meaning simply a ‘means’ or a ‘strategem’, whether employed by oneself or by others. Others prefer the longer expression ‘skilfulness in means’, which ...
... have been encouraged to think that my own study of the concept has played some part in this process. Some people prefer to use the Indian word upAya, meaning simply a ‘means’ or a ‘strategem’, whether employed by oneself or by others. Others prefer the longer expression ‘skilfulness in means’, which ...
Master Dogen`s Shobogenzo
... Editorial Committee in Tokyo, Japan, chaired by Professor Sengaku Mayeda, Professor Emeritus of Musashino University. The Publication Committee members then put this volume through a rigorous succession of editorial and bookmaking efforts. Both the Editorial Committee in Tokyo and the Publication Co ...
... Editorial Committee in Tokyo, Japan, chaired by Professor Sengaku Mayeda, Professor Emeritus of Musashino University. The Publication Committee members then put this volume through a rigorous succession of editorial and bookmaking efforts. Both the Editorial Committee in Tokyo and the Publication Co ...
Development of The Hua-Yen school during the Tang Dynasty
... religious thinkers, Tu-shun and Chih-yen. While doing so, we have made an effort to identify the roots of these two patriarchs in the earlier traditions of Buddhism and the setting forth of several early Hua-yen teachings as representative examples of the creative use to which these two patriarchs p ...
... religious thinkers, Tu-shun and Chih-yen. While doing so, we have made an effort to identify the roots of these two patriarchs in the earlier traditions of Buddhism and the setting forth of several early Hua-yen teachings as representative examples of the creative use to which these two patriarchs p ...
Mahayana Buddhism - The Doctrinal Foundations
... its entirety. Previous scholars like Edward Conze and Etienne Lamotte had set themselves this daunting task, but it had proved beyond them. Williams not only succeeded in finishing the job, but did it so well that his book has remained the primary work on the subject, and the textbook of choice for t ...
... its entirety. Previous scholars like Edward Conze and Etienne Lamotte had set themselves this daunting task, but it had proved beyond them. Williams not only succeeded in finishing the job, but did it so well that his book has remained the primary work on the subject, and the textbook of choice for t ...
Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra
... they have been revised fully and inaccuracies corrected as far as available. The third part is entirely new. As the Studies were not planned out as a whole from the beginning but have grown progressively in the author's mind, some repetitions have become inevitable. The second part dealing with the ...
... they have been revised fully and inaccuracies corrected as far as available. The third part is entirely new. As the Studies were not planned out as a whole from the beginning but have grown progressively in the author's mind, some repetitions have become inevitable. The second part dealing with the ...
Early Buddhist Discourses
... cautionary notes, the following account reviews what seems most likely to be true about the life of the historical Buddha. Traditional stories of the Buddha’s life record that he was born in the town of Kapilavatthu (near the present-day town of Lumbini, just on the Nepalese side of the border betwe ...
... cautionary notes, the following account reviews what seems most likely to be true about the life of the historical Buddha. Traditional stories of the Buddha’s life record that he was born in the town of Kapilavatthu (near the present-day town of Lumbini, just on the Nepalese side of the border betwe ...
Spiritual Independence - Sgi-Usa
... against our inner delusion or darkness — a battle against the negative and destructive forces within us. It means that through the power of ...
... against our inner delusion or darkness — a battle against the negative and destructive forces within us. It means that through the power of ...