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What do plants look like?
Parts of a plant
 Flower
 Stem
 Root
 Leaves
Roots act like straws
absorbing water and
minerals from the soil.
Tiny root hairs stick
out of the root,
helping in the
absorption. Roots
help to anchor the
plant in the soil so it
does not fall over.
Roots also store extra
food for future use
Stems do many things.
They support the plant.
They act like the plant's
plumbing system,
conducting water and
nutrients from the roots
and food from the
leaves to other plant
parts. Stems can be
bendable stem of a
daisy or woody like the
trunk of an oak tree.
 Most
plants' food is
made in their
leaves. Leaves are
designed to
capture sunlight
which the plant
uses to make food
through a process
Flowers are the
reproductive part of
most plants. Flowers
contain pollen and
tiny eggs called
ovules. After
pollination of the
flower and
fertilization of the
ovule, the ovule
develops into a fruit.
Fruit and seeds
 Fruit
 Seeds
 Fruit
 Seeds
provides a
covering for seeds.
Fruit can be fleshy
like an apple or
hard like a nut.
contain new
plants. Seeds form
in fruit.
Trees- tallest plant
Shrubs- smaller than a
tree and looks similar to
a bush. With many
branches and leaves
Grass-has long narrow
leaves. Some grass
grows really tall (i.e.
wheat) and some grass
grows short (grass on a
Other types of plants
Fern- plants that look like feathers
Bush- small plant with lots of
branches and leaves
Moss- plants that grow in wet areas
(tree trunks/ rocks
Flower ,stems, leaves and
,roots (Song
Next weeks lesson
What do
plants need?
The 4 things that plants need!
 Video
 http://www.youtub
 1.
 2. water
 3, sunlight
 4. air
Why is water, air, light and soil
important to plants
Water- Plants need water. Water is essential to all life on earth. No
known organism can exist without water. Plants use water to carry
moisture and nutrients from the roots to he leaves and food from
the leaves back down to the roots.
 Air- Plants most also have clean air. Green plants take in carbon
dioxide from air and use it during photosynthesis to make food.
Dirty, smoggy air blocks sunlight that plants must have
 Light- Plants need sunlight in order to grow properly. They use
light energy to change the materials - carbon dioxide and water
into food substances (sugars). This process of food productions is
called photosynthesis. Only in light can a green plant make food
 Soil- Plants need soil. Water and minerals are taken from the soil
through roots. Soil also provides support for the plant and an
anchor for the roots to grow in. Decaying plants and animals leave
behind minerals in the soil that are essential for future plant growth.
Using the Scientific Method
Plant in a Bag
Can a plant grow wit out soil?
Use Scientific method
Refer to scientific methods video to get the students excited
1.Make an observation
3.Form a hypothesis
4.Make a prediction
5.Do a test
6.Analyze the data
7.Draw a conclusion
Next week lesson
How plants
change and
Hook :The plant dance
Start with root (students will squat down and wiggle fingers
to represent a root)
Then stem (students will wiggle their bodies until they are
standing up straight like a stick with their hands out.
Then leaves (students will sway their hands up and down to
represent leaves of a plant)
Lastly flower( students will put their hands under their chin
and rock side to side to represent a beautiful blossoming
The roles of the plant’s parts
Roots: hold a plant in soil and take in
water. Some roots are as thin as hairs,
while others are very thick. (name
plants that might have thick/ thin roots)
Stem- is like a straw. Water and other
nutrients the plant needs travel up the
stem to the leaves. (Challenge children
to name plants that have thick and thin
Leaves: write the words leaf and leaves
on the board and pronounce each.
Which word talks about one? Which
one means more than one?
The life cycle of a Plant
Teacher: *Remember to include
sequence while teaching the life
(Lifecycle explains how plants grow
and change from
 A seed to an adult that makes
new seeds before it dies.)
Seed- is the plant part from
which a new plant grows. Seeds
come in many shapes, sizes and
colors. (ask students to describe
the seed in PPT)
Sprout- when seeds break apart
and begin to grow, we say they
sprout. A tiny seedling is
sometimes called a sprout
Seedling- a young(baby) plant is
called a seedling
Act it Out!
Seed- students will ball up like a seed
Sprout- students will raise up and
pretend to open up
Seedling- will be small plant
Adult plant- students will have arms
open with leaves fluttering representing
an adult plant
 The
Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
New lesson 10/21/13
Plants and
In this picture
How is the plant helping the bird to survive?
How is the bird helping the plant to survive?
Plants and animals depend on
each other?
 Plants
and animals are both living things
that depend on each other.
How do animals help plants?
 Plants
need animals for the process of
seed dispersion to take place. Plant seeds
are dispersed by animals once they fed
on seeds and drop these seeds in a
different location. Seeds also sometimes
attach themselves to the body of animals
How do plants help animals?
3 ways plants help animals
1. Plants provide shelter for
certain animals.
2. Plants produce food for
animals to eat and live off of.
3. Plants give off air for both
people and animals, and other
living things.
Herbivores & Carnivores both
depend on plants
 Herbivores-
that eat plants
 Carnivores-
animals that eat
meet (other animals)
Animals in their shelters
The End