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DIGIgen 2007: Marketing to the Digital Generation 15th – 16th January 2007 Singapore DIGIgen 2007 is the first ever conference in Singapore focusing on the DIGIgen. Who are the DIGIgen and what are they really about? Be sure not to miss the boat and attend DIGIgen 2007 to find out all about the quirks, the fads, spending & media habits of DIGIgen! This 2-day powerpacked event will uncover this elusive but highly lucrative segment. Join our outstanding list of speakers from MSN South East Asia, Google Inc, XBOX Microsoft, MTV Asia and many others to get updated with the latest marketing strategies, complete with successful case studies from leading industry experts who embraced the cutting-edge marketing strategies and tools that had proven to be a raving success with the DIGIgen. Learn to integrate online marketing strategy with your current marketing mix to stretch your marketing dollars. Don’t Hesitate! JOIN NOW! MIS Members are entitled to 10% discount off the standard delegate fee! For more information, contact Colleen Yong at +65 6324 9751, email [email protected] or visit us at www.availcorp.com.