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Chapter 3
The Dynamic Earth
The Earth as a System
Earth is an integrated system that
consists of 4 parts.
– Rock, air, water, living things
Four interactive parts
– Geosphere (rock)
– Atmosphere (air)
– Hydrosphere (water)
– Biosphere (living things)
Solid part of the earth (rock, soils, and
Most of geosphere located in earth’s
The Atmosphere
Mixture of gases that makes up all of
the air we breathe.
The Hydrosphere
Makes up all of the water on or near
the earth’s surface.
Much of the water is in the oceans.
Water is also found in atmosphere, on
land, and in soil.
The Biosphere
Made up of parts of the
geosphere, atmosphere
and hydrosphere.
Part of the earth where
life exists.
Extends from 9km
above the earth’s
surface down to the
bottom of the ocean.
Discovering Earth’s
Scientists use seismic waves to learn
about Earth’s interior.
Seismic Waves: same waves that
travel through earth’s interior during
an earthquake.
The Composition of the Earth
Earth: divided into 3 layers based on the
composition on each layer
– Crust, Mantle, Core
Made of progressively denser materials
toward the center of the earth.
The Crust
Made almost entirely of light elements.
Makes up less than 1% of the planet’s
Thinnest layer.
5km to 70km thick
The Mantle
Layer beneath crust.
Makes up 64% of the mass of earth.
Approx. 2,900 km thick. (1,802 miles)
Made of rocks of medium density.
The Core
Composed of the densest elements.
Radius of approx. 3400 km.
The Structure of the Earth
Earth can be divided into five layers
based on physical properties of each
1. Lithosphere: outer layer; cool, rigid,
15km-300km thick. Includes crust and
uppermost layer of mantle. Divided into
tectonic plates.
2. Asthenosphere: beneath the lithosphere. Made
of rock that flows very slowly and allows tectonic
plates to move on top of it.
3. Mesosphere: lower part of the mantle.
4. Outer core: made of liquid nickel and iron.
5. Inner core: sphere of solid nickel and iron.
Plate Tectonics
Lithosphere is divided into tectonic
Plates glide across the underlying
Major tectonic plates: Pacific, North
American, Cocos, Nazca, South
American, Eurasian, Indian, Australian,
Plate Boundaries
Much of the geologic activity at surface of earth
takes place at boundaries between tectonic
Plate Tectonics and
Mountain Building
When tectonic
plates collide, crust
becomes thicker
and eventually
forms mountain
Fault: break in earth’s crust along which
blocks of the crust slide relative to one
Majority of earthquakes take place at or
near tectonic plate boundaries.
When rocks that are under stress break
along a fault, ground vibrations are set off.
-Richter scale: used to quantify the amount
of energy released by a earthquake.
Mountain built from magma.
Often located near tectonic boundaries
where plates are either colliding or
separating from one another.
May occur on land or under sea.
Local Effects of Volcanic
Volcanic ash can
mix with water and
cause mudflows.
Entire cities can be
Global Effects of Volcanic
Can change earth’s climate.
Can reduce sunlight exposure.
Can reduce global temperature.
Removal and
transport of surface
Can be either
caused by water or