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Made by Carla Manso Delgado
Electricity can be divided in:
 Electrical charges
 Electric current
 Electric circuits
 Circuit diagrams
Everything around us is charged, including
people. Electrical charges can be positive or
negative. Objects usually have the same
number so of positive and negative charges.
Objects usually have the same number of
positive and nagative charges.
An object that loses negative charges
becomes positively charged.
An object that gains nagative charges
becomes negatively charged.
objects with same charge repel .
objects with opposite charges attract.
Electric current is the flow of electrical
charges though materials. However ,not all
materials allow electrical charges to flow the
same way.
Insulators, such as glass, plastic and wood,
don´t allow electrical charges.
Conductors,such as most metals allow
electrical charges.
The eletric circuits are divided in :
The generator. This provides the electricity
Cables. These transport the electricity from
one place of the circuit to another.
The switch.Controls the flow of electricity by
closing or opening.
Devices. This transform the electricity into
another form.
Circuits diagrams help us to illustrate circuits.
We use symbols to represent the different
components.( cable, switch, light bulb, battery)
Magnetism can be divided in :
 Magnets.
 Magnetic forces.
 The earth`s magnetism.
A magnet is an object which attracts other
objects made of iron and other magnetic
metals. We call this attraction magnetism.
Magnets can be natural or artificial. Some
minerals, like magnetite, attract metallic
objects. These are natural magnets. Almost
all of the magnets we use are artificial
Magnets have two areas, called poles. Are
known as the north magnetic pole (N) and the
south magnetic poles(S).
When we place opposite poles of magnets
near each other, they attract.
When we place same poles of magnets near
each other, they repel.
The magnetic poles of the earth are opposite
to geographic poles. North Magnetic Poles is
found in the south near South Pole, the South
Magnetic Pole is found in the north near the
north pole.
Electromagnetic is divided in:
 Electromagnets: that is divided in school bells
 Uses of electromagnets.
Electricity and magnetism were once
considered two separate phenomena. Then
scientists observed that electric current can
generate magnetism. This relationship
between electricity and magnetism is called
Consist of an iron core surrounded by a coil
of wire.
School bells: Many school bells use an
When the switch closes, the electromagnet
turns on.
The electromagnets attracts an iron arm to
the bell.
Electromagnets are much stronger than
ordinary magnets. When we increses the
electric current that flows though them, they
become even stronger. This means
electromagnets can be used in many different
What are the different components of
What ere the different poles?
What happened if we put to magnets of the
same pole together?
Can be magnets artificial ?
Do you know how to do a circuit?
The different components are cable, switch,
light bulb and battery.
The different poles are south pole and north
If we put to magnets of the same pole
together is repelled.
Yes magnets can be artificial ,like magnets
we use in every day life.
Yes ,we can do a electromagnet with a
battery, a light bulb, cable and a switch.
When we put all together we create a circuit.
how electricity can create a magnet
what is electricity ?
electromagnet-What it is?
magnets and magnetism.
the end
By Carla