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Classical Conditioning:
- Learning in which a neutral stimulus (NS) is paired with something that automatically
causes a response in the subject (UCS) until the neutral stimulus (NS) produces a
*An example of classical conditioning was the coin shaking experiment that we
did in class.
Key Terms:
-Unconditioned Stimulus (US or UCS)
-Unconditioned Response (UR or UCR)
-Conditioned Response (CR)
-Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
-Neutral Stimulus (NS)
-Spontaneous Recovery
Key Psychologists:
-Ivan Pavlov- Pavlov’s dog
-John B. Watson- Little Albert
-John Garcia and Koelling study
Classical Conditioning was identified by Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov conducted an experiment in which
he taught dogs to salivate to a bell.
Unconditioned Stimulus- a stimulus that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a
Unconditioned Response- the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned
Conditioned Response- the learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned)
Conditioned Stimulus- an originally, irrelevant stimulus that after association with an
unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response (same as the NS)
Neutral Stimulus- a stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing
attention (same as the CS)
Classical Conditioning Formula:
NS → nothing
2.) A man has a terrible fear of snakes. Whenever this man is given a Dr. Pepper, he is shown a
snake immediately following. Soon after, the man will begin to tremble with fear as soon as he
sees a Dr. Pepper.
NS= Dr. Pepper
UCS= Snake
CS= Dr. Pepper
UCR= fear
Acquisition- learning begins with an association between a CS and a UCS
Extinction- the process of unlearning a behavior (when CS no longer causes the CR)
Generalization- the tendency to respond to a similar CS (dogs respond to all types of bells, not
just the one they were trained/conditioned with)
Discrimination- when the subject is trained to tell the difference between various stimuli
Spontaneous Recovery- when the behavior resumes when the CS again is presented with the
UCS after extinction and a rest period
-John Garcia and Robert Koelling studied taste aversions. They performed an experiment
showing how rats more readily learned to make certain associations than others. They used four
groups of subjects in their experiment and exposed each to a particular combination of CS and
US. The rats learned to associate noise with shock and unusual nausea. However, they were
unable to make the connection between noise and nausea and between unusual-tasting water and
Loud Noise
Loud Noise
Sweet water
Sweet water
Radiation (nausea)
Radiation (nausea)
Learned Response
Avoid water
-John B. Watson conducted the Little Albert experiment. He classically conditioned and 11
month old baby to fear white rats. The baby was originally afraid of loud noises so Watson
conditioned him to fear white rats by pairing the 2 together.
Observation learning/Social learning:
- When you learn by watching, observing, and/or imitating other (older siblings, famous
people, parents, etc.)
Key Terms:
Key Psychologist:
-Latent learning
-Cognitive Map
-Vicarious reinforcement
-Mirror neurons
-Albert Bandura- BoBo Doll study
Modeling- a form of learning where individuals act or perform by observing another individual
Mirror Neurons- when you watch someone do something, then you go try it yourself
Vicarious reinforcement- you are more likely to repeat behaviors that others get rewarded for
Latent learning- learning that occurs but you don’t really know you’re leaning until you do it
- Example: your mom drives to your grandma’s house every day while you’re in the car
with her. One day, you have to drive there by yourself, and you already know the way
even though you have never driven there before.
Cognitive Map- mental representation of the layout of one’s environment
- Example: when a friend asks you directions to your house you are able to create an image
in your mind of the roads, places to turn, landmarks, etc. to explain how to get there.
-Albert Bandura conducted the BoBo Doll experiment. Bandura had an adult and a child in a
room. He had the adult pound, kick, and throw an inflated BoBo doll around the room while
yelling “sock him in the nose…hit him…kick him…” While this was going on, the child was
observing. After observing, the child was taken in another room with many other toys including
the BoBo doll. The children who had witnessed the aggressive adult models displayed very
similar aggressive behavior towards BoBo to that which they had observed. The children in the
control group were much less likely to aggress against BoBo.
1. Lisa normally feeds her cat canned cat food. She noticed that every time she uses her
electric can opener, her cat comes to the kitchen. What is the conditioned stimulus?
A) the cat food
B) the sound of the electric can opener
C) the cat coming to the kitchen
D) Lisa
2. Who first identified the form of learning called classical conditioning?
A) John Watson
B) Ivan Pavlov
C) John Garcia
D) B. F. Skinner
3. Albert Bandura’s work evidenced that children who witnessed aggressive behavior on the
part of adults would be likely to imitate the aggressive behavior later on. This
phenomenon is known as
A) modeling
B) instrumental learning
C) the copycat effect
D) classical conditioning
4. Which classical conditioning term best describes the following scenario: Later in his
classical conditioning experiments, Pavlov’s dogs began to salivate whenever they heard
any sound similar to a bell, such as a doorbell or someone accidently clinking a water
A) discrimination
B) spontaneous recovery
C) unconditioned response
D) generalization
5. A researcher who concludes that “people who watch graphic violence in films are more
likely to behave in violent ways than people who don’t” is probably researching what
kind of learning?
A) latent
B) behavioral
C) observational
D) insight
6. When a CS is not followed by a UCS, the subsequent fading of a CR is called
A) discrimination
B) generalizing
C) delayed reinforcement
D) extinction
7. The classic BoBo doll study, where a child punched a doll after seeing an adult do the
same, was a demonstration of
A) classical conditioning
B) observational learning
C) latent learning
D) operant learning
8. Pavlov is to classical conditioning as ________ is to _________.
A) Bandura; observational learning
B) Skinner; latent learning
C) Thorndike; modeling
D) Garcia; computer assisted instruction
9. The sudden reappearance of a response after a period of extinction is known as:
A) stimulus generalization
B) extinction
C) stimulus discrimination
D) spontaneous recovery
10. In the experiment with little Albert, the conditioned stimulus was
A) the mattress Albert sat on
B) the loud noise
C) the laboratory
D) the rat
Match the following terms with the correct definition.
1. Unconditioned Stimulus
a. the learned response to a previously
neutral (but now conditioned)
2. Unconditioned Response
b. a stimulus that unconditionally,
naturally, and automatically triggers
a response
3. Conditioned Response
c. a stimulus which initially produces no
specific response other than focusing
attention (same as the CS)
4. Conditioned Stimulus
d. the unlearned, naturally occurring
response to the unconditioned
5. Neutral Stimulus
e. an originally, irrelevant stimulus that
after association with an
unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger
a conditioned response (same as the NS)
Quiz Answer Key
Multiple Choice.
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D
1. b
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. c