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Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
Cereal Aisle Analysis
[Writer’s Name]
[Instructor’s Name]
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
Cereal Aisle Analysis
This paper describes the consumer behavior and consumer attitude towards a product. e.g. their
behaviors towards buying cereals mostly breakfast cereals. The demands they put up, the
satisfaction level they want to gain and what price level they are intended to. Every individual on
this earth has a distinct personality which has own choices, decision making power and selection
of things on various criteria like demographics, environment, financial, social and economic
1. Identify the store and the day and time you made your observation.
In this paper, I will describe my visit to a grocery store near our home which is known as “Utility
Usually I do grocery from this place at the start of every month because everything is available
her approximately under a single roof. On November 18, 2013, early morning nearly at 9 o’
clock, I went straight to a cereal aisle in the store, where all kids, adults and sugar free cereals
were available. Different varieties of people were buying them. Imported as well as local cereals
were available.
2. Analyze the behaviors you observed to determine how consumers progressed through
the consumer behavior process while in different aisles.
Companies utilize many different strategies to have the attention of people towards their
advertisements of the products especially children are their target market. Fantasy and cartoon
themes are used mainly. For example, there was an advertisement explaining the fact that a kid is
sliding down over a big heap of cereal and then as soon as he eats it, he enters into the tunnel of
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
various delicious fruity flavors. Now naturally, the children watching this type of commercial
woyuld be attracted towards this cereal and they want to have the taste of all the fruits in their
mouth. (Harrison, Marske, 2008).
On the other hand, what they plan to attract adult customers is not that difficult to analyze.
Basically, they produce advertisement by playing with the psyche of the customer. Whatever
adults feel about themselves and they are fascinated towards the products that may provide
fitness, health and well-being. Mostly girls are attracted towards the products that can make them
slim and smart and prettier than before. There is an advertisement of cereal which has strawberry
dried chunks in the fat free cereal. This really attracts the customers especially female groups
because they will have fruits and low fat diet in a single package.
3. Assess how consumers determine value for their various purchases. This can be
addressed with at least two (2) specific consumer examples or by combining all the
consumers you observed.
When consumers guess the value of a tough product, they reflect not only the complete number
of periods they reflect they will utilize the products again and again to know the pros and cons of
the product, what negative and positive things they are analyzing in a product which they are
going to buy. Some consumers have a category that they fix a specific brand of the product for
themselves and they choose only that particular cereal even if they are using them since last ten
years, they will not try to change it. They are highly satisfied by the given product. It is also the
number of times they sue the product that decides how much a consumer values the product.
The very similar cues that customers use to regulate that they force use a product regularly also
make them contemplate that others practice the product more frequently than they will. In a first
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
study. The day I visited the store, I analyzed that mostly people including kids and teenagers tend
to buy the cereal having a free tooth brush in an offer. It made me realize that consumers also
value their product, when they are offered with something free. A free package is a valid
attraction for the customer. This is the reason why some brands made such offers when their
product marketing tend to get failed. This is an old and effective marketing strategy mostly
brands use to sell their products.
Advertisements or client reviews stress how a product can be combined into a consumer's
everyday life can go wrong if customers believe their own tradition frequency will be inferior
than others. The overall finding of how customers value their products suggests that if persons
believe they won't be capable to retain up with the step of others, they might select not to even
Various hot cereals have offered well - value sales increased about one forth between 2004 and
2009 - ice-covered, or ready-to-eat (RTE), cereals still type the utmost segment of the market
approximately 90% as according to a marketing researcher. Diffusion of freezing cereals is in
elevation, with more than 85% of customers overwhelming them. There is superior room for
development of sincere cereals; just over half of customers actually acquisition into the
demographic curved. (Harrison, Marske, 2008).
Families are essential consumers as parentages desire to double-check their new kids twitch the
day with a healthy serving of food half percentage of buyers have faith in 'children should
always have breakfast by the researcher Toluna. They are also probable to acquisition a diversity
of cereals: more than half of purchasers have at minimum three sorts in the home at any one of
the time.
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
Cereal brands delight a high grade of both consciousness and faithfulness amidst customers.
Even some of them held the estimation that there is no alteration between international and local
brands of cereals, so producers still have energy to do to persuade consumers it is value giving a
premium for their children (Kuribayashi, Roberts, Johnson, 2008). Struggle in the children's
market is comparatively fierce.
4. Pick two specific consumers that seemed to be very different from each other. Contrast
how these two (2) consumers progressed through the consumer perception process.
There are many of great stuff available in markets about cold cereal for mealtime. It is fast,
informal, they are mostly usable when the kids are adult enough to pour their desired quantity of
milk in the cereal. Now there are various types of cereals available in the market like one which
are instant ready by pouring milk in that and other can be served after putting the milk with heat.
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
They get tasty after that. But there is a disadvantage trying to get out of the cereal aisle without
having a mess with your kids over which brand to the procurement stage. I saw a parent child
dispute over making a purchase decision on cereal aisle. The conflict between them was that the
kid wanted to buy a cereal that was expensive but in small quantity having a jigsaw puzzle game
with it free whereas the father wanted to buy a less expensive cereal that was in a great quantity
but having no free game with it. Now sometimes in this situation it is hard to convince the kid to
take a sensible decision. So the father had to bow his desires against the will of the kids. I
remember an advertisement after watching this incident that had a logo” fighting with your kid
on the selection of the cereal is not good to start a day”. This brand provided a combination of
both kids’ and fathers’ choice on the ingredients both wanted to have their cereals. It was the
effective way of the seller to sell its product that may be old but they presented their product to
the consumers in a novel way.
According to a researcher, the amount of money that the cereal businesses spent in 2011
marketing their poorest products straight to your child. Consumers took a nearby look at last
year's cereal publicity and originate that in just a single year, the average child eats 5 cereals per
month and billion dollars are spent on its advertisement.
5. Analyze how different manufacturers motivated consumers to pick their specific brands.
Articulate thoroughly the behaviors displayed and tactics used by the store or
manufacturer to motivate the purchase.
In a country where nobody picks up a one dollar toffee without knowing about its taste and
features, how can one think that consumers will buy the cereal without knowing the facts and
features they contain. Parents buy such cereals or other edibles after knowing what ingredients it
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
has, wheat, rice or fruits. It also depends upon the quantity of sugar, fiber, carbohydrates,
proteins and vitamin level present in a cereal to make a decision whether it is healthy for a child
or not. A child’s physique in this regard is important. The child needs more vitamins or more fat.
For example, some kids do not like honey and honey products, so the cereal with honey or
contents will be a waste for them if the parents buy it as no one will use it in the home.
Marketing Tactics
Marketing specialists that have the reactions to those questions will have a much healthier
chance of producing, collaborating about, and delivering value-added crops and facilities that
you and persons like you will need to buy. That’s what the education of customer behavior is all
about. Shopper behavior reflects the many reasons—individual, situational, emotional, and
social—why persons shop for foodstuffs, buy and use them, occasionally become faithful
customers, and then arrange of them.
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
Marketing Segmentation
Marketing segmentation is the most effective tactic used to motivate consumer group to buy
some products. A customer’s choice can be majorly hit by two categories:
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
These two categories decide whether a consumer wants to buy anything or a specific product.
Marketing is an amazing thing. Companies and advertisement agencies play with people’s
emotions, targets’ their sensitivity level. A new study in marketing reveals the fact that
suggesting a consumer’s strategy to buy a product frequently will eventually decrease the
chances to buy the same product. So it is obvious people want something new, creative and
novel. Monotonous is very boring for everyone. Mostly companies take advantage of this
thought of school and keeps on creating something new in their products to attract the customers
and mostly this strategies hits the roll.
6. Record all your observations in a table placed in the Appendix.
Type of Consumer buying
Type of cereal
Price range
One old man
Fat free cereal
10 dollars
A father and a kid
Highly rich fibered cereal,
30 dollars
instantly made
Two women
Low fat, rich proteins cereal,
20 dollars
made on heating
An adult
High carbohydrate, high
fiber cereal
A woman and a kid
One low fat cereal, one kids
40 dollars
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
cereal with a free
toothbrush30 dollars
In a nutshell, companies spent billions of dollars on a single advertisement to sell their products.
Sometimes they get a hit click and other times, their campaign gets failed. The new marketing
strategies’ need to be intended and it is very important to have a survey of the type of consumer
groups available in a specific area. The need is to hit the customer’s psyche. Marketing is a long
time process. It changes its selling and buying trends with the passage of time. After having my
visit to grocery store and having my observations about the cereal aisle, I was really astonished
how the marketing of the products puts an impression on the minds of people and thus they make
their decision according to their needs and choices.
In all the complicated steps of marketing process, the most important step is need recognition,
the brand has to analyze the fact what is the actual need of the consumer who is going to buy the
specific product and why? What he/she needs in this product? Customer satisfaction is not easy
to gain but once a brand knows about the requirements of the consumers, it becomes easy for the
manufacturers to launch various campaigns and offer discount deals for the different groups of
the consumers separately.
Harrison, K.; Marske, A.L. (2008). “Nutritional content of foods advertised during the television
Running Head: Cereal Aisle Analysis
programs children watch most”: American Journal of Public Health: 97(3): p68–74
Kuribayashi, A.; Roberts, M.C.; Johnson, R.J. (2008). “Actual nutritional information of
products advertised to children and adults on Saturday”: Children's Health Care: 38(4):
Unknown (2010). Science news. Science daily. Learning How Consumers Value Products.
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