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Name: _____________________________ Period: ________
C. P. Biology
Evolution Study Guide (Chapter 10)
The name of the scientist who first published a book explaining evolution, and provided
evidence of how it occurred. ___________________________
These are the natural differences among a species, that must exist for natural selection to occur.
This is the basic definition of evolution. ___________________________
Fossils (or preserved remnants of dead organisms) are only found in this type of rock.
This is a natural variation that helps an organism survive in its environment. Ex: Ducks having
webbed feet___________________________
The name of the scientist who believed in the inheritance of acquired characteristics, or that
giraffes grew long necks as a result of straining their necks all their lives.
This is one way variation can occur. _________________________ , _______________________
This is the mechanism of evolution in which the better adapted organisms survive to reproduce
and pass their traits on to their offspring from generation to
This is the molecular biology that all life has in common, and is the most compelling evidence of
evolution. ___________________________
These are the body parts of different organisms that function differently, but have similar bones.
He created a similar theory to Darwin at the same time Darwin was working on his, and urged
Darwin to publish his book. ___________________________
The slang term used to summarize natural selection, which results from a variation + struggle to
survive + competition. ___________________________
The main idea behind evolution; that all species evolved from...
This is the type of dating that uses the law of superposition to determine the age of a fossil
based on its layer within the rock strata; it doesn't give you an exact age in years.
These are structures of different organisms that tend to look similar because they serve similar
functions, although their bone structures are different. ___________________________
This is the name of the book Charles Darwin wrote, that explained HOW life changed over time
and evolved from a common ancestor. ___________________________
When organisms try to get their fair share of a limited amount of resources.
If shown as a diagram, evolution would look like this. ___________________________
This is the type of dating that uses the known half-lives of isotopes like Uranium and Carbon to
determine the exact age of a fossil. ___________________________
An explanation of events in the natural world based on observations. Unlike a scientific law, this
can be falsified or changed as our knowledge of the subject matter changes.
This is the name of the ship Charles Darwin sailed around the world on when studying evolution
from 1831-1836. ___________________________
This is the selecting agent in Natural Selection, or what determines fitness (which traits are
favorable or not). ___________________________
23. This is the major evidence that supports the theory of evolution (must list all 3 for full credit)
24. These are body parts that used to be important but have evolved to be non-essential. Ex: human
appendix, ostrich wings___________________________
25. Although from different animals, and used for running, swimming, and flying, explain why all
these limbs have similar bone
26. These limbs are called:
27. According to this chart, a horse is most closely related to which animal? ____________________
28. According to the chart above, which are more closely related: a chicken and a penguin or a
chicken and a duck? (Hint: add all values between the two animals)
29. On the chart above, circle the location of the common ancestor all life shares.
30. In your own words, explain the theory of evolution and provide an example to support your
explanation. ____________________________________________________________________