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Chapter 4 Atomic Structure
Pioneer High School
Mr. David Norton
Chapter 4 Review
What is the smallest particle of an
element that retains the properties
of that element?
 Who first suggested the idea of
atoms, in the 4th century b.c.?
 The number of atoms in a copper
coin suggests that ...
Chapter 4 Review
Know the ideas of Dalton’s atomic
 What particles form the nucleus of
an atom?
 What parts of Dalton’s original
atomic theory were revised about a
century ago?
Chapter 4 Review
Know about the discovery of
 Why did J. J. Thomson reason that
electrons must be a part of the
atoms of all elements?
 What hypothesis led to the
discovery of the proton?
Chapter 4 Review
Who discovered the neutron, and in
what year?
 How does the mass of a neutron
compare to the mass of a proton?
 Dalton theorized that atoms are
indivisible, and atoms of the same
element are identical. Today ...
Chapter 4 Review
As a result of the discovery of the
nucleus by Rutherford, what model
described an atom?
 Describe the nucleus of an atom.
 Know the properties of the electron.
 Atoms have what charge, and how
many protons and electrons?
Chapter 4 Review
Describe the number of protons and
electrons in a given element, such as
 The atomic number of an element is
the total number of …
 An element has an atomic number of
80. How many protons & electrons?
Chapter 4 Review
The mass number of an element is
equal to …
 How are the number of neutrons in
the nucleus of an atom calculated?
 The sum of the protons and
neutrons in an atom equals the ...
Chapter 4 Review
Using the periodic table, determine
the number of neutrons in 16O.
 How many protons, electrons, and
neutrons does an atom with an
atomic number of 50 and a mass
number of 120 contain?
Chapter 4 Review
How do the isotopes of hydrogen-1
and hydrogen-2 differ?
 What does the number 84 in the
name krypton-84 represent?
 What unit is used to measure
average relative atomic mass?
Chapter 4 Review
Different elements have different
numbers of …
 All atoms of the same element have
the same …
 Why do chemists use relative
comparisons of masses of atoms?
Chapter 4 Review
What does one atomic mass unit
(a.m.u.) equal?
 Isotopes of the same element have
different ____ and ____.
 What does 23892U represent?
 Compare 8038X and 8138X.
Chapter 4 Review
What are isotopes?
 Compare 2010X and 2110X.
 The atomic mass of an element is
equal to …
 Calculate average atomic mass if one
isotope of mass 20 is 25 % abundant,
and another has a mass 22 is 75%?
Chapter 4 Review
The atomic mass of an element
depends on ____, _____, and ___.
 What are the Group A elements also
known as?
 Which is/are a representative
element(s)? Fe, Hg, U, Te, or Y
Chapter 4 Review
Of the elements Pt, Sc, V, Li, and
Kr, which is/are nonmetal(s)?
 What is each vertical column of
elements in the periodic table
 Approximately how many elements
exist today?
Chapter 4 Review
What criterion is used to arrange
the elements in rows and columns
on the periodic table?
 What category (metals, nonmetals,
or metalloids) includes the majority
of the elements?
Chapter 4 Review
A mystery element, Q, is a
nonlustrous solid and a poor
conductor of electricity. To what
category of elements does it
 Who first arranged the elements
according to nuclear charge?