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do you know an object is
object is moving if
its position changes
against some
background that stays
the same.
background is called the
reference frame.
change in position is
measured by the distance
traveled by an object
from a fixed point.
describes how fast an
object moves.
units meters per second
type of speed
When an object covers equal
distances in equal amounts of
time (Speed Stays The SAME)
can be determined from
a distance-time graph
is on X axis
Distance is on Y axis
can be determined by
calculating the slope of the line
 Most
objects don’t move with constant speed
 Instead we calculate average speed
= Distance
V = d/t
describes both
speed & direction of
the motion
The car was
traveling at 50 mi/h
headed north
velocity of an
object changes if its
speed or direction
 Does
a car’s velocity change when it turns a
 Which
is harder to stop…
speeding train or a speeding bicycle?
grown man or a small child
 Stampede
 Why?
of elephants or a stampede of
is a quantity
defined as the product of
an object’s mass and its
objects have
an object is moving in a
straight line, momentum is
calculated by multiplying
an object’s mass by the
object’s momentum is in
the same direction as its
in kilograms X
meters per second
X m/s
= mass X velocity
P =mv
total amount of
momentum in a system is
Practice Problems
Calculate the momentum for..
135 kg speed racer moving
forward at 16m/s
25 kg ostrich running north at
16.2 m/s
48.5kg passenger on a train
stopped on the tracks
Section 2 Acceleration & Force
is the
change in velocity
divided by the time
 Acceleration
= Final velocity – Initial velocity
If the acceleration is small, the speed
in increasing gradually.
If the acceleration is large, the speed is
increasing rapidly.
acceleration means
the object’s velocity will
__________.(speed up)
acceleration means
the object’s velocity will
decrease (slow down)
Practice Problem
A flowerpot falls off a
second-story windowsill.
The flowerpot starts
from rest & hits the
sidewalk 1.5s later with
a velocity of 14.7 m/s.
What is the average
Velocity-time graph Yay!
 Acceleration
can be determined from a
velocity-time graph.
 What
information is on the X axis?
 Time
 What
information is on the Y axis?
 Velocity
Acceleration of an object is
O if its velocity is constant
Force is the cause of
acceleration, or change in
an object’s velocity.
Net Force
forces can act on an object
at a given time.
Force is the combination of
all the forces acting on an object
 They
determine whether the
velocity of an object will change
object’s acceleration is in
the direction of the net force.
will not accelerate if
the net force is zero.
forces do not
change motion
Tug- of –war
forces are forces
acting on an object that
combine to produce a net
force equal to zero
forces “cancel” each
other out.
Unbalanced Forces Do Not Cancel
produce a net nonzero
there are unbalanced forces
in different directions they
will act like a single force on
the object.
The net force will cause the object to
Friction & Air Resistance
is the force between
2 objects in contact that
opposes the motion of either
The forces to move a
car forward must be unbalanced.
 The
force moving forward must be greater
than the friction opposing the car’s motion.
Frictional Force varies
depending on the
surface in contact.
shoes on a waxed floor versus
shoes with very little tread.
(Someone is going to fall)
Air Resistance is a form of friction
 Air
resistance opposes the motion of
an object.
 Air
Resistance is caused by the
interaction between the surface of
the object & the surrounding air
 Depends
on the object’s size &
Gravity is the attraction between
2 particles of matter due to their
force of gravity will act on
objects that do not touch.
& distance affect
gravitational force
The greater the mass of an
object, the larger the
gravitational force it exerts on
other objects.
gravitational force is very
large due to Earth’s massive size.
What would happen if the force wasn’t as strong?
force of gravity
changes as the distance
between two objects
force between two
objects will ____________ as the
distance between 2 object
Key Vocabulary:
•Unbalanced Forces
•Balanced Forces
Chapter 8 Section 3
Newton’s Laws of
Sir Isaac Newton
described the
relationship between
motion & force in 3
Newton’s First Law
object at rest
remains at rest & an
object in motion
maintains its velocity
unless it experiences
an unbalanced force.
sliding your book across
carpet & ice…
 On
which surface will it slide longer?
 Why?
surfaces provide less
friction to oppose motion.
is the tendency of an
object to remain at rest or in
motion with a constant velocity.
object have inertia because
they resist changes in motion.
 The
greater the mass of an object, the greater
the force that has to be applied to cause the
object to move.
Newton’s 2nd Law
force acting on an
object equals the
object’s mass times
its acceleration.
F = ma
Force = mass x acceleration
 Example:
 Pushing
an empty shopping cart vs.
pushing a really full one.
 Which one would need more
will occur in
the direction of the net
is measured in
= 1kg X m/s2
Practice Problem
= 175 kg
Acceleration = .657m/s2
is the force?
Free Fall & Weight
the force of gravity is the
only force acting on an object it is
said to be in free-fall.
free-fall acceleration of an
object is directed toward the
center of the Earth.
9.8 m/s2
Free-fall acceleration near
Earth’s surface is constant.
the absence of air
resistance, all objects near
Earth’s surface accelerate at
the same rate regardless of
their mass.
 9.8m/s2
force on an object due to
gravity is called Weight.
= mass x free-fall acceleration
= free-fall acceleration)
The SI unit for weight is the
is the gravitational
force on an object due to its
influences shape
 Example:
Skeletons in elephants
is constant when air
resistance balances weight
a falling object, when the
force of air resistance becomes
equal to the gravitational force
on the object it stops
accelerating & reaches Terminal
For every action force, there is
an equal and opposite reaction
law of action & reaction”
always occur in pairs