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The outer layer of the
Earth is the
The layer that has
convection currents is the
The layer of the Earth
that is Solid Iron
Is the
The layer that lies just below
the crust of the Earth is the
Which is solid, the
lithosphere or the
The layer composed of
liquid Iron and Nickel is the
How do we know
If the layers are solid or liquid?
What is illustrated below?
Which is thinner
and more dense:
Oceanic or Continental
What causes the Earth to
have a magnetic field?
The boundary where plates are
moving away from each other
is called
Plates moving past each
other is called a________
When 2 continental plates collide
and push upwards, what type of
boundary forms? (Be specific)
A _________ zone is found
at the Marina Trench, where the
oceanic plate goes under
What 4 things match up on
continents that suggests
continental drift?
At a mid-ocean ridge, plates
As new crust forms at the
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the Atlantic
Ocean is gradually getting bigger
This is called ______
These natural disasters occur at
transform boundaries and at
ALL Plate Boundaries.
What feature is formed when a
continental plate splits apart?
What is an example
of a famous Rift Valley?
Deep Sea Trenches and volcanoes
Are associated with what type of
What is a feature of a colliding
Convergent Boundary
examples: Himalayan and
Appalachian Mountains
The area of the Pacific plate
where a lot of volcanoes and
earthquakes occur is called
Where are the
youngest igneous rocks of a
mid-ocean ridge located?
The volcano, Mt. St. Helens in
Washington state is formed
from which type of boundary?
True or False
Virginia lies along a plate
What type of boundary is found
at the Himalaya Mountains?
A feature on the ocean floor
at subduction zones is called
a ______.
Think: “ Deep Sea”
What type of boundary is found
at the San Andreas Fault.
What type of boundary is found
at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
What is the name of the last
When the continents collided to
form Pangaea, what geologic
feature was created?
Where do volcanoes form?
• Most volcanoes occur at:
1. DIVERGENT boundaries
3.Hot Spots
What type of volcanic area is
found at the Hawaiian Islands?
What are the warning signs of a volcanic
2.Ground Deformation
3.Release of Gases
What major gases are released by
1.Water Vapor
2.Carbon Dioxide
3.Sulfur Dioxide
The longest underwater mountain
chain is the…..
Volcanoes at subduction
Zones occur on which plate,
The subducting or
Overriding plate?
What is a break or fracture in
Earth’s crust where movement
Occurs called?
Ex: Strike-Slip _____
Where does an Earthquake
(beneath the surface)
What is the area directly above
the focus called?
(on the surface)
P waves are also called?
Primary Waves
S Waves are also called?
Secondary Waves
Which seismic waves travels the
Primary Waves
Which seismic waves cause the most
Surface Waves
Which seismic waves can only travel
through solids?
Secondary Waves
What is the time between the
start of the first p-wave and the
start of the first s-wave called?
What is the S-P time interval
used for?
What scale do we use to measure the
strength of an earthquake?
What is the instrument used to measure
the strength of an earthquake?
What is the paper record of the
earthquake data?
Label the diagram