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History of Theatre
To give students a base of information from which to begin
a theatre class, we will spend some time looking at the
history of theatre. Please take your time to carefully read
through the information and thoroughly answer the questions
using complete sentences. Incomplete sentences will not
receive credit. You will have class time on Friday, Monday
and Tuesday for this task.
DUE: Wednesday, September 16th at the beginning of class. A
test will be follow. (Tip: Do not just read through the
information for the answers. The test will hold you
responsible for ALL the information in the packet. Complete
the questions by Monday, and review and study on Tuesday!)
Name __________________________
Date _______________________
Points _____________
The Origins of Theatre
1. What was the purpose of wall paintings, decorations,
artifacts and hieroglyphics?
2. What did theatre emerge from?
3. How did acting spaces develop?
Theatre and Drama in Ancient Greece
1. Why did the chorus develop as an active part of Greek
2. Describe what most Greek tragedies are based upon/deal
3. Who are the three most well known Greek tragedy
Roman and Byzantine Theatre and Drama
1. What style of theatre was popular in ancient Rome?
2. What sorts of entertainments were popular in Rome?
3. Whom were the first theatres dedicated to?
European Theatre and Drama in the Middle Ages
1. What did the Catholic Church attempt to do to
traveling performers? Why?
2. What sort of theatre was used in the church?
3. How did the role of director emerge?
Italian Theatre and Drama
1. What era were many Italian theatre folk interested in?
2. What important element of theatre were Italians
instrumental in making popular?
3. What was commedia dell’arte? What were some elements
of it?
English Theatre from the Middle Ages to 1642
1. Who were the University Wits?
2. Why is Shakespeare known as the greatest dramatist of
all time?
3.What happened to English drama after 1610?
The Spanish Theatre to 1700
1. Describe theatre in Spain during the 16th century.
2. Where were the theatrical centers of Spain?
3. Who was Miguel de Cervantes?
The Theatre in France (1500-1700)
1. Why was early French drama not very influential?
2. How was Moliere viewed by the church?
3. What innovations were the French noted for?
The Theatre of the Orient
1. What language was Indian drama spoken in?
2. What is “Rasa”?
3. What is Kabuki theatre?
The English Theatre, 1642-1800
1. What happened to theatre between the years of 1642 and
2. What happened in 1660 that caused a renewal in
3. What scenic innovations developed during the
Restoration period?
Italy and France in the 18th Century
1. What specific innovations were the Italians known for?
2. What was the feud between the two actresses? What do
YOU think about the topic of the feud?
3. Who was Voltaire?
Theatre in Northern and Eastern Europe During the 18th
1. Why did theatre develop slowly during the 18th century?
2. What did August Iffland want to do to all roles?
3. Who was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe?
Theatre in Europe and the US During the Early 19th Century
1. What theatrical movement dominated 19th century German
2. What theatrical movement was influential in England?
What fueled it?
3. Who were three popular playwrights in France in the
19th century?
Theatre and Drama in Europe and the U.S. During the late
19th Century
1. What was a repertory company?
2. What developed that finally made playwrighting a
profitable profession?
3. What is vaudeville?
The Beginnings of Modern Theatre, 1875-1915
1. What contributions did Wagner make to theatre?
2. Who was Heinrich Ibsen? (Please be specific.)
3. What are two well known plays by George Bernard Shaw?
(Extra credit: What musical is based upon the story of
The Theatre in Europe and the U.S. Between the Wars
1. What belief did dadaism and surrealism utilize? Why do
you suppose this was? (HINT: Think of what was
happening in the world at the time…what started in
1918 and then again in 1939 that would have created
such a belief?)
2. Who was Eugene O’Neill?
3.What was the Federal Theater Project?
Theatre in Europe and the U.S., 1940-1968
1. Who was Tennessee Williams?
2. What was the Actors Studio known for?
3. Why did theatre decline in this period?
Theatre and Drama after 1968
1. Who wrote A Raisin in the Sun, and what is it about?
2. What changes occurred in French theatre?
3. What big changes occurred in theatre in 1968?