Download Unit 2, Lesson 3, Review Slide Set *Introduction to Plants

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Unit 2, Lesson 3, Review Slide Set
“Introduction to Plants”
What are the characteristics of plants?
A. They are single celled, have a two-stage life cycle,
have cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own
B. They are eukaryotes, have a two-stage life cycle, have
cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own food.
C. They are multi-celled, have a one-stage life cycle, have
cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own food.
D. They are eukaryotes, have a one-stage life cycle, have
cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own food.
What are the characteristics of plants?
A. They are single celled, have a two-stage life cycle,
have cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own
B. They are eukaryotes, have a two-stage life cycle,
have cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own
C. They are multi-celled, have a one-stage life cycle, have
cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own food.
D. They are eukaryotes, have a one-stage life cycle, have
cell walls and vacuoles, and make their own food.
Photosynthesis can be defined as
A. A means of producing nitrogen for the plant.
B. A means of converting solar energy to
physical energy for plant life.
C. A means of converting chemical energy to
solar energy.
D. A means of converting solar energy to
chemical energy.
Photosynthesis can be defined as
A. A means of producing nitrogen for the plant.
B. A means of converting solar energy to
physical energy for plant life.
C. A means of converting chemical energy to
solar energy.
D. A means of converting solar energy to
chemical energy.
Chlorophyll is a green pigment that
A. Releases oxygen not needed by the plant.
B. captures energy from sunlight.
A. Is an organelle within plant cells.
B. Captures carbon-dioxide for photosynthesis.
Chlorophyll is a green pigment that
A. Releases oxygen not needed by the plant.
B. captures energy from sunlight.
A. Is an organelle within plant cells.
B. Captures carbon-dioxide for photosynthesis
• What is the function of stems in vascular
• A. They make food for the plants.
• B. They absorb minerals from the soil.
• C. They hold plants in place in the soil.
• D. They support the plants and keep them
• What is the function of stems in vascular
• A. They make food for the plants.
• B. They absorb minerals from the soil.
• C. They hold plants in place in the soil.
• D. They support the plants and keep them
• What is the name of the process that allows
plants to produce their own food?
• A. glucose
• B. chlorophyll
• C. chloroplasts
• D. photosynthesis
• What is the name of the process that allows
plants to produce their own food?
• A. glucose
• B. chlorophyll
• C. chloroplasts
• D. photosynthesis
Glucose is
A. Sugar produced through photosynthesis.
B. Sugar produced through the root system.
C. Sugar moved through the plant in the xylem.
D. Sugar needed for animal energy.
Glucose is
A. Sugar produced through photosynthesis.
B. Sugar produced through the root system.
C. Sugar moved through the plant in the xylem.
D. Sugar needed for animal energy.
• What are two things that all vascular plants
• A. flowers and fruit
• B. seeds and pollen
• C. stems and leaves
• D. pistil and stamen
• What are two things that all vascular plants
• A. flowers and fruit
• B. seeds and pollen
• C. stems and leaves
• D. pistil and stamen
In the sporophyte stage
A. Plants make sperms and eggs that are
genetically identical to the parent plant.
B. Plants make sperms and eggs that are
genetically different to the parent plant.
C. Plants make spores that are genetically
identical to the parent plant.
D. Plants make spores that are genetically
different to the parent plant.
In the sporophyte stage
A. Plants make sperms and eggs that are
genetically identical to the parent plant.
B. Plants make sperms and eggs that are
genetically different to the parent plant.
C. Plants make spores that are genetically
identical to the parent plant.
D. Plants make spores that are genetically
different to the parent plant.
• Pollen grains collect on the _____________ of
a flower, which is often sticky or feathery.
• A. Stigma
• B. Stamen
• C. Flower
• D. Pistil
• Pollen grains collect on the _____________ of
a flower, which is often sticky or feathery.
• A. Stigma
• B. Stamen
• C. Flower
• D. Pistil
In which part of the plant cell is chlorophyll
A. Nucleus
B. Micronucleus
C. Chloroplasts
D. All organelles
In which part of the plant cell is chlorophyll
A. Nucleus
B. Micronucleus
C. Chloroplasts
D. All organelles
A vascular system in plants is a
A. System of tube-like tissues that transports water,
nutrients, and other materials from one part of the plant
to another.
B. System of tube-like organs that transports water,
nutrients, and other materials from one part of the plant
to another.
C. System of tube-like tissues that transports oxygen, carbon
dioxide & water, from one part of the plant to another.
D. System of tube-like tissues that transports water,
nutrients, and other materials strictly from the roots to
the leaves.
A vascular system in plants is a
A. System of tube-like tissues that transports water,
nutrients, and other materials from one part of the plant
to another.
B. System of tube-like organs that transports water,
nutrients, and other materials from one part of the plant
to another.
C. System of tube-like tissues that transports oxygen, carbon
dioxide & water, from one part of the plant to another.
D. System of tube-like tissues that transports water,
nutrients, and other materials strictly from the roots to
the leaves.
• Ferns have an underground stem called a
________________ .
• A. Rhizoid
• B. Rhizome
• C. root
• D. leaf
• Ferns have an underground stem called a
________________ .
• A. Rhizoid
• B. Rhizome
• C. root
• D. leaf
• The center of a flower contains one or more
female reproductive structures called
• _________________
• A. Stamens
• B. Pistils
• C. Flowers
• D. Sepals
• The center of a flower contains one or more
female reproductive structures called
• _________________
• A. Stamens
• B. Pistils
• C. Flowers
• D. Sepals
• _______________ typically absorb(s) water
that is close to the soil surface.
• A. A taproot
• B. Fibrous roots
• C. Runners
• D. rhizomes
• _______________ typically absorb(s) water
that is close to the soil surface.
• A. A taproot
• B. Fibrous roots
• C. Runners
• D. rhizomes
Diffusion is
A. Movement of water within all plants.
B. Movement of water from areas of high
concentration to areas of lower
C. Movement of water needed only for
angiosperm plants.
D. Movement of water needed only for vascular
Diffusion is
A. Movement of water within all plants.
B. Movement of water from areas of high
concentration to areas of lower
C. Movement of water needed only for
angiosperm plants.
D. Movement of water needed only for vascular
Stomata in a plant
A. Controls all nutrients in a plant.
B. Acts as the stomach of the plant.
C. Allows for gas exchange in the leaves.
D. Allows for the collection of oxygen into the
plant and releasing of carbon dioxide.
Stomata in a plant
A. Controls all nutrients in a plant.
B. Acts as the stomach of the plant.
C. Allows for gas exchange in the leaves.
D. Allows for the collection of oxygen into the
plant and releasing of carbon dioxide.
• Water enters a plant by passing through
the______________ of a root and into the
A. Epidermis/xylem
B. Epidermis/phloem
C. Xylem/phloem
D. Tip/epidermis
• Water enters a plant by passing through
the______________ of a root and into the
A. Epidermis/xylem
B. Epidermis/phloem
C. Xylem/phloem
D. Tip/epidermis
• Flowering plants, such as apple trees and
A. use osmosis for nutrient transport.
B. are classified as angiosperms.
C. have independent gametophyte forms.
D. need water for delivery of sperm to
• Flowering plants, such as apple trees and
A. use osmosis for nutrient transport.
B. are classified as angiosperms.
C. have independent gametophyte forms.
D. need water for delivery of sperm to
• Dicots always have two
A. cuticles.
C. cotyledons.
B. anthers.
D. petals.
• Dicots always have two
A. cuticles.
C. cotyledons.
B. anthers.
D. petals.
• Cycads, conifers, gnetophytes, and ginkgoes
A. flowering plants.
C. seedless plants.
B. angiosperms.
D. gymnosperms.
• Cycads, conifers, gnetophytes, and ginkgoes
A. flowering plants. C. seedless plants.
B. angiosperms.
D. gymnosperms.
• Roots
A. absorb water and minerals. C. have stomata.
B. demonstrate phototropism D.All of the above
• Roots
A. absorb water and minerals. C. have stomata.
B. demonstrate phototropism D.All of the above
• Plants that have specialized tissues for
carrying minerals, water, or food are classified
• as ______________ plants.
A. seed-bearing
C. Nonvascular
B. vascular
D. photosynthetic
• Plants that have specialized tissues for
carrying minerals, water, or food are classified
• as ______________ plants.
A. seed-bearing
C. Nonvascular
B. vascular
D. photosynthetic
A. Provide shade for the plants during extreme
B. Collect nutrients for the stems.
C. Are where food is made by photosynthesis.
D. Transport water to the plant.
A. Provide shade for the plants during extreme
B. Collect nutrients for the stems.
C. Are where food is made by photosynthesis.
D. Transport water to the plant.
• Which is NOT a true statement about leaves?
A. Leaves are part of a plant’s root
B. Guard cells open and close pores in the
leaf’s epidermis.
C. Their veins contain phloem that
transports sugar.
D. Photosynthesis occurs in cells in the
palisade layer.
• Which is NOT a true statement about leaves?
A. Leaves are part of a plant’s root
B. Guard cells open and close pores in the
leaf’s epidermis.
C. Their veins contain phloem that
transports sugar.
D. Photosynthesis occurs in cells in the
palisade layer.
• What are the two phases of the plant life
• A. zygote and seed
• B. spores and flowers
• C. sporophyte and zygote
• D. sporophyte and gametophyte
• What are the two phases of the plant life
• A. zygote and seed
• B. spores and flowers
• C. sporophyte and zygote
• D. sporophyte and gametophyte
• What does the cuticle do? (show all that
A. It coats the surface of stems and
B. It provides structural support.
C. It helps plants retain moisture.
D. It is an adaptation that helps plants live
on dry land.
• What does the cuticle do? (show all that
A. It coats the surface of stems and
B. It provides structural support.
C. It helps plants retain moisture.
D. It is an adaptation that helps plants
live on dry land.
• Rhizoids are like roots because
A. they contain vascular tissue.
B. they do not contain vascular tissue.
C. they help hold the plant in place.
D. None of the above
• Rhizoids are like roots because
A. they contain vascular tissue.
B. they do not contain vascular tissue.
C. they help hold the plant in place.
D. None of the above
A. Provide support, transport water, minerals
and sugar throughout the plant.
B. Collect nutrients
C. Collect sunlight
D. Collect sunlight, nutrients, and water.
A. Provide support, transport water, minerals
and sugar throughout the plant.
B. Collect nutrients
C. Collect sunlight
D. Collect sunlight, nutrients, and water.
Rhizoids is a nonvascular
A. Root like structure that helps mosses attach
to surfaces.
B. Leaf like structure that collects sunlight.
C. Stem that allows for nutrient transport.
D. Underground stem from which new leaves
and roots grow.
Rhizoids is a nonvascular
A. Root like structure that helps mosses attach
to surfaces.
B. Leaf like structure that collects sunlight.
C. Stem that allows for nutrient transport.
D. Underground stem from which new leaves
and roots grow.
• Which of the following are true of liverworts?
(show all that apply)
A. They are nonvascular plants.
B. They can live in very dry places.
C. They can grow to be several feet tall.
D. Their gametophytes can be moss like
and leafy
• Which of the following are true of liverworts?
(show all that apply)
A. They are nonvascular plants.
B. They can live in very dry places.
C. They can grow to be several feet tall.
D. Their gametophytes can be moss like
and leafy
• Which is the correct term for the newly
forming leaves seen in a fern?
• A. frond
• B. leaflet
• C. rhizome
• D. fiddlehead
• Which is the correct term for the newly
forming leaves seen in a fern?
• A. frond
• B. leaflet
• C. rhizome
• D. fiddlehead
An underground stem of a fern which new
leaves and roots grow is known as a
A. Rhizoid.
B. Rhizome.
C. Spore.
D. Frond.
An underground stem of a fern which new
leaves and roots grow is known as a
A. Rhizoid.
B. Rhizome.
C. Spore.
D. Frond.
Only seedless nonvascular plants
A. Have a root and stem system.
B. Grow tall
C. Transport water and materials by diffusion.
D. Have leaves.
Only seedless nonvascular plants
A. Have a root and stem system.
B. Grow tall
C. Transport water and materials by diffusion.
D. Have leaves.
• Which of the following is NOT true of
A. They are flowering plants.
B. There ate more angiosperms than all
other plant species combined.
C. They produce seeds within fruits.
D. They are nonvascular plants.
• Which of the following is NOT true of
A. They are flowering plants.
B. There ate more angiosperms than all
other plant species combined.
C. They produce seeds within fruits.
D. They are nonvascular plants.
• Both seedless nonvascular and seedless
vascular plants
• A. Have vascular tissue but not necessarily
• B. Have a two-stage life cycle.
• C. Grow tall.
• D. Transport water and materials by diffusion.
• Both seedless nonvascular and seedless
vascular plants
• A. Have vascular tissue but not necessarily
• B. Have a two-stage life cycle.
• C. Grow tall.
• D. Transport water and materials by diffusion.
• Which of the following comes from flowering
plants? (show all that apply)
A. food crops
C. rubber
B. perfume oils
D. clothing fibers
• Which of the following comes from flowering
plants? (show all that apply)
A. food crops
C. rubber
B. perfume oils
D. clothing fibers
• Which of the following is NOT one of the
main functions of roots?
A. supplying plants with water and
minerals fro the soil
B. making food through photosynthesis
C. supporting and anchoring the plant
D. storing food as sugar or starch
• Which of the following is NOT one of the
main functions of roots?
A. supplying plants with water and
minerals fro the soil
B. making food through photosynthesis
C. supporting and anchoring the plant
D. storing food as sugar or starch
Gymnosperms are plants that
A. Produce seeds that are enclosed in a fruit.
B. Produce seeds that are not enclosed in a
C. Produce fiddlesticks and fronds.
D. Produce roots that are edible.
Gymnosperms are plants that
A. Produce seeds that are enclosed in a fruit.
B. Produce seeds that are not enclosed in a
C. Produce fiddlesticks and fronds.
D. Produce roots that are edible.
• The slimy substance produced by the root cap
A. protects the tip of the root.
B. attracts minerals in the soil.
C. helps water diffuse through the root’s
D. helps the root grow through soil.
• The slimy substance produced by the root cap
A. protects the tip of the root.
B. attracts minerals in the soil.
C. helps water diffuse through the root’s
D. helps the root grow through soil.
Vascular plants that produce flowers and fruits
which surround and protect seed is an
A. Angiosperm.
B. Gymnosperm
C. Rhizoid
D. Rhyzome.
Vascular plants that produce flowers and fruits
which surround and protect seed is an
A. Angiosperm.
B. Gymnosperm
C. Rhizoid
D. Rhyzome.
The stamen in a plant
A. Is the female reproductive structure of
B. Is the specialized leaves that enclose and
protect the flower bud.
C. Is the male reproductive structure of flowers.
D. Is the specialized leaves that attract
The stamen in a plant
A. Is the female reproductive structure of
B. Is the specialized leaves that enclose and
protect the flower bud.
C. Is the male reproductive structure of
D. Is the specialized leaves that attract
___________ seeds develop within this
structure at the base of the pistil.
A. Ovary
B. Filament
C. Sepal
D. Anther
___________ seeds develop within this
structure at the base of the pistil.
A. Ovary
B. Filament
C. Sepal
D. Anther
• Which plant life phase begins when two
gametes fuse together to form a zygote?
• A. sporophyte
• B. gametophyte
• C. both sporophyte and gametophyte
• D. neither sporophyte or gametophyte
• Which plant life phase begins when two
gametes fuse together to form a zygote?
• A. sporophyte
• B. gametophyte
• C. both sporophyte and gametophyte
• D. neither sporophyte or gametophyte
A. Produce pollen
B. Produce eggs
C. Produce ovaries
D. Produce petals
A. Produce pollen
B. Produce eggs
C. Produce ovaries
D. Produce petals
• Describe the ecological importance of mosses
and liverworts.
A. They allow more moisture to come into
the environment.
B. They will form new soil when they die
allowing other plants to grow.
C. They will cause other plants to strive to
grow tall to catch more sunlight.
D. By growing and covering the ground, it
forms a warming effect to help other plants grow.
• Describe the ecological importance of mosses
and liverworts.
A. They allow more moisture to come into
the environment.
B. They will form new soil when they die
allowing other plants to grow.
C. They will cause other plants to strive to
grow tall to catch more sunlight.
D. By growing and covering the ground, it
forms a warming effect to help other plants grow.
Which of the following plants is nonvascular?
A. fern
B. moss
C. conifer
D. monocot
Which of the following plants is nonvascular?
A. fern
B. moss
C. conifer
D. monocot
Seedless, vascular plants
A. Have roots, stems, and leaves
B. Tend to be small
C. Transport water by diffusion
D. Are single celled
Seedless, vascular plants
A. Have roots, stems, and leaves
B. Tend to be small
C. Transport water by diffusion
D. Are single celled