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Genetic Manipulation
The New You of Tomorrow
By:Vincent Zhu
What is Gene Manipulation?
Gene manipulation is as it is called, the
manipulation of genes,
◦ the transformation of genes
◦ cutting and joining of DNA
◦ research
History of Gene Manipulation
1869-Friedrich Miescher discovers the
existence of DNA
 1970s- scientists proposed what they
called "gene surgery" for treating
inherited diseases caused by defective
 1978-Hamilton O. Smith, Daniel Nathans
and Werner Arber discover how to cut
apart lines of DNa
History of Gene Manipulation
1988 launch of the human genome
 1996 First mammal cloned, the Sheep
 1997 Rice Tec given Patent on Basmati
 2000, President Clinton announced that
the genome sequence could not be
Fields of Gen manipulation
Gene Splicing
Genetic therapy and Medicine
Direct genetic engineering
Gene Splicing
Gene splicing allows scientists to identify
specific genes, remove them, and duplicate
them and use them in another part of the
same or in an entirely different organism.
◦ The use of this innovation has broken the
barriers between species and allowed further
evolution of agriculture and animals. For
example crops that endure cold and has it
own natural pesticide
The process of creating a completely
genetically identical individual to the
 This process has great potential help the
world in creating stem cells, organs or
possible recreate lost animal species
◦ Such ideas have been express greatly in
fictional movies like Star Wars and the Sleeper
Through Genetic therapy, curing disease
such as cancer, leukemia, and other
genetically passed down diseases are now
 Pharmacogenomics has created medicine
to control our moods such as Ritalin;
through this process drugs are better,
safer, and more personalized for you
Direct Genetic Engineering
Direct gene manipulation can manipulate
your genes right from birth to prevent future
defects and give better physical assets. We can
use embryo screening, which done commonly
today, to screen the embryo for genes that
cause heritable diseases, physical defects,
depression. Parents are allowed the choice to
either keep or discard the embryo and can even
change the DNA chains and replace the
unwanted one with better ones.
Better medicine
 More nutrient efficient foods
 Longer life expectancies
 No more genetically passed down
 Unlimited potential
 Better Health
Cons & Controversies
Morally and ethically incorrect
 Lost of identity in society
 Social inequality
 Renewed biological warfare
 Still very experimental
Gene Patenting has
pushed farmers out
of the farming
business forbidding
them to grow their
Why shouldn’t we ignore This
There are many helpful solutions that
come form genetic manipulation
◦ Stem cell research
◦ Medicine
◦ Cure to genetic diseases
It isn’t the burden of scientist to control
and regulate what can be done, its Society
and Government.
 This technology is still experimental
because public option is holding it back
Why should we
people are already de-evolving with high
dependence on other technologies leading
to obesity and un healthy practices
 People are not going to evolve on their own
because society rejects such differences
 The possibilities within genes are unlimited
 This process is already a possible event and
if we don’t take some interest in it now it
will be reserved for the rich and powerful
 It is human to evolve
The End