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24 x 7
Proper Digestion
Your digestive health is directly impacted by the foods you eat and
the lifestyle you live. By taking steps to improve youdigestive health,
your digestive system will function more efficiently, improving your
overall health and sense of well-being.
1. Eat a high-fiber diet.
Consuming a diet that is high in fiber and rich in whole grains,
vegetables, legumes, and fruits can improve your digestive health.
"A high-fiber diet helps to keep food moving through your digestive
tract, making you less likely to get constipated.
diet can also help you prevent or treat various digestive conditions,
such as diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, and irritable bowel syndrome.
In addition, it can help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
2. Get insoluble and soluble fiber.
Insoluble fiber, also known as roughage, can't be digested by the
body and therefore helps add bulk to the stools. Good sources of
insoluble fiber include wheat bran, vegetables, and whole grains.
Soluble fiber draws in water and can help prevent stools that are too
watery. Get soluble fiber from oat bran, nuts, seeds, and legumes.
3. Limit foods that are high in fat.
Fatty foods tend to slow down the digestive process, making you
more prone to constipation. But since it is important to get some fat
in your diet, pairing fatty foods with high-fiber foods can make them
easier on your digestive system.
4. Choose lean meats.
Protein is an essential part of a healthful diet, but fatty cuts of meat
can lead to uncomfortable digestion. When you eat meat, select
lean cuts, such as pork loin and skinless poultry.
5. Incorporate probiotics into your diet.
Probiotics are the healthy bacteria naturally present in your
digestive tract. They help keep the body healthy by combating the
effects of a poor diet, antibiotics, and stress. In addition, probiotics
can enhance nutrient absorption, help break down lactose,
strengthen your immune system, and possibly even help treat
irritable bowel syndrome.
6. Eat on schedule.
Consuming your meals and snacks on a regular schedule can help
keep your digestive system in top shape. Aim to sit down for
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks around the same time each day.
7. Stay hydrated.
Drinking plenty of water is good for your digestive health. Water in
your digestive system helps dissolve fats and soluble fiber, allowing
these substances to pass through more easily.
8. Skip the bad habits.
Smoking and excessive caffeine and alcohol can interfere with the
functioning of your digestive system, and lead to problems like
stomach ulcers and heartburn.
9. Exercise regularly.
Regular exercise helps keep foods moving through your digestive
system, reducing constipation. And exercise can help maintain a
healthy weight, which is good for your digestive health.
10. Manage stress.
Too much stress or anxiety can cause your digestive system to go
into overdrive. Find stress-reducing activities that you enjoy and
practice them on a regular basis.
11. Take your time.
Nobody likes to be rushed, and your digestive system is no
exception. Slow down and chew each bite at least 20 times. That
gives your stomach plenty of time to prepare to properly digest the
nutrients you are giving it, and allows your body and brain to tell you
when you’ve had enough.
12. Drink away from meals.
When most children sit down to eat, they expect to drink something.
This combination of food and liquid can lead to slower digestion as
the digestive juices are diluted by the liquids consumed.It is best to
keep the amount of fluids around mealtime to a minimum. Have
children drink their water before meals – up to 15 minutes prior or
about 30 to 45 minutes after meals.
13. Eliminate processed foods.
Processed foods –all packaged and fast foods – should be removed
from the diet of children with digestive problems. These foods tend
to contain many harmful substances such as trans-fats and
preservatives that can interfere with digestion. Because many of
these substances are unnatural, our bodies are not sure what to do
with them, and this complicates digestion.
In addition, processed foods contain very few nutrients and use up
the body’s nutrients as they are digested. This in turn creates a
nutrient deficiency that will impair future digestion. Children with
digestive problems should stick to natural, whole foods that the
body recognizes and can readily use.
14. Avoid overeating.
Children do not have a sense of how much food is appropriate, so it
is up to parents to show them how much they should be
Overeating puts a lot of pressure on the digestive
system and should be avoided. When too much food is eaten, it
taxes the body’s ability to properly break down and assimilate
Since parents are in control of food preparation and serving, it is
recommended to serve smaller portions on plates and keep extra in
the kitchen so that children do not overeat.
In addition, this method can help slow down children’s eating pace,
which is another factor in digestive problems.
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