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AP Biology - Problem Drill 13: The Origin of Species
Question No. 1 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
1. What is the biological species concept based on?
(A) Form
(B) Similar shape.
(C) Similar appearance with all the other species in the population.
(D) Ability to breed with members of a certain population.
(E) Evolutionary lineage.
A. Incorrect!
The biological species concept is not based on the fact that all members have the
same or similar form.
B. Incorrect!
The biological species concept is not based on the fact that all members have the
same or similar shape.
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C. Incorrect!
The biological species concept is not based on the fact that all members have the
same or similar appearance.
D. Correct!
The biological species concept is based on the ability to breed with members of the
population and produce fertile offspring.
E. Incorrect!
The biological species concept is not based on the fact that all members come from
the same lineage.
Biological species concept defines its members based on their ability to interbreed
with members of a specific population but not with other populations. The breeding
attempt yields viable, fertile offspring.
The correct answer is (D).
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Question No. 2 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
2. What concept of species is best used for classifying organisms found in the fossil
(A) Morphospecies concept
(B) Biological species concept
(C) Fossil species concept
(D) The general concept
(E) None of the above
A. Incorrect!
Morpho-species concept is one of the ways of defining a species. It talks about
animals belonging to same species similar in form, shape, and appearance. It does
not rely on the ability or inability to breed.
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B. Incorrect!
Species are defined by their ability to interbreed with members of a specific
population but not with other populations. The breeding attempt yields viable,
fertile offspring.
C. Correct!
The fossil species concept was based on fossil records.
D. Incorrect!
The general concept was not based on fossil records.
E. Incorrect!
The answer is listed here, so this cannot be the correct answer.
There are several definitions of species:
Morpho-species concept:
A means of defining a species in which animals belonging to same species are
similar in form, shape, and appearance. It does not rely on the ability or inability
to breed. The weakness of morpho-species concept is judgment based on
appearance, which can lead to ambiguity.
Biological-species concept:
Species are defined by their ability to interbreed with members of a specific
population but not with other populations. The breeding attempt yields viable,
fertile offspring. The weakness of the Biological-species concept is that it is
ineffective for extinct organisms because there is no way to determine if extinct
organisms can mate. It is also ineffective for organisms that procreate asexually.
If organisms are asexual, then this criterion cannot be used to determine
Species can also be classified based on evolutionary lineage and fossil records by
comparing ancestors to their descendants.
The correct answer is (C). © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved
Question No. 3 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
In allopatric speciation, what event happens first?
(A) Reproductive isolation
(B) Environmental isolation
(C) Niche Isolation
(D) Genetic isolation
(E) Founders event
A. Incorrect!
This is not the first event that occurs in allopatric speciation.
B. Correct!
This is the first event that occurs in allopatric speciation.
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C. Incorrect!
This is not the first event that occurs in allopatric speciation.
D. Incorrect!
This is not the first event that occurs in allopatric speciation.
E. Incorrect!
This is not the first event that occurs in allopatric speciation.
The timeline below depicts a speciation event, known as Allopatric Speciation. That
is speciation initiated by external barriers. The first thing that occurs will be an
environmental change leading to physical separation.
The correct answer is (B).
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Question No. 4 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
4. What is the key biological event in speciation?
(A) Artificial selection
(B) Isolation of the gene pool
(C) Introduction of new genes to the gene pool
(D) Inbreeding
(E) None of the above
A. Incorrect!
Artificial selection does not play a role in speciation.
B. Correct!
This is the first event in speciation.
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C. Incorrect!
Introduction of new genes does not play a role in speciation.
D. Incorrect!
Inbreeding does not play a role in speciation.
E. Incorrect!
The answer is found in the choices listed.
The key biological event in speciation species is the isolation of gene pool. There
are ways to isolate a population’s gene pool:
External barriers:
--Shifts in land masses Æ separation of population into two groups.
--One group being the parental group (usually the one with the greater number of
--The other group (usually the smaller group) exposed to a new environment and,
hence, is ill-adapted for the current circumstances and given genotype. Neither
group is able to exchange genetic information because neither has access to each
other’s members. The gene pools are isolated, secondary to the external barrier.
Internal barriers:
--Meaning intrinsic to the organism, part of their genetic constitution.
--Barriers to reproduction are intrinsic to the organism and, hence, Æ maintenance
of gene pool isolation and ultimately speciation.
--In allopatric speciation, internal barriers form after development of external
barriers. They form as a byproduct of other traits that are intended to better adapt
organisms to their environment.
Types of internal barriers:
--Niche barriers – organisms occupy different habitats and, therefore, do not meet.
--Timing barriers – Organisms have developed different mating seasons.
The correct answer is (B). © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved
Question No. 5 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
5. What is the visible or measurable manifestation of an organism’s traits called?
None of the above
A. Incorrect!
Genotype represents the genetic makeup.
B. Correct
Phenotype represents the visible traits that are observed.
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C. Incorrect!
The alleles would represent the genotype.
D. Incorrect!
The environment may affect the observable traits.
E. Incorrect!
This answer is listed here, so the answer cannot be “none of the above”.
Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism, also known as genome. The
phenotype represents the visible or measurable manifestation of an organism’s
traits. Genotype + environment equal the phenotype.
The correct answer is (B).
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Question No. 6 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
6. Classifying all organisms that possess wings would be using which species
(A) Morphospecies
(B) Biological
(C) Phylogenic
(D) Ecological
(E) None of the above
A. Correct!
This concept is based on organisms that have the same or similar components.
B. Incorrect!
The genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
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C. Incorrect!
The phylogenic concept deals with grouping organisms based on their evolutionary
D. Incorrect!
The ecological concept deals with grouping organisms based on their roles in the
E. Incorrect!
The answer is listed here as one of the choices, so this cannot be the correct
Two definitions of species:
Morpho-species concept:
A means of defining a species. Animals belonging to same species are similar in
form, shape, and appearance. It does not rely on the ability or inability to breed.
Weaknesses of morpho-species concept:
--Judgement based on appearance, which can lead to ambiguity.
Biological-species concept:
Species are defined by their ability to interbreed with members of a specific
population but not with other populations. The breeding attempt yields viable,
fertile offspring.
Weaknesses of Biological-species concept:
-- Ineffective for extinct organisms because there is no way to determine if extinct
organisms can mate.
-- Ineffective for organisms that procreate asexually. If organisms are asexual,
then this criterion cannot be used to determine speciation.
Species can also be classified based on evolutionary lineage and fossil records by
comparing ancestors to their descendants.
The correct answer is (A). © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved
Question No. 7 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
7. The inability to trace the breeding patterns of extinct organisms is a weakness
of which species concept?
(A) Morphological
(B) Biological
(C) Phylogenic
(D) Ecological
(E) None of the above
A. Incorrect!
This concept does not deal with breeding patterns.
B. Correct!
The biological concept cannot compare the breeding patterns of extinct members.
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C. Incorrect!
The phylogenic concept does not compare breeding patterns, although it does look
at lineage.
D. Incorrect!
The ecological concept looks only at the role of the organism within the ecosystem.
E. Incorrect!
The answer is listed here, so this cannot be the correct choice.
Two definitions of species:
Morpho-species concept:
A means of defining a species. Animals belonging to same species are similar in
form, shape, and appearance. It does not rely on the ability or inability to breed.
Weaknesses of morpho-species concept:
--Judgement based on appearance, which can lead to ambiguity.
Biological-species concept:
Species are defined by their ability to interbreed with members of a specific
population but not with other populations. The breeding attempt yields viable,
fertile offspring.
Weaknesses of Biological-species concept:
-- Ineffective for extinct organisms because there is no way to determine if extinct
organisms can mate.
-- Ineffective for organisms that procreate asexually. If organisms are asexual,
then this criterion cannot be used to determine speciation.
The correct answer is (B). © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved
Question No. 8 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(A) Anagenesis involves a change in the gene frequency of the entire
(B) Cladogenesis involves the formation of a clade.
(C) Cladogenesis leads to less variety.
(D) The evolution of new world monkeys is an example of cladogenesis.
(E) All of the above are correct.
A. Incorrect!
This statement is correct. Anagenesis does involve a change in the gene frequency
of the entire population.
B. Incorrect!
This statement is correct. Cladogenesis does involve the formation of a clade.
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C. Correct!
Cladogenesis leads to greater variety. This statement is incorrect.
D. Incorrect!
This statement is correct. The evolution of new world monkeys is an example of
E. Incorrect!
Of the choices listed below, one of them is not correct.
Anagenesis is the evolution of species involving a change in gene frequency in an
entire population, not just a cladogenetic branching event. The entire population is
different from the ancestral population and the ancestral population is considered
extinct. Evolutionary change leading to the prosimian line is a transformation
into a new species without branching, i.e. anagenesis.
Cladogenesis is an evolutionary splitting event. A clade is a process of adaptive
evolution that leads to the development of a greater variety of sister organisms.
Evolution of the New World monkey line is an example of cladogenesis.
The correct answer is (C). © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved
Question No. 9 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
9. What is a complete set of the genes of all members in the population?
(A) Phenotype
(B) Gene pool
(C) Microevolution
(D) Genotype
(E) Natural selection
A. Incorrect!
Phenotype represents the observable traits.
B. Correct!
Gene pool represents all the genes in a population.
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C. Incorrect!
Microevolution is the change in the gene frequency over time.
D. Incorrect!
Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
E. Incorrect!
Natural selection is survival of the fittest.
A new species may be created when a segment of a population becomes isolated.
This might happen because of new barriers, such as mountains or bodies of water.
The new species may be defined based on either “morphology” or “biology”
definitions. Gene pool is the complete set of genes of all members in a population.
The correct answer is (C).
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Question No. 10 of 10
Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully; (2) Work the problems on paper as
needed; (3) Pick the answer; (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed.
10. Which of the following is/are barriers to speciation?
(A) Reproductive barrier
(B) Mechanical barrier
(C) Behavioral barrier
(D) A & B
(E) All of the above
A. Incorrect!
This is a barrier to speciation, but it is not the only one listed here.
B. Incorrect!
This is a barrier to speciation, but it is not the only one listed here.
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C. Incorrect!
This is a barrier to speciation, but it is not the only one listed here.
D. Incorrect!
This is a barrier to speciation, but it is not the only one listed here.
E. Correct!
All of these are barriers to speciation.
The key biological event in speciation species is the isolation of gene pool. There
are ways to isolate a population’s gene pool:
External barriers:
--Shifts in land masses Æ separation of population into two groups.
--One group being the parental group (usually the one with the greater number of
--The other group (usually the smaller group) exposed to a new environment and,
hence, is ill-adapted for the current circumstances and given genotype. Neither
group is able to exchange genetic information because neither has access to each
other’s members. The gene pools are isolated, secondary to the external barrier.
Internal barriers:
--Meaning intrinsic to the organism, part of their genetic constitution.
--Barriers to reproduction are intrinsic to the organism and, hence, Æ maintenance
of gene pool isolation and, ultimately, speciation.
--In allopatric speciation, internal barriers form after development of external
barriers. They form as a byproduct of other traits that are intended to better adapt
organisms to their environment.
Types of internal barriers:
--Niche barriers – organisms occupy different habitats and, therefore, do not meet.
--Timing barriers – Organisms have developed different mating seasons.
The correct answer is (E). © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved