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World History: Study Guide Chapter 7 Roman World
Define to terms and people.
1. Republic-
2. Dictator3. Consuls4. Veto5. Checks and balances6. Praetors7. Censors8. Tribunes9. Patricians10. Plebeians11. Mediterranean Sea12. Senate13. Assemblies14. Equites15. Punic Wars16. Hannibal17. Scipio18. Spartacus-
19. Carthage20. Triumvirate21. The Gracchi22. Gaius Marius23. Lucius Cornelius Sulla24. Julius Caesar25. Gnaeus Pompey26. Cleopatra27. Marc Anthony28. Augustus(Octavian)29. Pax Romana30. Julio-Claudian Emperors31. Five Good Emperors32. Gladiators33. Aqueducts34. Galen35. Ptolemy-Virgil36. Horace37. Ovid38. Tacitus39. Plutarch40. Inflation-
41. Diocletian42. Constantine43. Goths44. Vandals45. Huns46. Attola-
1. What role did geography play in Italy’s and Rome’s development?
2. How was the government of the Rome Republic set up?
3. What was the Conflict of the Orders, and how did it change the early Roman Republic?
4. How were the roles of citizens and noncitizens under Roman rule different?
5. How was Rome helped by its location?
6. How did the Romans organize the government of the republic?
7. What effect did the Conflict of the Orders have on the early Roman Republic?
8. What specific right enjoyed by full citizens was denied to partial citizens as Rome expanded?
9. How did the location of Rome help it become a seat of trade and power?
10. How was the government of the Roman Republic and example of checks and balances?
11. How did the military organization of the Roman army and the republic’s wise policies work
Together to help Rome extends its power?
12. How did Rome gain control over Carthage?
13. How did expansion change the Roman Republic?
14. What was the Punic War’s?
15. How did the Rome gain control over the Mediterranean?
16. What changes occurred in the Roman Republic as a result of Roman expansion?
17. In what ways were Rome and Carthage different?
18. What were the final results of the Punic Wars?
19. What political events during the first century B.C. helped weaken the Roman Republic?
20. How did the reign of Caesar serve as a transition between the Roman Empire?
21. What events and conditions marked the first two centuries of the Roman Empire?
22. In what ways did political events help weaken the Roman Republic?
23. What steps did Julius Caesar take to gain and keep power over the Roman Republic?
24. What characterized the first two centuries of the Roman Empire?
25. What political changes during the first century B.C. helped lead to the end of the Roman
26. In what ways did Julius Caesar’s rule mark a shift from a republic to an empire?
27. Contrast the rule of Julio-Claudians with the rule of the Five Good Emperor’s?
28. What were the checks and balances that the Roman government used?
29. How did the Romans build a strong and unified empire?
30. How did citizens of the Roman Empire make a living and lead their daily lives?
31. What part did science and arts play in the empire?
32. What aspects of Roman rule helped unify and strengthen the Roman Empire?
33. What was daily life like for the Romans?
34. In what ways did the Romans contribute to science, architecture, literature and language?
35. What factors contributed to the strength of the Roman Empire?
36. What do you think are the five most important contributions the Romans made to law and
government, engineering and architecture, and literature, and language? Explain your answers.
37. What problems did the Roman Empire have to deal with during the A.D. 200s?
38. How did the reigns of Diocletian and Constantine slow the decline of the empire?
39. What factors led to the final decline of the Roman Empire in the West?
40. How did events and government policies contribute to empire’s economic problems in the A.D.
41. What reforms and other actions did Diocletian and Constantine introduces that helped delay the
decline of the Roman Empire?
42. What roles did the Goths, Vandals, and Huns play in the decline of the Roman Empire in the
43. What long-term factors contributed to decline of the Roman Empire in the West?
44. What problems faced the Roman Empire during the A.D. 200s?
45 How did invasions by the Visigoths, Huns, and others contribute to the problem in the Roman?
46. What factors helped Rome unify its empire and maintain peace?
47. What ideas and inventions did the Romans borrow and adapt from the Greeks?
48. How did Rome’s relationship with people it conquered change over time?
49. How did the governments of Roman Republic and the Roman Empire differ?
50. How did the use of written law strengthen Rome’s government?