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Communication Styles
This test maps a candidate's Communication Style, how does a candidate sees himself/herself as behaving
in social interactions. It has been shown that social interactions can be described in 2 ways, namely
"Targeting" and "Content". Targeting refers to which party in a conversation is the most receptive to the
information exchanged. Content refers to the information being transmitted in a conversation, this applies to
both the actual information and the opinions, wishes, desires, feelings, and emotional tone of a
conversation. Combining these two scales gives us the 4 communication styles: Expressive, Directive,
Reflecting, and Cooperative. These four styles are closely aligned with the 4 quadrants of the Octogram
This test is excellent for helping candidates understand their own style and how to recognize and
communicate effectively with other styles.
The Four Styles
Cooperatives communicate in a way
that supports a warm and mutually
productive discussion. A high
cooperative score can also indicate
that the candidate will not voice their
own opinions and will work too hard
at avoiding conflicts. A very low
score will indicate a lack of empathy
with the conversation partner.
Expressive communicators enjoy
talking to people, making contacts,
and being the center of the
conversation. They enjoy dealing
with people and swaying those
people to their ideas. A strong
expressive score can also indicate
someone who is emotional and quick
to react when challenged. A low
scoring person will be seen as cold
by their coworkers.
Reflectives are deliberate, focused,
and fact-oriented communicators.
They will try to sway others with facts
rather than emotion. A strong
reflective will hesitate before
expressing an opinion that cannot be
supported by data, will appear to be
withdrawn, and will prefer to offer
options instead of decisions. A low
reflective score will blurt out ideas
before thinking them over and will
seem to be very impulsive to others.
Directive communicators speak
plainly and clearly about their
opinions and ideas. A strong
directive score will want
agreements, not discussion, from
their conversation partner. A low
directive score will avoid being clear
and decisive in their
communications, which will lead to
confusion and misunderstandings.
The test itself is easy to complete. The candidate is presented with groups of four words or short phrases.
For each of these groups, the candidate must select the two that most accurately describe how others see
them. There are 40 groups and it takes about 8 minutes for the average person to complete the test.
Example Question Groups:
The system provides two individual reports based on the results of the candidate. There is an 'Expert'
report that gives only facts and figures for experienced users and there is a 'Complete' report that gives
textual explanations of what the scores mean.
Complete Report Example
The Communication Style test and both reports are available for a cost of 21.95 Euro per candidate.
360 Degree Assessment
It is also possible to ask up to 8 respondents to describe the communication style of the candidate. The
comprehensive report generated by this assessment is a sharp indicator of how the candidate's self
perception differs or is confirmed, by their managers, colleagues, and direct reports.
360 Degree Report example
Whether you have one reviewer or all eight, the cost for a 360 Degree assessment is only 32.50 euro.
Group Analysis
The Online Talent Manager comes equipped with a group analysis tool that will let you look at an
organisation as a whole, a department, a team, or even a potential group. This instrument tries to offer a
variety of views on the data to give you a chance to draw meaningful and helpful conclusions.
Group Analysis Report Example
The Group Analysis tool is part of the basic services offered by the Online Talent Manager program. There
is no extra charge for creating group reports with various tests, group selections, or level of detail.
Contact Online Talent Manager today to improve your coaching, training, and selection processes with our
selection of personality and capacity tests delivered via the internet.
Online Talent Manager
Claudius Prinsenlaan 126
4818 CP Breda
The Netherlands
+31 (0)76 523 2855