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REVIEW: cardiovascular system
o Components:
Blood vessels
Lymphatic vessels
o Circulation:
Pulmonary circulation:
De-O2 blood in heart  pulmonary aa  lungs
O2 blood from lungs  pulmonary vv  heart
Systemic circulation:
O2 blood from  arteries  other tissues
Nutrient XΔ occurs in capillaries
De-O2 blood from tissues  veins  heart
o Tunics/layers (can have up to 3)
Number of tunics, cellular & extracellular compenents varies w/ size & fxn of diff’t bv’s
Heart wall layers (discussed later) are analogous with vessel tunics
Tunica Intima - innermost layer of bv wall
o Endothelium = simple squamous
o Subendothelial layer
o Internal elastic lamina
Tunica Media – middle layer of bv wall
o Predominate element is variable, but is either:
Circumferentially arranged smooth muscle
Elastic lamellae
Tunica Adventitia – outermost CT layer of bv wall
o Longitudinally arranged:
Elastic fibers
Smooth muscle cells
o General: Heart is located in middle mediastinum & is surrounded by pericardial sac
o Pericardium
Three layers of pericardial sac
(1) External Fibrous layer: DCT
Serous pericardium (layers continues via “reflection”):
o (2) Parietal layer:
Layer of squamous epithelium (mesothelium)
o (3) Visceral layer
Layer of squamous epithelium (mesothelium) = epicardium
Pericardial cavity
Space b/w the parietal & visceral pericardium
Contains: pericardial fluid
Fxn: allows the heart to beat without restriction
Pericarditis (infection in pericardial cavity) restricts heart from beating properly
o Chambers of the heart
Four chambers = RA & LA and RV & LV
Path of blood flow:
De-O2 blood from tissues  IVC/SVC  RA (tricuspid valve)  RV  (pulmonary semilunar
valve)  pulmonary artery  lungs  gas XΔ in alveoli  O2 blood
O2 blood from lungs  pulmonary veins  LA  (bicuspid valve)  LV  (aortic semilunar
valve)  aorta  atrial tree  systemic circulation (tissues)  capillary beds  gas XΔ  De-O2
Atria = interatrial septum (mostly cardiac muscle cells)
Ventricles = interventricular septum (thick)
AV compartments = cardiac skeleton & valves
o General Features
Central supporting structure of the heart
Supports valves
Cardiac muscle fibers attach
o Components
Annuli Fibrosi
Surrounds/stabilizes ea. of the 4 cardiac valves
Valve cusps arise from this CT
Trigona Fibrosi (right & left fibrous trigones)
Triangular “islands” of CT
Location: superior to AV valves; sides of aoric valve
Strengthen the annuli fibrosi
Rt trigona contains AV bundle
Septum Membranaceum (membranous part of the interventricular septum)
Extension of cardiac skeleton (┴ annuli fibrosi) into interventricular septum
Associated w/ a segment of the AV bundle
o Functions
Separates atrial musculature from the ventricular musculature
Fxn’s as origin (pnts of insertion) of cardiac muscle
Localizes & stabilizes valves
Limits the diameter of valves
Prevents spread of electrical impulses (except via the conducting system)
o Epicardium – external layer of heart wall
Analogous to tunica adventitia of bv’s
aka visceral reflection layer
Consists of:
o Simple squamous epithelium
o With associated BL
Subepicardial CT
o Fat storage of heart (a lot)
o Collagen fibers
o Elastic fibers
o Coronary arteries (supply heart)
o Caridac veins (supply heart)
o Nerves (supply heart)
o Myocardium – middle layer of the heart wall (analogous to tunica media)
Cardiac muscle cells (myocytes, cardiomyocytes)
One (usually) or two nuclei
Packed with myofibrils & lg mitochondria
Intercalated discs
o Connection b/w cardiac muscle cells
o Connections or Communications:
Fascia adherens – binds actin thin filaments of two cardiac mm cells
Desmosomes – connect 2 cardiac mm cells via desmin/vimentin intermediate
filaments with desmoplakin/plakoglobin anchors
Gap jxns – provide for ionic communication & coupling (impulse “passed”)
Myocardial thickness differences
Atrial myocardium <<< ventricular myocardium
LV myocardium = 3X thickness of RV myocardium
Cardiac muscle cells differ b/w atriums & ventricles
Atrial (relative to ventricular myocardial cells):
o Smaller
o Less elaborate T-tubule system
o More gap jxns
Atrial myocardial cells
o Contain e- dense granules that contain atrial atriuretic factor (ANF)
o ANF (“stretch” is biggest stimulator of ANF release)
aka atrial natriuretic polypeptide or atriopeptin
Produced, stored, secreted by atrial myocardial cells
Secreted into surrounding capillaries
Receptors found in adrenal cortex, kidney, & vascular smooth mm
Kidney excretion of Na+ in urine (water follows; ↓ blood volume)
Regulation of fluid balance
Regulation of electrolyte balance (Na+ levels)
Regulation of BP (↓ in atrial BP)
Arrangement of muscle cells (fibers):
Ventricular Wall
o Trabeculae Carnae – complex spiral & helical pattern
o Papillary Muscle – Ventricular wall projections into lumen
Atrial Wall
o Pectinate musculature
aka musculi pectini
Innermost mm fiber bundles in lattice arrangement (gives ridged appearance)
Endocardium – internal layer of the heart wall
Analogous to tunica intima of bv’s
Ventricular <<< Atrial
Cardiac valves
Papillary muscles
Inner walls of atria
Inner walls of ventricles
Consists of:
Endothelium with associated BL (vascular endothelium makes contact w/ blood)
Subendothelial (subendocardial) CT
o Collagen fibers
o Elastic fibers
o Smooth muscle cells
o Small blood vessels
o Nerves
o Components of impulse conduction system
o Characteristics
Specialized cardiac mm fiber
Initiate & conduct electrochemical impulses 
Coordinated contraction & relaxation of the heart
Control of contractions
Heart able to contract w/o any CNS stimulation
CNS modulates heart rate
o SS stimulation = ↑ heart rate
o PS stimulation = ↓ heart rate
Impulse pathway:
SA node (pacemaker) initiates impulse  atrial mm (p wave)  AV node (PQ interval)  Bundle
of His  left & right bundle branches  purkinje fibers  cardiac ventricular muscle (apex) 
spiral/upwrd contraction (QRS wave)
Electrocardiogram – conduction of electrical impulse thru the heart  voltage trace recorded as EKG/ECG:
PQ interval
P wave
P wave = atrial contraction
PQ interaval = AV node (“delayed”)
QRS wave = ventricular contraction
Sinoatrial (SA) Node
Wall of RA close to orifice of the SVC
Often surrounds a branch of the coronary artery
SA nodal cells
Modified cardiac muscle cells
o Smaller than typical cardiac mm cells
o Exhibit paler staining appearance
Myofibrils – fewer (in #’s) & less organized than normal cardiac mm cells
Not joined by intercalated discs
AKA Pacemaker
Initiates impulse
Spreads along tracts of modified cardiac muscle fibers to AV node
Atrioventricular (AV) Node (slowest – “delayed”)
RA floor just above tricuspid valve
Similar in appearance to SA nodal cells
Appear as a mass of small, pale-staining cells isolated by CT
Bundle of HIS (AV bundle) & left & right bundle branches
Runs RA  traversing right fibrous trigone  RV  along septum membranaceum margin 
interventricular septum & divides into rt & lft branches  terminate in subendocardial layer as purkinje
Purkinje fibers (fast)
Location: subendocardial CT of ventricular endocardium
Transmit impulses to cardiac muscle cells of apex of the heart
Characteristics (of purkinje fibers):
Relative to normal cardiac muscle cells:
o 2 – 3 times larger
o Nuclei more rounded
Lg amt of glycogen
o Appear pale-staining
o Appear vaculated
o Fxn: resistant to ischemia (important when conducting electrical impulse
Contain few myofibrils
Lack T tubule system
Cells connected via desmosomes & gap jxns (rather than intercalated discs)
o Four Valves – cusps come off of annuli fibrosi
Left AV (mitral or bicuspid) valve = 2 cusps
Right AV (tricuspid) valve = 3 cusps
Pulmonary semilunar valve = 3 cusps
Aortic semilunar valve = 3 cusps
o Structure
Cardiac valves extend from the cardiac skeleton
Consist of Fibrosa
Fibrous iDCT
Covered by endocardium on free atrial & free venricular surfaces
o Chordae Tendinae
Fibrous cords
From free edge of valves to papillary muscles of ventricular wall
Fxn: prevention valve leaflets from flapping back into the atrium during ventricular contraction