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■Essential Question:
–Who was Muhammad & how did
Islam unite the Arab people?
■Warm-Up Question/Activity:
–KWL –Islam
Overview of Islam
■ Around 600 AD, a new
monotheistic religion
began called Islam:
–The faith was
founded by the
prophet Muhammad
–His followers, called
Muslims, spread
Islam throughout the
Middle East, Africa,
Asia, & Europe
By 750 AD, Muslim leaders built an empire
Muslim scholars
focused on learning
& developed
numerous cultural
achievements that
are still used today
The Islamic Empire
connected diverse people
through religion & trade
Overview of Islam
Today, Islam is the
world’s fastest growing
religion with more than
1 billion followers
throughout the world
What was Arabia like before Muhammad?
Arabia, the Birthplace of Islam
The Arabian Peninsula
is a desert region with
little fertile soil or farming
Most Arabs lived in
desert tribes which were
centered around families
& were ruled by clans
Arabia was not united
under a single gov’t, but
Arabs did have a common
language (Arabic)
Most Arabs were polytheistic
But, Arabia was the intersection of 3 continents
(Africa, Asia, & Europe) so it was an important
region for trade & had lots of cultural diffusion
One of the wealthiest
trade cities in Arabia
was Mecca
Mecca was also a
religious city; The
Ka’aba was a cube
that held statues of
hundreds of gods
Arabs made
pilgrimages to
Mecca to visit
the Ka’aba
Who was Muhammad?
The Early Life of Muhammad
■ Muhammad’s early life:
–He was born in Mecca
in 570 into a poor clan,
was orphaned at a
young age, & was raised
by his grandparents
–As an adult, Muhammad
became an honest &
successful merchant
–He married a wealthy
widow & started a family
What happened to Muhammad in 610?
Mohammad & Islam
■ Muhammad created Islam:
–Muhammad’s work brought
him into contact with Jewish
& Christian merchants
–In 610, Muhammad was
told by the angel Gabriel
that he was a prophet
sent to Earth by God
–He began preaching a new
monotheistic faith called
Islam (“surrender to God”)
What is the basic concept of Islam?
■ Basic beliefs of Islam:
The teachings of
–Followers of Islam
Mohammed were
are called Muslims
written down in the
who believe in one
Qur'an (Koran), the
God, called Allah
holy book of Islam
–Allah is the same
God worshiped by
Jews & Christians
–Muslims believe
Muhammad was the
last of God’s prophets
How did some people respond to
Muhammad’s new religion?
The Hijrah
■ Reactions to Islam:
–By 613, Muhammad
began preaching his
new ideas in Mecca
–Some people were
attracted to Islam
–But, many people
feared Muhammad’s
growing popularity &
that Mecca would lose
its status as a holy city
How did Muhammad react to violence
by non-Muslims in Mecca?
Islam Grows in Medina
■ After years of attacks,
Muhammad & his
followers fled to Medina
–This migration was
known as the Hijrah
–In Medina, Muhammad
gained new converts
who put Islam above
their families & clans
–He taught respect for
Christians & Jews
(“People of the Book”)
What did Muhammad do after
he gained converts & returned to Mecca?
■ In 630, Muhammad
returned to Mecca
with 10,000 troops
& conquered the city
–He destroyed the
god statues in the
Ka’aba, leaving only
the statue for Allah
–This time, the people
in Mecca converted
to Islam
–In 632, Muhammad died
What happened to Islam
after Muhammad’s death?
The Islamic Empire
■ After Muhammad,
Islamic leaders created
an empire:
–The Islamic Empire
had well-trained
troops that conquered
nearby regions
–The massive empire
led to great wealth
for Muslims & new
opportunities to
spread Islam
Closure Activity
■Compare the roles of Moses, Jesus,
& Muhammad in the development
of the 3 major monotheistic religions
Lecture Part 2
The teachings of Isalm
■Essential Question:
–What are the major teachings
of Islam?
■Warm-Up Question:
The Teachings of Islam
■ Directions:
– Read each section
from the packet
about 1 aspect of
– After reading the
section, answer
the 3 questions &
create an illustration in the star
– Be prepared to discuss your answers
The Teachings
of Islam
The First Pillar: Shahadah
“There is no god but God, and
Muhammad is the messenger of God”
The Second Pillar: Salat
The Third Pillar: Zakat
The Fourth Pillar: Siyam
The Fifth Pillar: Hajj
of Muhammad
Islamic Law
Closure Activity: Review Quiz
Closure Activity: Review Quiz
Closure Activity: Review Quiz
Lecture Part 3
The Islamic Empire
■Essential Question:
–What was the impact of the
Islamic Empire under the
Abbasids & Umayyads?
Overview of Islam
■ Around 600 AD, a new
monotheistic religion
began called Islam:
–Islam was founded
by the prophet
Muhammad in the
Arabian city of Mecca
–After the Hegira to
Medina, Muhammad
gained converts &
returned to Mecca
Overview of Islam
■ Muslims believe in the
Five Pillars of Islam:
–Faith: belief in one
god, Allah & the
prophet Muhammad
–Prayer: 5 times per
day towards Mecca
–Alms: 2.5% to charity
–Fasting: During the
month of Ramadan
–Hajj: Pilgrimage to
Class Discussion:
Who will take over after
Muhammad dies?
Islam After Muhammad
■ When Muhammad
died in 632, the Muslim
community elected a
new leader called a
caliph (“successor”)
■ The first 4 caliphs all
knew Muhammad &
promised to stay true
to the Qur'an &
Muhammad & the
Muhammad’s message Rightly Guided Caliphs
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
■ The first caliph was
Muhammad’s friend &
father-in-law, Abu Bakr:
–His goal was to keep
Muslims united under
his gov’t (“caliphate”)
–His used jihad to
control & expand
the Muslim empire
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
■ The empire expanded
under the next caliphs
During the Rightly Guided Caliphates,
the Islamic Empire expanded “Dar-al-Islam”
(the areas where Islam is practiced)
The caliphs used the Shari'ah
(laws of Islam) to govern the empire
The caliphate never forced non-Muslims
to convert, especially “People of the Book”
& allowed religious tolerance as long as
taxes were paid to the empire
The Umayyad Empire
■ After Ali’s death in 661
led to a civil war for
control of the empire:
–The clan that came
to power started the
Umayyad Empire
–But the rise of the
Umayyads led to a
division in Islam
The Sunni-Shi’a Split
Before the Umayyads, caliphs were elected
members of Muhammad’s family
■ Shi’a Muslims
■ Sunni Muslims
rejected the
accepted the rule of
the Umayyads
■ The Shi’a believe ■ The Sunni believe
that caliph must
caliphs should follow
come directly from Muhammad’s
example, but don’t
have to be relatives
The Umayyad Empire
The Umayyads expanded the empire which
brought wealth & new Islamic converts
In 750, the Umayyad Empire was
overthrown by the Abbasids
Under the Abbasids,
the Islamic Empire grew
to its greatest extent
The Abbasid Empire
■ The Abbasid Empire (750 to 1258):
–The Abbasid caliphate built a strong gov’t
bureaucracy to rule their empire
wealth by
across Africa,
Indian Ocean,
and Mediterranean Sea
The Abbasid Empire
Wealth from
trade led to
a golden age,
a time of great
in science, math,
medicine, &
Lecture part 4
Islamic Achievements
and Trade Patterns.
■Essential Question:
–What were the important
contributions of Muslim scholars
during the Islamic Empire?
■Warm-Up Question:
–What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
–What is a “caliph”?
–Why did the division between the
Sunni and Shi’a Muslims occur?
Islamic Achievements
 Muslims during the Islamic Empire developed
innovations that are still used today because:
– The Islamic world was rich, diverse and
creative. Greeks, Chinese, Hindus, Arabs,
Persians, Turks and others all contributed.
–Muslims helped spread ideas as well as
goods along their trade routes that
connected Asia, Europe and Africa.
–Scholars read about and preserved Greek
and Roman ideas.
The Islamic Empire at its height:
City Building and Architecture
■ Many large cities developed in Muslim lands that
inspired new kinds of architecture.
■ The City of Baghdad – the Abbasids’ capital city was
one of the most glorious in the world. It took
100,000 architects and workers four years to build
the capital. They built palaces, mosques, shops &
■ Mosques – an important type of building was the
mosque, the Muslim house of worship. Mosques
usually had towers, courtyards, prayer rooms. The
designs reflected the great diversity of the empire.
Scholarship and Learning
■ The common use of the Arabic language
helped promote learning.
■ Scholars from around the world came
together in Baghdad to do research and
translate texts from Greece, Persia, India
and China.
■ Ibn Sina, a Persian, became Islam’s most
famous philosopher. He used logic, like the
Greeks, and his writings were widely
Science and Technology
■ Muslim scholars made great advances in
■ For examples, compasses & astrolabes (an
instrument that uses position of objects in
the sky to find one’s location) could be used
to locate the direction of Mecca.
■ Muslims restored old irrigation systems,
built dams and aqueducts and used
waterwheels to help the water supply.
Geography and Navigation
■ Muslim scholars examined plants and animals
in different regions and divided the world into
climate zones.
■ They created extremely accurate maps that
include trade routes and information about
lands under Muslim rule.
■ Travelers, like Ibn Battuta, recorded
information about their journeys all over the
Muslim lands and beyond.
■ Muslims based their work in math in part on
ideas from India and classical Greece.
■ One scholar, Al-Khwarizmi, is called the
“father of algebra” which is used to solve
problems with unknown numbers.
■ Algebra helped popularize Arabic numerals
in Europe and spread the concept of zero. In
fact, the word zero comes from an Arabic
word meaning “something empty”.
■ Muslims established the world’s first
hospitals and based their knowledge on the
works of ancient Greece, Mesopotamia and
■ Doctors treated ailments through drugs, diet
and exercise. They also performed
operations and used stitches after surgeries.
■ The Persian philosopher, Ibn Sina was also a
great doctor who wrote a famous book that
discussed the treatment of diseases.
Bookmaking and Literature
■ Muslims learned how to make paper from the
Chinese and began making lots of books.
Baghdad had over 100 bookshops.
■ Arab and Persian stories, poetry and prose
were collected into books. A famous example
is A Thousand and One Arabian Nights .
■ In this book, a wife tells her husband a new
tale each night, including Aladdin and the
magic lamp, Ali Baba and Sinbad the Sailor,
that are still known today.
Art and Music
■ Muslims developed a type of art known as
arabesque, that used ornate drawings and
geometric patterns to decorate objects and
■ Calligraphy, the art of beautiful handwriting,
was considered to be the best art form of the
■ Textiles and music were two other influential
ways that Muslim art developed during the
■ Fun was also a part of the Islamic culture and
two favorite pastimes were:
–Polo – Borrowed from the Persians, polo is
a sport in which teams on horseback use
mallets (wooden sticks) to strike a ball
through a goal.
–Chess – Was probably invented in India
and borrowed from the Persians, but this
game of skill was spread across Muslim
lands and introduced into Europe.
Discussion Questions
■ Why do you think scholars call the era of
the Abbasid's rule of the Islamic Empire a
“golden age”?
■ Which Islamic achievement do you think is
most important? Rank order the
achievements from 1-9
Key Ideas of the Islamic Empire
Key Ideas of the Islamic Empire
Key Ideas of the Islamic Empire
Trade in the
Islamic Empire
■Essential Question:
–How did trade routes impact
the Islamic world?
Trade in the Islamic Empire Activity
#1: On your map, outline the Islamic Empire
#2: Draw and label the Silk Road
On the route, identify 3 products that spread
through the Muslim world along the Silk Road
Chinese silk, Persian carpets, Chinese paper, spices,
ivory, gold, jade, horses, tea, perfumes, slaves
#3: Draw and label the Indian Ocean Trade
On the route, identify 3 trade products
Silk, spices, ivory, incense, herbs, opium, gold, iron
#4: Draw and label the Trans-Saharan Trade
On the route, identify 3 trade products
Gold, salt, camels, horses, slaves
What role did trade play in the Islamic Empire?
■Trade played an important role in the
Islamic Empire:
–The Muslim world was connected to a
series of important trade networks in
Africa, Asia, & the Indian Ocean
–Trade routes increased cultural diffusion
–In addition to spreading Islam, Muslims
borrowed & spread Indian, GrecoRoman, Persian, & Chinese achievements
The Travels of Ibn Battuta
■Examine the reading on Ibn Battuta &
complete the activity (banner reading
Comparing the Islamic & Roman Empires
Roman Empire Islamic Empire
What was the main
Who ruled
the empire?
Name 3 cultural
Who did they
borrow ideas from?