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Study Guide
The Earth is ________________% land and ________________% water.
The Earth’s Spheres
________________________________ - part of the Earth made up
of oceans, lakes, rivers, and other water bodies. About
________________% of the Earth’s surface is water
________________________________ - part of the Earth made up
of land, including ocean basins. About _________________% of the
Earth’s surface is land.
________________________________ - gases that cover the Earth
and make up the air we breathe.
________________________________ - part of the Earth that
supports life (plants, animals, and humans).
Landforms are the natural or _______________________ features
of the Earth’s surface and have a particular shape or elevation.
1. Four major types of landforms
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
2. The Earth’s most visible landforms are the large landmasses
called ____________________________________.
a. _____________________________________
b. _____________________________________
c. _____________________________________
d. _____________________________________
e. _____________________________________
f. _____________________________________
g. _____________________________________
~ The part of the continent that extends under the ocean is
called the _______________________________________________.
Earth’s Heights and Depths
1. ________________________________ - the Earth’s highest point
located in Southwest Asia; its elevation is about ___________________
feet above seal level.
2. _________________________________ - the Earth’s lowest point of
dry land ; it is about ________________________ feet below sea level.
3. ___________________________________ - the Earth’s deepest
known depression; it is ____________________________ feet deep
(below sea level).
Earth’s Structure
˜ The Earth’s surface is in _______________ but _________________________
˜ Some forces that change the Earth occur at the ______________________,
such as wind and water.
˜ Some forces that change the Earth originate (start) deep within the
Earth’s interior, such as __________________________________ and
__________________________ eruptions.
A Layered Planet
1. ______________________________
a. Inner core - super hot, nickel and iron under great pressure
b. Outer core - super hot, liquid nickel
2. ______________________________ - surrounds the core, thick layer of
hot dense rock
3. ______________________________ - thin rocky shell that covers the
mantle; it is broken into slabs called ___________________________,
that hold and carry the Earth’s oceans and continents
Plate Movement
1. _______________________________________ theory of a “super
continent” called Pangaea, which broke apart
2. _______________________________________, or the movement of
plates, is usually gradual; but, can change the face of the Earth.
a. Plate tectonics can include plates crashing together, pulling
apart, or sliding and grinding into one another
b. Plate tectonics can create mountains, volcanoes, and
Internal Forces of Change
Folds and Faults
1. _______________________ are bends in layers of rock formed as
moving plates squeeze the Earth’s surface.
2. _______________________, or cracks in the Earth’s surface, are
formed as plates grind against or slide past one another. The
grinding of the two plates causes tremors.
1. Earthquakes are sudden, _________________________ movements
of plates along a fault line.
a. The ____________________________________ is an area of
high volcanic and earthquake activity along the Pacific Rim.
Volcanic Eruptions
1. Volcanoes are mountains formed by lava or by
_________________________ that breaks through the Earth’s crust.
a. Volcanoes often form plate boundaries where one plate
plunges below another. The rocky plate melts as it dives
downward into the hot mantle.
b. Volcanoes also arise in various hot spots, where deep
within the Earth the temperature is hotter than normal.
The __________________________________________ were
formed by this type of volcanic activity.
c. Molten rock may also heat underground water to create
_____________________ or hot springs, like those found in
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.
External Forces of Change
______________________________ - the process that breaks
down rocks
B. _______________________________ - the process that wears
away the Earth’s surface
1. The movement of dust, sand, and soil from one place to
another is called _________________ _______________________.
2. ____________________ ____________________ is the wearing
away of the Earth by large bodies of ice that move slowly
across the Earth’s surface. As they move they carry
along rock and soil.
3. __________________ _____________________ is the wearing
away of the Earth’s surface by moving water
The Water Cycle
~ The _____________________________________ is the part of the
Earth’s surface covered by water including oceans, lakes, rivers, and
other water bodies.
~ About ______________% of the Earth’s water is saltwater
~ About ______________% of the Earth’s water is freshwater, but about
_______________% of it is frozen
* The total amount of water on the surface of the earth is unchanging,
but the water is in constant motion
The ________________ _________________________ is the regular
movement of the Earth’s water.
The Sun’s heat causes water in the oceans to
__________________________, or to change from a liquid to a gas.
The water vapor gathers in the air and rises with the warm air.
As the air cools, water vapor changes back to a liquid
through the process of _____________________________________.
When clouds gather more water than they can hold, they
release the moisture. Water released from the clouds, in the
form of rain, snow, or sleet is called _______________________.
Precipitation returns to the Earth. It sinks into the
or, as runoff, it returns to the Earth’s water bodies.
*The amount of water that evaporates is approximately the same as
the amount that falls back to the Earth. The total volume of water in
the Earth’s water cycle is ______________________. Do geographers
believe this is still true?
Bodies of Saltwater
A. Oceans
1. About ___________% of the Earth’s water is salt water. Most of
the Earth’s water is contained in one of the four large water
bodies, called _____________________________________.
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
c. ______________________________________
d. ______________________________________
B. Seas, Gulfs, and Bays
1. ______________________________ than oceans.
2. Partially enclosed by ______________________.
C. Ocean Water to Drinking Water
1. Although __________% of the world’s water is found in oceans,
it is too __________________ to drink or use for irrigation and
2. Scientists are developing ways to remove the salt from sea
water. The process, known as _________________________________,
is still in the early stages of development.
Bodies of Freshwater
~ About ______________% of the Earth’s total water supply is
~ More than ________________% of the Earth’s freshwater is frozen
in glaciers and polar ice caps.
A. Lakes, Streams, and Rivers
1. Less than ___________________% of the world’s water is found in
lakes, streams, and rivers.
2. ____________________ - body of water completely surrounded
by land. Most lakes contain ____________________________________,
only a few lakes in the world are saline lakes (salt water lakes).
a. ___________________________________ in Southwest Asia is
one of the world’s salt water lakes.
b. Another salt water lake, found in the United States is the
___________________________________________________ in
3. ___________________________ - narrow bodies of water flowing
through areas of land. Small streams may come together to form
larger bodies of water called ___________________________ that
carry greater volumes of water than stream.
4. Lakes, rivers, and streams provide a supply of freshwater.
People often live/develop urban areas near this type of freshwater
1. _______________________________________________ is freshwater
found beneath the Earth’s surface.
2. This type of freshwater comes from rain and snow that has
filtered through the soil and rock and accumulated below the
Earth’s surface. Some water from lakes and rivers may also
become part of the groundwater.
3. People often dig wells and use springs that tap into this type of
4. An ________________________________ is a layer of porous rock
below that Earth’s surface that traps and holds groundwater.
5. _________________________ and ______________________________
are important sources of freshwater.