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Earth-Environmental Science
Name: _______________________
Freshwater Distribution & the Water Cycle
The Hydrosphere
The hydrosphere includes all ____________________ on or near the Earth’s surface
This includes water in the oceans, lakes, rivers, wetlands, polar ice caps, soil, rock layers beneath
Earth’s surface, and clouds
__________ of the Earth’s surface is covered in water
The Earth’s Water
__________ of all of the water on Earth is found in the oceans
Due to the salt content of ocean water, we are unable to use it
– Salt water can be cleaned by a process known as _________________________
This leaves only __________ of the Earth’s water as freshwater
Only __________ of which is drinkable
Freshwater Distribution
The 2.8% of freshwater is divided into:
– ______________________________ = 2.15%
– Groundwater = __________
– ______________________ =
Surface Water Distribution
The 0.03% of surface water is
divided into:
– _______________ = 0.017%
– _______________ = 0.005%
– Atmosphere = _______________
This refers to water vapor in the air
– Streams = _______________
The Water Cycle
Water constantly moves among the oceans, the atmosphere, the solid Earth, and the biosphere.
This unending circulation of Earth’s water supply is the _________________________
Steps of the Water Cycle
___________________ – the process in which water pools in large bodies (like oceans, seas and
___________________ – the process in which water vapor (a gas) in the air turns into liquid water
– Process by which water forms clouds in the sky
– Process by which water drops form on the outside of a glass of icy water on a hot day
___________________ – the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor (a gas)
– Water vaporizes from the surfaces of oceans and lakes, from the surface of the land, and
from melts in snow fields
___________________ – the process in which water (in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail) falls
from clouds in the sky
___________________ – the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of
an area
___________________ – the process in which some water within plants evaporates into the
Water is first absorbed by the plant's roots, then later exits by evaporating through pores in
the plant.