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Are dipoles as opposed to monopoles
+ 
Referred to as “North” and “South” pole
Like poles repel; unlike poles attract
Have a potential field that extends into space
Local field is characterized by
 Direction
 Depicted as a vector
Familiar Magnets
 Permanent
 Electromagnets
Familiar Magnets
Similarities between gravity
and magnetic methods
 Both
based on potential fields
 Similar math
 Similar acquisition, reduction and
interpretation strategies
Differences between gravity
and magnetic methods
Magnetic properties of
rocks vary a lot and
aren’t tied as closely to
rock type
Magnetic fields can be
attractive or repulsive
(imagine if gravity were repulsive!)
Magnetic field
fluctuates a lot on all
time scales
Deriving the force field around
a magnet
 Start
with the field around a magnetic
monopole (which don’t actually exist)
 Add together fields for a positive
monopole and a negative monopole
 Result is the dipole field
Monopole Field
1 𝑝1 𝑝2
𝜇 𝑟2
− force applied by one monopole
on another
 𝑝1 , 𝑝2 - “value” of monopoles
 𝑟 - distance between monpoles
 𝜇 – magnetic permeability
 𝐹𝑚
Monopole Field
 What
1 𝑝1 𝑝2
𝜇 𝑟2
would 𝑝2 ‘feel’ in the field
produced by 𝑝1 =1 if 𝑝2 = 0?
 What is shown is the field detected
by 𝑝2 as it is moved around 𝑝1
Monopole Field
Dipole Field
Dipole field
Typically depicted
with field lines
Spacing of field lines
depicts intensity
Strength is referred to
as magnetic
moment =
the torque the
magnet will
experience in an
external magnetic
 𝐹𝑚
1 𝑝1 𝑝2
𝜇 𝑟2
- Newtons (N) or
 𝜇 – has no units
 𝑟 – meters (m)
 𝑝1 - ampere x m
 𝐹𝑚
 Ampere
– a unit of
electrical current
Amp = Coulomb/s
 Coulomb
– a unit
of electrical
Quick Aside:
Relationship between electricity and magnetism
 Changing
electric fields
produce magnetic fields
and vice versa
Flowing current (e.g.
Orbiting & spinning electron
 𝐹𝑚
1 𝑝1 𝑝2
𝜇 𝑟2
- Newtons (N) or
 𝜇 – has no units
 𝑟 – meters (m)
 𝑝1 - ampere x m
 𝐹𝑚
How do we characterize
𝐹𝑚 in a useful way?
1 𝑝1
𝜇 𝑟2
allows us to think about
the field around 𝑝1
without worrying about
H units of N/(Amp x m)
1 Tesla = 1 N/(Amp x m)
For earth:
nanoTesla (nT)
1 nT = 1 gamma