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Introduction to Industrial
What is Industrial Sociology
 Industrial Sociology is a specialized branch of
 It is the application of sociological approach to the
reality and problems
of industry.
 It looks at the impact of labor and industry on
society, as well as the ways through which society
impacts industrial forces.
Definitions of Industrial Sociology
 Industrial sociology is the application of the
sociological approach to the reality and problems of
(P. Gisbert)
 Industrial Sociology is concerned with industry as a
social system, including those factors (technical,
economic, political) which affect
the structure, the functions and the changes in that
 Industrial Sociologists center their interests upon the
social organizations of the work place, including the
pattern of interaction
among people who are responding to one another in
terms of their roles in work organizations or whose
behavior is being affected by those roles.
(Charles B. Spaulding)
Development of Industrial Sociology
 The term industrial sociology was first used in the middle
of twentieth century when George Elton Mayo did
various experiments at Hawthorne Works, Chicago
 Besides, following are the factors which also contributed
to the development of industrial sociology.
 The development of corporate industry
 The achievement of scientific management
 The unemployment of the depressed 1930s
 The rise of human relations
 The awakening of the trade unions
 The new technology and mechanization
 The desire for a higher standard of living
 The occasional labor strikes
Nature and Scope of Industrial Sociology
 Industrial sociology is a specialized branch of
 Industrial sociology is concerned with industry as
social system.
 It has both theoretical as well as practical
 Industrial sociology is rational as well as empirical.
 Industrial sociology is mainly concerned with the
study of human relations as they grow and operate in
the field of industries.
 It deals with the sociological concepts that have
relevance to industry.
 It also focuses on the social organizations of the work
 It studies the patterns of interaction between people
in terms of their roles at their work place or in
industrial organizations.
 The industrial sociology deals with the total
organization of the workplace/industry.
 It also deals with the following three different
organizations which are interrelated but also
conceived distinguishable:i. Management organization
ii. Informal organization of workers
iii. Union organization
Industrial Social Relationships
 The industrial relationships are of two types i.e.
internal as well as external relations.
 Internal relationships are those which exist within
the industry whereas external relations are
concerned with those relationships which exist
between industry and outside bodies like
government, community, educational institution etc.
 Internal relationships within industry are most
important which are further divided into three
categories i.e. informal, formal and mixed.
 Formal relations immediately arise from the
performance of one’s approved duties to the
 Informal relations spontaneously arise
everywhere in the industry.
 For instance, Informal relations may exist among
individuals as when two or more workmen criticize
or grumble against their supervisor, or aggrieved
workmen who temporarily unite to protect their own
interest and have their complaints heard.
 Mixed relations are also called socio-technical
relations. These relationships arise while discharging
one’s duties.
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