Download Unit 1, Lesson 1- Identifying Minerals and Crystals! (K12 notes)

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Unit 1, Lesson 1- Identifying Minerals and
Crystals! (K12 notes)
• Rocks contain many natural
resources like oil, coal, iron, and
• Almost all of rocks are made of
Minerals have 3 specific traits1) Naturally Occuring- not made
by humans; found in nature
2) Inorganic- not made by living
things; could be made by
things once living
3) Solid- not a liquid or a gas
-Most minerals are made of silicon
and oxygen
Silicate-any of a group of common
minerals, such as quartz or
feldspar, that make up 90 percent
of the earth´s crust
-There are more than 4,000
minerals on Earth!
• Crystalline Structure- the
arrangement of atoms and
• Color- this is obvious! LOL.
• Streak- a line of colored powder
• Minerals do not come with
that is left when a mineral rubs
name tags!
across a porcelain tile
• Scientists have to make a
number of observations to figure • Luster- the amount of light that
reflects off a mineral
out what minerals they find!
• Cleavage- how the mineral splits
• Fracture- how a mineral breaks
• Hardness- the ability of a
mineral to resist being scratched
• Chemical Properties- the
chemical makeup of a mineral
Before doing Mineral Identification Lab- check
these out!
A Brief Introduction to
Minerals video
A Fun Mineral Song!
Unit 2-Lesson 2-LAB-Mineral Identification
• You will use what you learned to identify 6 mineral samples
• You identify one mineral by watching a video, then you identify the
other 5 on your own!
• Gather all your materials before you begin- and watch all the videosthey are very helpful!
• Take notes to keep in your Science notebook!
• Keep your lab data sheet in your notebook!
Unit 2-Lesson 3 (K12 notes)
Igneous Rocks!
• Igneous means “formed by fire”
• Igneous rocks form in volcanoes
where magma pushes through
the Earth’s crust
• When magma reaches the
Earth’s surface, it is called lava
• As magma and lava cool down,
Igneous rocks are formed
• They form either above or below
the earth’s surface
• Intrusive Igneous rocks cool
slowly underground and are
coarse-grained (have large mineral
• Extrusive Igneous rocks form
outside the surface and cool
quickly. They are fine-grained
(fine, smooth texture)
Unit 2-Lesson 4 (K12 notes)
Sedimentary Rocks!
-Rocks that are formed when
sediments are compressed and
squeezed together
-Most rocks we see above ground
are sedimentary
-Compaction- process of
sediments squeezing together
-Cementation- process of
sediments sticking together
ExamplesConglomerate- course-grained
rock made of small pebbles
Shale-forms when tiny particles of
clay are placed under great
Sandstone- porous rock that holds
deposits of oil or water
-Chemical sedimentary rock
formed from chemicals dissolved
in water
-Can also form when shells or
skeletons of clams, coral, and
other ocean life form layers of
sediment on the ocean bottom
and are compressed.
-Used as a building stone and in
cement- very common
Unit 2-Lesson 5 (K12 notes)
Metamorphic Rocks!
• rock that has undergone change,
caused by intense heat and
pressure, from an earlier form,
without melting is metamorphic
• metamorphic rock formed by
alteration of limestone, used
especially in architecture and
sculpture is marble
• Any igneous or sedimentary rock
may be transformed into
metamorphic rocks by intense
heat and pressure
• Non-foliated-metamorphic rock
that does not separate into layers
when broken (gneiss, schist)
• Foliated-metamorphic rock that
separates into layers when broken
(quartzite, marble)
More Resources about Rocks!
User name- LVS
Password- LVS
Click on Earth Science
A Song about Rocks
Bill Nye video-Rocks and Soil
“We Will Rock You” song about
the Rock Cycle!