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2nd Nine Weeks Review-Science
 Know
properties used to identify minerals and be able to explain them
Color-most obvious physical property
Crystal Shape- depends on the way the structure is arranged
Texture-how smooth or rough it feels
Hardness-how it resists scratching
Cleavage-the way it breaks
Streak-the color of the mark that is left when rubbed against a hard
o Luster-how it reflects light
Be able to read Moh’s scale of hardness
Know that a harder mineral will scratch a softer mineral
Know the 3 types of rocks and how they form
Know that rocks are made of one or more minerals but a mineral consists of
the same properties
Know that metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and pressure
Be able to explain why fossils are found in sedimentary rocks and not in
igneous or metamorphic
Know that weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation are
part of the process of how sedimentary rocks form and where they most
often form
Know that igneous rock forms when melted rock is pushed up from the
mantle into the cool crust and hardens into rock
Know that humus comes from weathered rock, a moraine is a ridge or mound
formed by deposits from a glacier, and till is sediment deposited by a glacier
Know that melted rock that hardens with Earth’s crust is called intrusive
rock and it cools slowly resulting in larger crystals
Know that extrusive rocks forms when magma flows to the surface and cools
quickly resulting in a fine grained crystals
Be able to explain why earthworms are good for soil
Understand the rock cycle
Know that soil is a mixture of rock particles, decayed organic matter/humus,
minerals, water, and air. Decomposition replaces minerals in the soil and a
graduated cylinder would be used to measure water in soil