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World History
iMater Academy
• In 499 BCE, the
Ionian Greeks
asked the mainland
Greeks to help
them rebel against
the Persians.
• Athens sent
warships to help
them, but they were
not strong enough to
defeat the Persian
Those Greeks will
pay for this!
We’re on
the way!
• They made the Persian King, Darius, very angry with Greece.
• He vowed to seek revenge against the Athenians for messing
in Persian affairs.
The Greeks knew Persia would declare war.
• 1st was Battle of Marathon in 490 BC; Greeks won
In 480 BCE, Darius’ son Xerxes sent another larger force to conquer Greece.
- Sent 200,000 soldiers and nearly 1,000 ships.
By this time Athens convinced Sparta to join them in battle.
The Persian War united the city-states of Greece for the first time.
Twenty Greek city-states joined together to meet the Persian invaders.
• The united Greek states fought against the Persian Empire.
- The Persians greatly outnumbered the Greek army, but the
Greeks held them off for 2 days.
• When defeat was imminent, the Spartans ordered the other Greeks
to leave before the battle.
- Only 7000 Thespiae Greeks volunteers agreed to stay and
fight with the Spartans.
- 300 Spartans fought against a Persian army of 200,000
• The Persians marched south
after their victory and
destroyed the city of Athens…
burning it to the ground.
• The Athenians fled to
Salamis, a small nearby
- More than 800
Persian ships attacked
the Athenian navy
near the island.
• The Greek fleet (ships) ended up defeating the Persians.
• The Greek army won later in the Battle of Plataea (479 BC).
• After the Persian War, the Greek sense of uniqueness was increased.
- Greeks formed a military alliance called the Delian League
(478 BC).
- Athens will control Delian League  other city-states started
to become resentful of Athens.
• The wise and skillful leadership of Pericles brought about a Golden
age in Athens.  high point of Greek art and culture
• Golden Age was from about 460 to 429 BCE and is often called the
Age of Pericles.
- Rebuilt the city of Athens after the fire in the Persian wars.
• Pericles believed that all male citizens, regardless of wealth or
social class, should take part in government.
- **Enabled the poor to serve in the government.
• Assembly could write a name on a piece of broken pottery and name a
person they considered harmful.
• The Assembly was the law-making body of Athens.
- The Assembly met several times a month and needed at least 6,000
members present to take a vote.
- This was direct democracy… a large number of citizens took part in the day
to day affairs of the government.
• To defend against overly ambitious political leaders, members could ostracize a
- Could be banned from the city for 10 years.
• Many Greeks resented the Athenian domination.
- A 27 year war broke out in 431 BCE engulfing all of
• To counter the Delian League, Sparta and other enemies of
Athens formed the Peloponnesian League.
• Unfortunately for Athens and their powerful navy, Sparta was
located inland.
• Sparta will invade Athens, and Athens's plan of defense will
- Planned to use walls to keep from fighting Spartans.
- Overcrowding led to a plague that killed a third of the
• In 404 BCE… the Spartans captured Athens.
• Greeks attention on one another lead to the rise of the
Macedonian people.
• The Athenian household included the husband, wife and children.
- It also sometimes included extended relatives and slaves.
• Women could not own property and had to have a male guardian.
- If they were not married they lived with their
father or another male relative.
• Women were married at age 14 or 15.
• Not granted formal education other than domestic tasks.
- They were expected to remain in the home and out of