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By Ben Nied
About Advertising
• Advertising is a paid communication
through a non-personal medium in which
the sponsor is identified and the message
is controlled. (Johnson, 1978)
About Advertising
• Variations include publicity, public
relations, product placement, sponsorship,
underwriting, and sales promotion
About Advertising
• The Advertising Major prepares me to
become an expert at marketing
communications. It enables me to work
with other people to help a client’s product
reach the target audience in a way that will
make the audience take action and
purchase the good or service.
Advertising and Computers
• As TiVo continues to hurt the television
advertising business, advertising on
computers is becoming more important to
reach audiences. Since nearly everyone
uses computers and the Internet, it is a
great market to expand advertising in to.
Advertising and Computers
• Advertising uses computers to initiate its
Intergrated Marketing Communication.
IMC is sustaining a single positive
message coming out from a company or
agency. Computers establish this through
websites and online messages that display
this communication for all to see.
• (Kleppner, 1966)
Advertising and Computers
• In a more basic form, computers are used
in advertising to print fliers, placards, and
other ad posters. Improvements in design
software and printers have allowed
advertising to become more attractive and
creative in recent years.
Advertising and Computers
• Advertising through Email is possibly the
most effective form of advertising on the
Internet. Through improvements in
AdBusters and anti-spam software, only
the advertisements that people prefer and
subscribe to reach users with exclusive
Advertising and Computers
• With the growth of YouTube, Myspace and
other popular personal sites, advertising
has made its way into targeting mass
amounts of viewers through ads through
these sites. This is an effective and cheap
way of advertising, and is growing quickly.
Advertising and Computers
• Advertisement research agencies have
developed great programs that take
survey data, and arrange it into an easy to
use interfaces so marketers and
advertisers can quickly sort through data
to find target markets.
• (Graydon, 2003)
How Computers are used in
• Advertising on the Internet is the fastest
growing form of advertising. Pop-ups,
product placement, Emails, and Web
banners have all been used to solicit
products on-line.
How Computers are used in
• Computers are being used in advertising
to expand Global Advertising. Computers
are helping advertising agencies spread
marketing ideas faster than ever before.
Throughout the world, advertising is
dispersing through developing countries
as new target markets are discovered.
• (Young, 2005)
How Computers are used in
• Computers are also being used in
advertising to design new ads. Design
programs enhance advertisements to be
more appealing and completed faster.
(Young, 2005)
How Computers are used in
• The main use for computers in advertising
is research. Research software that
automatically sorts through millions of
lines of data and arranges it into easy to
read cross-tabs is helping advertising
agencies discover trends and markets to
advertise its client’s products to.
• (Graydon, 2003)
Suggestions about using
• Computers should be used more in
developing creative ads. Great advertising
ideas can be illustrated through the use of
computer design programs. There are no
limitations to exemplifying ideas with
Suggestions about using
• The growing Global Advertising business
should rely on computers to spread its
influence into developing countries. Many
new target markets are being discovered
and they can be reached quickly and
effectively through computers.
Suggestions about using
• Computers should be used not to spam or
trick others in advertising. Online ads
should promote a variety of products, but
with limited frequency. Spam Emails and
misleading ads are tarnishing the
advertising industry and is not ethical.
Suggestions about using
• Computers are great tools in advertising
not only for developing new creative
designs, but also for research. Much can
be learned from seeing trends in
advertising and studying research
provided by various computer software
programs that are very accessible and
easy to use.
How I can help with the knowledge
of computers
• With the knowledge of computers, I can
help advertising become more ethical
through the reliance of research, instead
of false promises and tricks found in
modern ads. Computers will greatly affect
the future of the advertising industry.
Thank You
Kleppner, Otto, "Advertising Procedure", Englewood Cliffs, N.J., PrenticeHall, 1966.
Graydon, Shari (2003) "Made You Look - How Advertising Works and Why
You Should Know", Toronto: Annick Press.
Johnson, J. Douglas, "Advertising Today", Chicago : Science Research
Associates, 1978.
Young, Charles E., The Advertising Handbook, Ideas in Flight, Seattle, WA
April 2005.