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This is the symbol of the Religion of Islam
IslamAn Abrahamic Religion
Followers of the religion of Islam
are called Muslims
are strict monotheists.
They believe in the JudeoChristian God, which they call
Muslims believe that the Torah
and the Bible, like the
Qur’an(Koran) ,is the word of God.
Peoples of the Book
Abraham’s Genealogy
12 Arabian Tribes
12 Tribes of Israel
The Prophetic Tradition
Mohammed was born in Mecca,
At the age of 25 Mohammed worked as a camel driver for a
rich widow, Khadijah, whom he later married. After her death he
lived in polygamy with 10 wives, though the Koran says to have
only 1 to 4 wives (Sutra 4:3). He justified his own violation by a
special personal "revelation".
During the last 10 years of his life he lived in Medina with his
wives and daughter, Fatima.
In 610, at the age of 40, Mohammed had the first of many
revelations at a cave of Mount Hira, in Mecca... Angel Gabriel
visited him, who commanded him to read what was written
thereon, though Muhammad didn't know to read... it was the
actual Sura 96 of the Koran: "Read! in the name of the Lord who
created, who created man from clots of blood..."
He continued to receive revelations of God through Angel
Gabriel for 23 years. He transmitted them by word of mouth,
and they were written and completed in what is today the
"Koran" in 650 A.D.
The Origins of the Qur’an
 Muhammad received his first
revelation from the angel
Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in 610.
622  Hijrah  Muhammed
flees Mecca for Medina.
* The beginning of the
Muslim calendar
Muhammad’s revelations were
compiled into the Qur’an after
his death.
The Qur’an
 Muslims believe it contains the
word of God.
114 suras (chapters).
In the name of Allah,
the compassionate,
the merciful.
in Arabic.
1. The Shahada:
Profession of Faith
 The testimony.
The declaration of faith:
There is no god worthy of
worship except God, and
Muhammad is His
Messenger [or Prophet].
2. The Salat: Prayer
 The mandatory prayers
performed 5 times a day:
* dawn
* noon
* late afternoon
* sunset
* before going to bed
Wash before praying.
Face Mecca and use a prayer rug.
The Salat Continued
 The call to prayer by the
muezzin in the minaret.
Pray in the mosque on Friday.
3. The Zakat: Charity
 Almsgiving (charitable
Muslims believe that all things
belong to God.
Zakat means both “purification”
and “growth.”
About 2.5% of your income.
4. The Sawm: Fasting
 Fasting during the holy month
of Ramadan.
Considered a method of selfpurification.
No eating or drinking from
sunrise to sunset during
sunset families
will gather for
a big feast
5. The Hajj
 The pilgrimage to Mecca.
Must be done at least once in a
Muslim’s lifetime.
2-3 million Muslims make the
The Hajj Continued
 Those who complete the
pilgrimage can add the title
hajji to their name.
The Dar al-Islam
The World
of Islam
The Mosque
 The Muslim place of worship.
The Dome of the Rock
Mosque in Jerusalem
Mount Moriah Rock
where Muhammad ascended into heaven.
Other Islamic Religious
 Up to four wives allowed at once.
No alcohol or pork.
No gambling.
Sharia  body of Islamic law to
regulate daily living.
Three holiest cities in Islam:
* Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.
The Sunni’s
The Sunni Muslims have 800
million followers world wide
They are called Sunni because
after the death of Mohammed
they accepted the oral
traditions and interpretations of
the Koran, known as sunnas in
They are usually more liberal,
and interpret the Koran to be
the peaceful holy book that it
Sunni Muslim believe that the
successors “caliphs” of
Mohammed should always be
elected, not appointed.
Sunni’s believe they are the true
followers of the faith.
The Shiites
The Shiite Muslims have 100 million followers
world wide. Most are living in the countries of
Iran, Iraq, and Israel.
The Shiite ("partisans"), are the followers of
Ali, a more orthodox and militant caliph, mainly
in Iran, Iraq, and Israel.
In 656, Ali and Fatima's son Hussein led a fight
against the Sunnis. Hussein was tortured and
beheaded, and today the Shiites of Iran honor
the memory of Hussein's death with an annual
procession in which marchers in a frenzied
demonstration beat and whip themselves with
chains and branches.
The Shiites believe that the leader or caliph
should always be a descendant of Mohammed, not
someone chosen by the people.
The "Iman" and "Mahdi" (Messhiah):
Shiites created the office of the "Imam"
("leader" or "guide"), The Iman was the only
source of religious instruction and guidance and
all must be a direct descendence of Ali. Who was
a direct descendant of Mohammed.
The present "Ayatollahs", ("signs of God") see
themselves as joint caretakers of the office of
the Imam, until he returns at the end of time.
The "Ayatollah Khomeini" claimed that he was a
descendant of the 7th Imam, and hence the
rightful ruler of the Shiites.
The Shiites are a very radical group in Islam and
they have close ties to many large terriosit
groups. They believe they are to declare war on
the world that does not believe in the religion.
The PLO: Palestinian Liberation
The Palestine Liberation Organization was
established in 1964 with Arab support.
In 1969, Yasser Arafat, leader of Fateh,
became the Chairman of the Executive
Committee of the PLO and, in 1971, he
became the General Commander of the
Palestine Forces.
The PLO has been the embodiment of the
Palestinian national movement, striving to
achieve the national goals of the Palestinian
people, including the establishment of a
Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its
The Arab Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO
as the "sole and legitimate representative of
the Palestinian people" and since then the
PLO has represented Palestine at the United
Nations, the Movement of Non-Aligned
Countries (NAM), and the Organization of the
Islamic Conference (OIC).
The PLO Charter. which negates Israel's
right to exist and calls for its destruction
through violence.
The PLO has organized, finances, and carried
out thousands of terrorist attacks against
the Jews and Israel.
Hamas (a word meaning courage and bravery) was
established in Palestine in the end of 1987 by former
members of Muslim Brotherhood Organization founded
under the leadership of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in EL-BENN,
This organization is known as the Palestinian branch of the
Muslim Brotherhood Organization.
Hamas believes that the Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO) does not represent the Palestinians and Muslims and
that the PLO is not actively enough fighting against Israel.
They support the idea of an armed Holy war (Jihad), what
brings them into conflict with the more moderate parts of
the Muslim Brotherhood Organization.
Hamas disagrees with the Palestinian Liberation
Organization's peace policy and the efforts to come to an
agreement with Israel, since in the eyes of this organization
Palestine is still under Israeli occupation and no change has
taken place at all. It operates under the spiritual leadership
of Sheik Ahmed YASSIN.
Hamas disagrees with the Israel-Palestine peace process and
launches from time to time suicide attacks in order to
prevent the peace process and tries to provocate fanatic
Israelis... it is the biggest obstacle hindering an agreement
with Israel.
On August 20, 1997, Arafat embraced the militants of
Hamas and the Islamic Holy War leaders in defiance of
Israel and the peace process.
In recent years the Israeli government has assassinated
member higher ranking members of Hamas including Yassin.
This group is located in Lebanon, Syria,
and Iran.
It is an extremist political-religious
movement based in Lebanon.
The movement was created and
sponsored by Iran in July 1982, initially
as a form of resistance to the Israeli
presence in Southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah's followers are Shiite
Muslims who took the lead from
Ayatollah Khomeini, then Iran's leader.
They are strongly anti-Western and
anti-Israeli and totally dedicated to the
creation of an Iranian-style Islamic
Republic in Lebanon, and the removal of
non-Islamic influences in the area.
Iran donates vast amounts of money to
Hezbollah. Its funds from Iran in the
1980s totaled $60-80 million a year.
Examples of its terrorist acts include
the abduction of Western hostages in
1982, and suicide attacks on the US
Marines and French military barracks in
Hezbollah was established under the
spiritual leadership of Sheikh
Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, a Shia
Started in Afghanistan
Al-Quaida was established by Usama Bin
Ladin in the late 1980s to bring together
Arabs who fought in Afghanistan against the
Soviet Union.
Current goal of Al-Quaida is to establish a
pan-Islamic Caliphate throughout the world.
Merged with Egyptian Islamic Jihad (AlJihad) in June 2001.
On September 11, 2001, 19 al-Quaida suicide
attackers hijacked and crashed four US
commercial jets.
On October 12, 2000 they attacked the USA
Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 US
Navy members, and injuring another 39.
They conducted the bombings in August 1998
of the US Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, that killed at least
301 individuals and injured more than 5,000
They claim to have shot down US helicopters
and killed US servicemen in Somalia in 1993
and to have conducted three bombings that
targeted US troops in Aden, Yemen, in
December 1992.
Al-Quaida serves as a focal point or umbrella
organization for a worldwide network that
includes many Sunni Islamic extremist
Al-Qaida has cells worldwide and is
reinforced by its ties to Sunni extremist
Al Quaida
Essential Question:
Why was Islam able
to spread so quickly
and convert so
many to the new
The Spread of Islam
Easy to learn and practice.
No priesthood.
Teaches equality.
Non-Muslims, who were “Peoples of
the Book,” were allowed religious
freedom, but paid additional taxes.
Easily “portable”  nomads & trade
Jihad (“Holy War”) against pagans
and other non-believers (“infidels”).
Muslims in the World
Countries with the Largest
Muslim Population
1. Indonesia
6. Iran
2. Pakistan
7. Egypt
3. India
8. Nigeria
4. Bangladesh
9. Algeria
5. Turkey
10. Morocco
* Arabs make up only 20% of the total
Muslim population of the world.
Muslims in America