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Study Guide for Chapter 9 and 10
Directions: Please complete the following questions and check your answers with quizlet once done.
Chapter 9
1. What is cultural diffusion?
The spreading of ideas and ways of life
2. Why were Islamic lands ideally suited for spreading cultural elements to other places?
Many important trade routes linked Asia, Europe and Africa met in the Middle East.
3. How would you describe the city of Baghdad during this time period?
One of the most glorious Muslim cities. Many beautiful archaeological sites. It took 100,000
architects to build the beautiful buildings in Baghdad.
4. How were mosques and cathedrals similar?
A mosque is Muslim place of worship. A cathedral is a large Catholic Church. They are both
places of worship and both expressed artistic heritage of their builders-ornately designed.
5. What advantage did acceptance of the Arabic language provide?
Scholars in Europe, the Middle East and Africa could share ideas easily.
6. What impact did the work of Muslims have on religious practices?
Astronomers helped Muslims know the exact time for prayers and the length of Ramadan.
7. How did Muslims use technology to meet the challenges of living in a dry land?
They build dams and aqueducts to provide water for households, mills and fields
8. What navigational instruments did Muslims adapt and perfect?
The compass and the Astrolabe
9. What was the advantage of the Arabic number system? It was easier to do calculations since
few characters (0-9) represent many things.
Chapter 10
1. What was the main purpose of the Crusades?
To gain control of Palestine
2. The Dome of the rock in Jerusalem marks what sacred Muslim event?
Muhammad ascending to heaven
3. Palestine first came under Muslim rule during the 7th century? Why did the Seljuk rule in the 10th
century make Christian fearful?
Christian’s pilgrims were not able to visit the Holy Land safely.
4. During the first Crusade, Muslims lost land to the Crusaders. Why?
Lack of unity
5. Which city was taken by the Christians during the First Crusade and recaptured by Muslims
during the Third Crusade?
6. Who led the 3rd Crusade (leader of Christians)?
Richard I of England
7. Who was Salah al-Din?
The leader of the Muslim who created the largest empire since the Seljuks
8. What is the Reconquista? Who led this revolt and where did they aim?
“reconquest” to retake the Iberian Peninsula (current day Spain and Portugal) from the Muslims.
9. What was one result of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand’s reign?
Many Jews were forced to leave Spain.
10. How long did the Crusades last around? 200 years
11. Which of the following the groups benefited the least from the crusades? Christians or Muslims?
12. What group brought an end to the Byzantine Empire? Ottomans