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Essentials of GENETICS
Eighth Edition
The Genetics
of Cancer
William S. Klug
Michael R. Cummings
Charlotte A. Spencer
Michael A. Palladino
Lecture Presentations by
Kiran Misra
Edinboro University
© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
SEM of two prostrate cancer cells in the final
stages of cell division.
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Chapter Contents
Cancer Is a Genetic Disease at the Level of Somatic
Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects Affecting
Genomic Stability, DNA Repair, and Chromatin
Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects Affecting CellCycle Regulation and Apoptosis
Proto-oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor Genes Are
Altered in Cancer Cells
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Chapter Contents
Cancer Cells Metastasize and Invade Other Tissues
Predisposition to Some Cancers Can Be Inherited
Viruses Contribute to Cancer in Both Humans and
Environmental Agents Contribute to Human Cancers
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 Cancer is the leading cause of death in Western
– More than 1 million cases are diagnosed in the
United States each year, and more than 500,000
die from it.
 Cancer is a genetic disease at the somatic level,
characterized by gene products derived from
mutated or abnormally expressed genes.
– Some cancers are inherited, but most are created
within somatic cells that divide and form tumors.
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16.1 Cancer Is a Genetic Disease
at the Level of Somatic Cells
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Section 16.1
 Cancer is a genetic disease
 Genomic alterations associated with cancer
– Single-nucleotide substitutions
– Large-scale chromosome rearrangements,
– Amplifications, and
– Deletions (Figure 16-1).
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Figure 16-1
Karyotype of a
Normal cell
Karyotype of a
cancer cell
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Section 16.1
– Cancer is caused predominantly by mutations in
somatic cells, only1 percent are germ-line mutations.
– Rarely arises from a single mutation but from
accumulation of mutations in many genes
– The mutated genes can affect multiple cellular
functions such as
– repair of damaged DNA,
– cell cycle or cell division,
– apoptosis, etc..
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Section 16.1 What Is Cancer?
 Cancer is a large complex of diseases, up to a
hundred, that behave differently depending on
their cellular type of origin.
 All cancers share two fundamental properties.
– Abnormal cell growth and division (proliferation)
– Defects in normal restraints that prevent cells from
spreading (metastasis)
 It is this combination of cell proliferation and
metastasic spread that makes cancer cells
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Figure 8.9
Proliferation and metastasis of a malignant tumor of
the breast
Tumor in
part of
the body
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Growing out of control, cancer cells produce
malignant tumors
 Cancers are named according to the organ or
tissue in which they originate.
– Carcinomas arise in external or internal body
– Sarcomas arise in supportive and connective tissue.
– Leukemias and lymphomas arise from blood-forming
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Section 16.1 What Is Cancer?
 In normal cells cell division and spread is tightly
controlled by gene products that are expressed
appropriately in time and space.
 In cancer cells genes controlling above processes
are either mutated or not expressed.
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Section 16.1 What Is Cancer?
 Benign tumors result from unregulated cell growth
forming a multicellular mass that can be removed
by surgery, causing no serious harm.
 Tumor cells that gain the ability to break loose,
enter the blood stream and metastasize become
Malignant tumors.
– Malignant tumors are difficult to treat and may
become life threatening.
– May contain billions of cells
– May invade and grow in numerous body parts
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Section 16.1 The Clonal Origin of Cancer Cells
 All cancer cells in primary and secondary tumors are
clonal, meaning that they originated from a common
ancestral cell that accumulated numerous specific
 Eg: Specific reciprocal chromosomal translocations
are characteristic of many cancers.
– Leukemias and lymphomas (involve white blood cells)
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Section 16.1 The Clonal Origin of Cancer Cells
 Burkitt’s lymphoma shows reciprocal
translocations between chromosome 8 and
chromosomes 2, 14, or 22.
– All cancer cells arise from a single cell that is
passed to progeny.
 X-chromosome inactivation occurs early in
development and occurs at random.
– All cancer cells within a tumor, both primary and
metastatic, within one female individual contain the
same inactivated X chromosome.
– All cancer cells arose from a common ancestral cell.
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Section 16.1 The Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis
 Many scientists now believe that tumors are
composed of a mixture of cells, many of which do
not proliferate.
 Cancer stem cell hypothesis: Tumor cells that
proliferate give rise to cancer stem cells that have
the capacity for self-renewal.
– The stem cell divides unevenly, creating one
daughter cell that becomes a mature cell type
and one that remains a stem cell.
 Contrasts the theory that every tumor cell has the
potential to form a new tumor.
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Section 16.1 The Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis
 Evidence is accumulating that cancer stem cells do
exist and have been identified in
– leukemia.
– brain cancer.
– breast cancer.
– colon cancer.
– ovarian cancer.
– pancreatic cancer.
– prostate cancer.
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Section 16.1 The Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis
 Scientists are not sure about the origin of the cancer
1.It is possible they may arise from normal adult stem
cells within a tissue
2.Or they may be created from more differentiated cells
that acquire properties similar to stem cells due to the
mutations in genes.
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Section 16.1 Cancer is a multistep process
requiring multiple mutations
 Age-related cancer is an indication that cancer
develops from the accumulation of several
mutagenic events in a single cell.
– The incidence of most cancers rises exponentially
with age.
– Many independent mutations, occurring randomly
and with a low probability, are necessary before a
cell becomes malignant.
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Section 16.1 Cancer is a multistep process
requiring multiple mutations
 Another indication that cancer is a multistep process
is the delay that occurs between exposure to
carcinogens and the appearance of the cancer.
– An incubation period of five to eight years separated
exposure to radiation from atomic explosions at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the onset of leukemia.
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Section 16.1 Cancer is a multistep process
requiring multiple mutations
 Cancers develop in progressive steps beginning
with mildly aberrant cells and progressing to cells
that are increasingly tumorigenic and malignant.
 Each step in tumorigenesis appears to be the
result of two or more genetic alterations that
progressively release the cell from the normal
controls on cell proliferation and malignancy.
– The progressive genetic alterations that create a
cancer cell confer selective advantages to the cell
and are propagated through cell divisions during
the creation of tumors.
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Section 16.1 Cancer is a multistep process
requiring multiple mutations
 Tens of thousands of somatic mutations are present
in cancer cells.
– Of these mutations only Driver mutations give
growth advantage to tumor cells.
 The presence of fewer than a dozen mutated genes
may be sufficient to create a cancer cell.
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16.2 Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects
Affecting Genomic Stability, DNA Repair,
and Chromatin Modifications
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Section 16.2 Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects
 Cancer cells show higher than normal rates of
– mutation.
– chromosomal abnormalities.
– genomic instability.
 The fundamental defect in cancer cells is a
derangement of the cell’s ability to repair DNA
 The high level of genomic instability in cancer cells
is known as the mutator phenotype.
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Section 16.2 Genomic Instability and Defective
DNA Repair
 The genomic instability in cancer cells manifests
itself in gross defects such as
– translocations.
– aneuploidy.
– chromosome loss.
– DNA amplification.
– chromosomal deletions (Figures 16-1 and 16-2).
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Figure 16-2
DNA Amplification in neuroblastoma cells:
Two cancer genes are amplified as small DNA fragments
separate from chromosomes.
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Section 16.2 Genomic Instability and Defective
DNA Repair
 Often cancers show specific chromosomal defects
that are used to diagnose the type and stage of the
– Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
– The C-ABL gene on chromosome 9 is translocated into
the BCR gene on chromosome 22.
– This structure is known as the Philadelphia
chromosome (Figure 16-3).
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Figure 16-3
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Section 16.2 Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
 The normal C-ABL gene codes for a protein kinase
that acts within signal transduction pathways,
transferring growth factor signals from outside the cell
to the nucleus.
 The BCR-ABL hybrid protein is an abnormal signal
transduction molecule in CML cells that stimulate cell
proliferation even in the absence of external growth
 Drug that blocks the action of the abnormal protein is
developed. This drug (Gleevac) controls the protein’s
activity that WBCs are no longer produced in an
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Section 16.2 Chromatin Modifications and
Cancer Epigenetics
 Epigenetics is the study of factors that affect gene
expression but do not alter the nucleotide sequence
of the DNA.
– DNA methylation
– Histone acetylation and deacetylation
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Section 16.2 Cancer Epigenetics
 Cancer cells are generally less methylated than
normal cells (hypomethylation).
 However, the promoters of some genes can be
 Histone modifications are disrupted in cancer
– Genes that encode histone-modifying enzymes are
often mutated or aberrantly expressed in cancer
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Section 16.2 Cancer Epigenetics
 Methylation generally suppresses expression by
transcriptional repression, turning off genes.
 Hypomethylation can release the transcriptional
repression turning on many genes that were
previously turned off.
 Hypermethylation of the tumor suppressor genes
such as those that repair DNA damage and control
cell cycle leads to their repression (turning off
genes that were previously turned on).
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16.3 Cancer Cells Contain Genetic Defects
Affecting Cell-Cycle Regulation and Apoptosis
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Section 16.3
 One of the fundamental aberrations in all cancer cells
is a loss of control over cell proliferation.
 In multicellular organisms, normal cell division
replaces dead and damaged tissue, and this process
is strictly regulated.
 In normal cells large number of gene products control
– Steps in the cell cycle
– Programmed cell death, and
– Response to external growth factors
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Section 16.3 The Cell Cycle and Signal
 The cell cycle includes a sequence of events from
one cell division to the next (Figure 16-4).
 Most differentiated cells in multicellular organisms
can remain in the G0 phases (quiescent) indefinitely
but cancer cells are unable to enter G0 and
continuously cycle.
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Figure 16-4
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Section 16.3 Cell-Cycle Control and Checkpoints
 The cell cycle is tightly regulated, and each step
must be completed before entering the next.
 Three distinct check points in the cell cycle
monitor external signals and internal equilibrium
before proceeding to the next stage.
– G1/S,
– G2/M, and
– M checkpoints
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Section 16.3 Cell-Cycle Control and Checkpoints
 G1/S checkpoints monitor cell size and determine
whether DNA has been damaged.
 G2/M is where physiological conditions are checked
(once G1/S are passed) prior to mitosis.
 M: The formation of the spindle-fiber system and
the attachment of spindle fibers to the kinetochores
associated with the centromeres are monitored.
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Figure 8.8B
Plasma membrane
Relay proteins
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Section 16.3 Cell-Cycle Control by Growth
 External growth signals can stimulate G0 cells to
reenter the cell cycle.
– Signals are delivered by molecules such as growth
factors and hormones that bind to cell surface
receptors. Eg: Endotheilial growth factor
 The process of transmitting growth signals from external
environments to the nucleus is called signal
– The process initiates a program of gene expression,
stimulating G0 cells back into the cell cycle.
– Cancer cells have defective signal transduction pathways,
and malignant cells may not respond to external growth
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Section 16.3
 Mutation or mis-expression of any of the genes
controlling the cell cycle can contribute to the
development of cancer.
 Mutated genes controlling G1/S or G2/M checkpoints
or those controlling cyclins may allow cells to
continue to grow and divide without repairing DNA
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Section 16.3 Control of Apoptosis
 Cells halt progress through the cell cycle if DNA
replication, repair, or chromosome assembly is
 If DNA damage is so severe that repair is
impossible, the cell may initiate genetically
controlled apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
– Prevents cancer
– Also eliminates cells not contributing the final adult
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Section 16.3
 The steps in apoptosis are
– fragmentation of nuclear envelope & DNA.
– disruption of internal cellular structures.
– dissolution of cells into small, spherical apoptotic
– engulfing of the apoptotic bodies by phagocytic cells.
 Apoptosis reduces the number of mutations passed
to the next generation.
– The same genes controlling the cell cycle also initiate
apoptosis. Disruption of these genes prevent DNA
repair and apoptosis.
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16.4 Proto-oncogenes and Tumor-Suppressor
Genes Are Altered in Cancer Cells
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Section 16.4 Proto-oncogenes and TumorSuppressor Genes
 Two general categories of cancer-causing genes are
mutated or misexpressed in cancer cells.
– Proto-oncogenes and
– Tumor-suppressor genes
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Section 16.4 Proto-oncogenes
 Proto-oncogenes are normal genes whose products
promote cell growth and division.
 These genes encode
– transcription factors that stimulate expression of other
– signal transduction molecules that stimulate cell division.
– cell-cycle regulators that move the cell through the cell
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Table 16.1
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Section 16.4 Mutations in Proto-oncogenes result
in Oncogenes
 In cancer cells, one or more proto-oncogenes are
altered in such a way that their activities cannot be
controlled in a normal fashion.
– This is due to a mutation in the proto-oncogenes,
resulting in a protein that acts abnormally.
– In other cases, proto-oncogenes are overexpressed
or expressed at an incorrect time.
 When a proto-oncogene is mutated or aberrantly
expressed and contributes to cancer, it is known as
an oncogene.
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Figure 11.16A
(for a protein that stimulates cell division)
A mutation within
the gene
Multiple copies
of the gene
protein in a
normal amount
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The gene is moved to
a new DNA locus,
under new controls
New promoter
Normal growthstimulating
in excess
Normal growthstimulating
in excess
Section 16.4 Mutations in Proto-oncogenes result
in Oncogenes
 An oncogene (a cancer-causing gene) is a mutated
or aberrantly expressed proto-oncogene, a gain-offunction alteration.
– Only one allele of the proto-oncogene needs to
mutate or be misexpressed in order to trigger
uncontrolled growth.
– Oncogenes confer a dominant cancer phenotype.
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Section 16.4 The ras Proto-oncogenes
 The ras genes are mutated in more than 30
percent of human tumors and encode signal
transduction molecules that are associated with the
cell membrane and regulate cell growth and
 Ras proteins transmit signals from the cell
membrane to the nucleus, stimulating cell division.
 Alternate between active and inactive state
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Section 16.4 The ras Proto-oncogenes
 Mutations that convert the ras proto-oncogene to
an oncogene freeze the ras protein into its active
(“on”) conformation, constantly stimulating the
cell to divide, even in the absence of growth factors.
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Section 16.4 Tumor-suppressor genes
 In cells with severe DNA damage, products of tumorsuppressor genes regulate
– cell-cycle checkpoints or
– initiate the process of apoptosis.
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Section 16.4 Tumor-suppressor genes
 In response to DNA damage or growth-suppression
signals from the extracellular, tumor-suppressor genes
produce proteins that halt progress through the cell
 Mutated or inactivated tumor-suppressor genes are
unable to respond normally to cell-cycle checkpoints or
are unable to undergo programmed cell death if DNA is
 Inactivation of both tumor-suppressive alleles keeps
the cell growing and dividing and may become
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Section 16.4 The p53 Tumor-Suppressor Gene
 The p53 tumor-suppressor gene, mutated in
more than 50 percent of all cancers,
 p53 gene encodes a nuclear protein that acts as a
transcription factor repressing or stimulating
transcription of more than 50 different genes.
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Figure 11.16B
Tumor-suppressor gene
Cell division
under control
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Mutated tumor-suppressor gene
Cell division
not under control
Section 16.4 p53: Guardian of the genome
 In normal cells p53 protein is continuously
synthesized but rapidly degraded, and thus is
present at low levels.
 The p53 protein becomes more stable and
transcriptionally active in response to:
– Chemical damage to DNA
– Double-stranded breaks in DNA by ionizing radiation
– DNA-repair intermediates generated by UV light
exposure increases
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Section 16.4 p53: Guardian of the genome
 The p53 protein initiates two different responses to
DNA damage.
– Arrest cell cycle followed by DNA repair, or
– Apoptosis and cell death if damage can’t be repaired
 p53 acts as a transcription factor to stimulate or
repress the expression of genes involved in each of
the above responses.
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Section 16.4 p53: Guardian of the genome
 Normal cells: p53 arrests the cell cycle at G1/S and
G2/M checkpoints and retards the progression through
the S phase.
– Inhibits cyclin/CDK complexes and regulates the
transcription of other genes involved
 Activated p53 instructs damaged cells to commit
suicide by apoptosis.
– p53 activates the transcription of genes whose products
control this process.
– In cancer cells that lack functional p53, gene products are
not synthesized and apoptosis doesn’t occur.
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Section 16.4 p53: Guardian of the genome
 Cells lacking functional p53 have high mutation
rates and accumulate the types of mutations that
lead to cancer.
 p53 is important for genomic integrity and is referred
to as the “guardian of the genome.”
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Section 16.4 The RB1 Tumor-Suppressor Gene
 Loss or mutation of both alleles of the RB1
(retinoblastoma 1) tumor-suppressor gene
contributes to the development of many cancers due
to unregulated progression through the cell cycle.
– Breast, bone, lung, and bladder cancers
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16.5 Cancer Cells Metastasize and
Invade Other Tissues
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Section 16.5
 To metastasize from the primary tumor, cancer
cells must digest components of the extracellular
matrix and basal lamina, which normally separate
the body’s tissues and thus inhibit migration of cells.
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Section 16.5
 Once cancer cells have disengaged, they enter the
blood or lymphatic system to invade surrounding
tissue, and to develop into secondary tumors.
– Only about 0.01 percent of metastatic cells become
metastatic tumors.
 Metastasis is controlled by a large number of genes,
including those that encode cell-adhesion
molecules, cytoskeleton regulators, and proteolytic
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Section 16.5
 Like tumor-suppressor genes that are mutated in
primary cancers, metastasis-suppressor genes
are mutated or disrupted in metastatic tumors.
 The expression of these genes is reduced by
epigenetic mechanisms rather than by mutation.
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16.6 Predisposition to Some
Cancers Can Be Inherited
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Section 16.6 Inherited predisposition to cancer
 Most cancers result from somatic cell mutations, but
50 forms of hereditary cancer (1–2 percent) are
known (Table 16.2).
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Table 16.2
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Section 16.6 Inherited predisposition to cancer
 Most inherited cancer-susceptibility alleles are not
sufficient in themselves to trigger cancer
 At least one other somatic mutation in the other
copy of the gene must occur to drive a cell toward
– Loss of heterozygosity
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Section 16.6 Inherited predisposition to cancer
 Mutations in other genes are also usually
necessary to fully express the cancer phenotype.
– Other proto-oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes
 Thus inherited mutations in one allele of a gene
contributes only one step in a multistep pathway
leading to malignancy.
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Section 16.6 Inherited form of colon cancer
 In familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) individuals
inherit one mutant copy of the APC (adenomatous
polyposis) gene whose product acts as a tumor
suppressor controlling cell–cell contact and growth
 FAP results from one mutant copy of the APC gene
(chromosome 5, deletions frameshift, and point
– Heterozygous APC mutation causes formation of hundreds
to thousands of rectal polyps or adenomas in early life.
– A second APC mutation leads to later stage of cancer
(Figure 16-7).
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Section 16.6
 The second mutation in polyp cells that contain an APC
gene occurs in the ras proto-oncogene which, brings
about the development of intermediate adenomas.
– Cells grown in culture are not growth-inhibited by contact
with other cells (transformation).
 The loss of function of both alleles of the DCC gene
results in the formation of late-stage adenomas, which
then progresses to cancerous adenomas (Ioss of p53
– The final step toward malignancy involves loss of genes
associated with metastasis.
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Figure 16-7
A model for multistep development of colon cancer
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Figure 11.17A
Stepwise development of a typical colon cancer
An oncogene A tumor-suppressor
changes: is activated gene is inactivated
A second tumorsuppressor gene
is inactivated
changes: cell division
Growth of a
malignant tumor
Colon wall
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Growth of a polyp
Figure 11.17B
Accumulation of mutations in the development
of a cancer cell
Chromosomes mutation
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mutations mutations
16.7 Viruses Contribute to Cancer
in Both Humans and Animals
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Section 16.7 Viruses Contribute to Cancer
 Fifteen percent of human cancers are associated
with viruses, the second greatest risk of cancer
next to tobacco smoke (Table 16.3).
 Retroviruses (RNA virus) can contribute to the
development of cancer in animals and humans.
 Retroviruses integrate into the host genome as
a provirus that is replicated with the host’s DNA
during the normal cell cycle.
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Table 16.3
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Section 16.7
 A retrovirus can cause cancer by integrating near a
proto-oncogene or by integrating a copy of a host
proto-oncogene into its genome.
 The RNA genome of the virus is copied into DNA
by the reverse transcriptase enzyme, which is
brought into the cell by the infecting virus.
– The DNA copy enters the host-cell DNA and integrates
at random.
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Section 16.7
 The integrated DNA copy is called a provirus and
gets replicated along with the host DNA.
 A retrovirus may not kill a cell but may continue to
use it as a factory to replicate more viruses that will
then infect surrounding cells.
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16.8 Environmental Agents
Contribute to Human Cancers
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Section 16.8 Environmental Agents
 Any substance or event that damages DNA has the
potential to be carcinogenic if it causes mutations
to occur in proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor
genes, which lead to abnormal replication of the cell
cycle or disruption of controls over apoptosis or
 Carcinogens, both natural and human-made,
include chemicals, radiation, some viruses, and
chronic infections.
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Section 16.8 Environmental Agents
 The most significant environmental carcinogen is
tobacco smoke, which contains at least 60
mutagenic chemicals.
– 30 percent of human cancer deaths are associated
with cigarette smoking.
 Consumption of red meat and animal fat is
associated with colon, prostate, and breast cancer.
 Alcohol may cause inflammation and lead to liver
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Section 16.8 Environmental Agents
 Some natural substances and natural processes are
potentially carcinogenic.
 Mold on bread and corn, aflatoxin, is one of the
most carcinogenic chemicals known.
 Naturally occurring nitrosamines, used as meat
preservative, are known to cause cancer.
 Naturally occurring pesticides and antibiotics in
plants can be carcinogenic but do not diminish the
serious cancer risk upon exposure to synthetic
pesticides or asbestos.
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Section 16.8 Environmental Agents
 Natural radiation (UV light, X rays), natural dietary
substances, and substances in the external
environment can cause DNA lesions, producing
mutations that lead to cancer.
 Natural metabolism creates oxidative end products
that can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids.
 Daily, the human body suffers about 10,000 lesions
due to the actions of oxygen free radicals.
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Section 16.8
 When DNA repair enzymes miss these damages,
they become permanent mutations.
 Substances such as growth factors or hormones
that stimulate cell division are ultimately
mutagenic and carcinogenic.
 Chronic inflammation due to infection can result in
accumulation of DNA lesions during tissue repair
and cellular replication.
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