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Advanced Lab Course
Laser and nonlinear optics
Status: 17.11.2014
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Laser and nonlinear optics
Laser-setup and operating mode,
Generation and characterization of ultrashort light pulses,
Generation of optical high harmonics
Wagner Martin ([email protected])
Latka Tobias ([email protected])
In this advanced lab course we will present you a device that impacts our present life
drastically. You will learn about the principles of lasers and their most important
The second part will treat the principles of nonlinear optics, which describe the
interaction of highly intensive light with matter.
To benefit from this lab course you have to prepare yourself.
Please read the instructions to the lab course carefully and work out
the asked questions.
Physical Backround
Interaction of radiation with matter: absorption and emission
Transitions in molecules or atoms will be simplified. First we will concentrate on
two energy levels |1 > and |2 > with energy gap E2 − E1 = ~ω (ω = frequency of
the resonant radiation field; energy conservation!).
Interaction with the radiation field is induced by electric dipole coupling (in most
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Laser and nonlinear optics
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The following situations occur:
(a) Ground state:
An isolated atom in the ground state does not change its state.
(b) Absorption:
Atoms or molecules from state |1 > (population density n1 ) go over to state
|2 > absorbing photons (density nq ) of appropriate frequency.
= −σn1 nq ;
n1 , nq population density in (cm−3 )
σ = absorption cross-section (cm2 )
= −σcn1 nq
x = propagation direction
c = speed of light
(c) Spontaneous emission:
Molecules or atoms in state |2 > (population density n2 ) go over to state |1 >
emitting a photon of frequency ω.
where τ = lifetime of state |2 >.
(d) Induced emission:
Molecules or atoms in state |2 > can go over to state |1 > by photon radiation
of frequency ω. The energy difference will be emitted as a photon of the same
frequency, direction and phase as the incoming photon.
= σ 0 cn2 nq ;
= σ 0 cn2 nq
where σ 0 = cross-section for stimulated emission (cm2 )
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σ 0 = σ.
For a two level system:
Processes b) and d) can be summarized for a two level system as follows:
= σnq c · (n2 − n1 ) = σnq c∆n
where ∆n = population inversion
Applying ∂n
∂t + ∂t = 0 and taking into account the losses per unit of time due to
scattering, absorption of impurities or other systematic losses, we can write:
nq (t) = nq (t = 0) · e(σ(n2 −n1 )t−δt)·c
Amplification of the radiation field occurs if σ(n2 −n1 ) > δ. To fulfill this condition,
level 2 must be higher populated than level 1 (population inversion).
According to the derivation above the spectrum of the laser transition should be
infinitely sharp. However, due to the following two broadening mechanisms, it has
a characteristic linewidth:
• homogeneous broadening
• inhomogeneous broadening
The dominant broadening mechanism depends on the laser medium and the operating conditions (e.g. pressure and temperature for gas lasers).
According to this discussion, σ = σ(ν) is a function of frequency.
Question 1:
Compare induced and spontaneous emission with respect to a) spatial
radiation characteristics and b) temporal radiation characteristics.
Question 2:
Give examples for homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening mechanisms of absorption lines.
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Principles of lasers
A neodymium ion embedded in a YLF-crystal (Yttriumlithiumfluoride) can be described by the simplified energy level scheme in figure 1:
Figure 1:
Energy level scheme for
a four level laser.
Transitions from the pump level |3 > to the upper laser level |2 > and from the
lower laser level |1 > to the ground state |0 > occur very rapidly (approx. 10−12 s)
and without radiation (=heat), whereas state |2 > has a noticeably longer lifetime
(approx. 3·10−4 s). Pump radiation can be absorbed by the lower levels and lead
to a high population of the upper laser levels. Therefore, light of the frequency ω
will be amplified similar to that seen in equation (6).
In order to use the population inversion created by the pump several times, the
active medium is placed between two mirrors with reactivities R1 and R2 (figure 2).
These mirrors form the optical resonator of the laser.
Figure 2: Principles of a laser resonator
Lasing is triggered by a spontaneously emitted photon, that is incidentally emitted
perpendicular to the mirrors. This process stops when the population inversion
vanishes (e.g. stop of pumping). A fraction of the laser radiation is coupled out of
the resonator by the partially transparent mirror 2. In extension of equation (6),
the light intensity in the laser after one round-trip in the resonator containing a
laser medium with length l is:
I1 = I0 R1 R2 · e2l(α−δ) ,
I0 : initial intensity
δ: losses per unit length
α: amplification coefficient (α = σ(n2 − n1 ))
R1 , R2 : reflectivity of the mirrors
Lasing is observed if for one round-trip in the resonator:
I1 > I0 ↔ α > δ −
ln(R1 R2 )
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This leads to:
ln(R1 R2 )
This equation is called the threshold or the oscillator condition. Therefore the
oscillation threshold of a laser medium also depends on the reflectivity of the mirrors
and the power coupled out of the resonator (available laser power).
n2 − n1 >
Question 3:
Nd:YLF lasers are four-level lasers“. Discuss the setup of a three-level
laser. Is it physically and technically possible to achieve a two-level
Question 4:
What limits the maximum pump power of a laser? What is the role of
the radiation-less process in this context?
The laser resonator
To feed back the laser light in the resonator it must be stable. This is described by:
0 < g1 · g2 < 1
where gi = 1 − rLi is the stability parameter, L is the length of the resonator, and ri
is the focal length of the final mirror
Figure 4: Possible stable resonator configurations.
Figure 3: Stability diagram.
With every round-trip, the field distribution in the resonator is reproduced and even
constricted without losses. From electrodynamics we know that every resonator has
longitudinal and transverse eigenmodes due to its boundary conditions, which has
a large impact on the properties of the laser radiation.
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Longitudinal modes
A Fabry-Perot-Interferometer consists of two plain, parallel mirrors at a distance L
from each other. The possible values for the angular frequency obey the condition
of a standing wave:
c · 2π
2L = nλ = n · = n ·
→ wn =
with n ∈ IN, n=103 . . . 107
Therefore the distance between the angular frequencies of the longitudinal eigenmodes is ∆ω = c · π/L. In order to generate ultrashort light pulses in a resonator,
many of these longitudinal eigenmodes have to be amplified. This requires a minimum resonator length.
Only the eigenmodes of the resonator with a gain per round-trip >= 1 contribute to
the laser activity. This is schematically shown in figure 5 whereby only 5 longitudinal
eigenmodes situated around the maximum of the amplification curve contribute to
the laser activity.
Figure 5: Eigenmodes and amplification curve
Question 5:
Determine the mode spacing ∆λ for a resonator with L = 1 m. Compare the value of ∆λ and the characteristic laser wavelength of 1047 nm.
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Transverse modes
The transverse field distribution depends on the geometry of the laser resonator.
The geometry is defined by the distance L and the radius of curvature of both
mirrors r1 , r2 as well as their diameter and shape (e.g. round or rectangular).
Knowing these parameters we can determine the stationary spatial distribution of
the electromagnetic field in the resonator (→ assuming a stable resonator).
Figure 6: Transverse laser modes
Usually, the resonator is set to a TEM00 -mode (ground mode) which is best for
round resonator components. Using basically round iris apertures (mode apertures)
this can also be achieved in the resonator if for example the laser is over-pumped
beyond the oscillation threshold. This is advantageous because there are minimum
diffraction losses for TEM00 . However, non-optimal adjustment can lead to higher
TEMmn -modes (m, n ∈ IN) in the resonator with spatial intensity distributions as
shown in figure 6. Figure 6a shows the TEM-modes of a cylindrical coordinate
system whereas figure 6b illustrates the TEM-modes of cartesian coordinates.
Passive mode-locking
Ultrashort light pulses (10−10 s and shorter) can be achieved using mode-locking
techniques. For this, the distinct longitudinal eigenmodes of the laser emission are
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phase-locked (φn = const) to generate a temporally short light pulse via superposition of the field components. For passive mode-locking, a nonlinear “ switch“ is
placed within the resonator in order to suppress temporally long pulse components
and support short pulses (high intensities). This “ switch“ adjusts the transmission
independently of external control depending on the field amplitude of the radiation.
Examples are saturable absorbers or the Kerr-lens mode-locking.
Active mode-locking
In this lab course the transmission is not controlled by the electric field itself but
by an external acousto-optical modulator (AOM). The AOM consists of fused silica
glass fitted with a piezoelectric transducer. The AOM is driven by an RF-source
which produces an electrical signal of ' 10 V and Ω/2π ∼ 80 MHz. The driving
signal induces a standing acoustical wave in the glass and, therefore, a refractive
index lattice with a correlating periodicity (figure 7).
Bragg: λ l > ∆2
I0 , λ
2 Θ’
Figure 7: Bragg-AOM
At this temporally modulated induced lattice, a fraction of the light ∆T is diffracted
out of the resonator by an angle of 2θ0 , which results in a periodically changing
transmission. Applying a sinusoidal voltage, the transmission becomes:
T (t) = T0 + ∆T cos(Ωt)
∆T iΩt
= T0 +
(e + e−iΩt )
Therefore the components of the electric field En in the frequency domain are:
En (t) = E0,n (t) · T (t)
= En · T0 · eiωn t+φn + En ·
∆T i(ωn −Ω)t+φn
∆T i(ωn +Ω)t+φn
+ En ·
The AOM generates side bands of every single mode at ωn ± Ω (figure 8).
If the modulation frequency of the AOM is set to the condition Ω = 2πc/2L,
neighboring modes have the same frequency as the generated side bands.
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Figure 8: Principle of active mode-locking
ωn ± Ω = ωn±1
Due to this overlapping, neighboring modes influence each other, and a fixed phase
correlation between neighboring modes in the resonator is achieved. Therefore a
temporally short pulse is generated (figure 9). Increasing the number of locked
modes leads to shorter pulse durations. In non-mode-locked operation (see figure
9c), the output is only “white noise“.
Figure 9: Mode-locking
In the time domain, the frequency Ω of the transmission variation of the AOM corresponds to the duration of one round-trip in the resonator: Ω = 2πc/2L. Metaphorically speaking we mount a gate in the resonator which opens with the round-trip
At other times, the radiation is diffracted out of the resonator by the refraction
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lattice. Depending on the efficiency of this process and the duration of the “open
gate“, light pulses of up to the order of several (10−12 s) can be generated. The timebandwidth product describes the quality of the mode-locked pulses. For Gaussian
tp · ∆ν = 0.441
where tp is the pulse duration and ∆ν is the full width at half maximum.
Nonlinear processes in the components of the resonator due to the high peak intensities of the laser pulses or insufficient modulation depth of the AOM such as
dispersion can lead to deviations from this ideal value.
For mode-locked operation, the laser resonator emits a series of single pulses with
the following properties:
Pulse duration: 20-50 ps
Pulse spacing: approx. 6 · 10−9 s
Peak intensities: >200 W/cm2
Wavelength: 1047 nm (near infrared, invisible for the human eye)
Question 6:
How does the spectral width of the laser transition (bandwidth of the
laser emission) effect the pulse duration of the generated laser pulses?
What role does the number of locked modes play in this context?
Nonlinear optics
Classical optics
Because in daily life light intensities are too weak to produce nonlinear effects, you
have probably observed only classical, linear optical phenomenons so far. The laws
of linear optics are based on the assumption that the refractive index n = in a
dielectric medium and, therefore the electric susceptibility χ only depends on the
D = 0 · E
D = 0 · E + P (λ) = 0 (1 + χ) · E = 0 (λ) · E
(in vacuum)
(ina dielectricmedium)
where = dielectric constant , P = induced polarization, and E = electric field
The wave equation in matter which describes the propagation of electromagnetic
radiation in the x-direction is:
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c2 ∂t2
The solution of this linear differential equation yields plane waves:
E(x, t) = Eo · ei(ωt−kω x) + c.c.
Nonlinear polarization
Higher light intensities on the order of 105 W/cm2 lead to deviations from the classical behavior. In this case, the electric susceptibility χ, which is simplified to a
scalar (in isotropic media) depends also on the amplitude of the electric field E and
can be developed as a Taylor series:
χ = χ(1) + χ(2) · E + χ(3) · E · E + ...
In the following equations, the vector properties of E and P are omitted.
Therefore, the induced polarization yields:
P (E) =
0 · χ · E =0 · E · (χ(1)
=0 ( − 1)E
D(E) =
0 E
+χ(2) · E + χ(3) · E · E + ...)
So the linear differential equation is expanded by a perturbation term:
1 ∂ 2 PN L
c2 ∂t2
c2 ∂t2
Question 7:
How can we imagine nonlinear polarization on an atomic scale? Hint:
displacement of the electrons.
Generation of harmonics
For the first harmonic (ωharmonic = 2 · ωf undamental ) the consideration of χ(2) is
sufficient and the equation simplifies to:
0 ∂ 2 χ(2) E 2
c2 ∂t2
Due to the E 2 -term, this yields an induced polarization oscillating with an additional
new frequency:
PN L (x, t) = χ(2) E12 · ei(2ω1 t−2k1 x) + c.c.
This inharmonic polarization leads to a new field component with double the frequency 2ω and a propagation direction given by the wave vector k2ω .
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Phase matching
The condition 2kω 6= k2ω normally holds in a dispersive medium. Therefore, the
intensity of the first harmonic cannot increase quadratically with the crystal length
but instead oscillates with sin2 . We can explain this behavior by looking at a
harmonic generated at a position x, which in the case of ∆k = 2kω − k2ω 6= 0, is
generally not in phase with a harmonic generated at position x + ∆x. Thus, for
increasing ∆x a periodic constructive and destructive interference can be seen.
E2ω ∝
sin ∆k 2l
· l2 · Iω2
∆k 2l
· l · Eω2
∆k 2l
= sinc2 ∆k
· l2 · Iω2
dx =
− 2l
sin ∆k 2l
Figure 10: Intensity of the first harmonic for ∆k = 0 and ∆k 6= 0
To achieve maximum amplification, we must make sure that ∆k = 0. In order
to ensure this phase matching we normally use birefringent crystals with a certain
Optical birefringence
Optical birefringence means that the refractive index of a medium depends on the
polarization of the incoming light. It occurs in crystals with one or more distinguished directions called optical axes. In crystals with one optical axis (i.e. rotational symmetry of the refractive index) the axis and the propagation direction
of the light define a plane. If the light is polarized perpendicularly to this plane,
the ordinary refractive index no determines the propagation of the light. If the
light is polarized in parallel, the extraordinary refractive index neo determines the
propagation of the light.
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Figure 11: Adaption of the refractive index in a single-axis negative birefringent
crystal (neo < no ).
If the setup is chosen so that so that the harmonic wave is polarized extraordinarily
and the fundamental wave is polarized ordinarily, n2ω = nω can be fulfilled. Light
propagating at an angle of Θ with respect to the optical axis of the birefringent
crystal can be adjusted to any desired value ne combining both refractive indices.
(neo ≤ ne ≤ no )
ne (Θ)
sin2 Θ cos2 Θ
(neo )2
(no )2
· cos2 Θ
(neo )2
(no )2 (neo )2
Question 8:
Why do the refractive indices of the fundamental and the harmonic
have to be identical to efficiently generate the harmonic? Hint: speed
of light in the medium
Let’s look at a radiating dipole in a single-axis birefringent crystal. The phase of the
ordinary polarized field propagates on spheres like in isotropic media. However, the
extraordinary polarization propagates on ellipsoidal surfaces with constant phasing.
In the case of type I phase matching, this is shown in figure 12 below (harmonic (2ω)
extraordinarily, laser (ω) ordinarily polarized in a nonlinear, birefringent crystal) :
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. axis
.. 2ω ...........Θ
.. no
..... ω
....... .. ........... .....
..... .... .. ........... k
... .....
.. ...
.. ω .....
... ....... ....
.. ..
. .................................................... ... ...
.......... .. ... . ... ....................
.... ..
.. .... ..........
..... .... .....
.. .. .. ..
.. .. ... ...
.. . ... ..
.. .... .. ... ...
.. .. ..
.. ... ...
.. ....
. .. .. ω
.. .. n2ω..
. .. neo
... .. ...
... ... ..
.. ... ...
... ... ..
. .
... ... ..
... ... ...
.... ... ..
..... ... .
. ...........
............. .... . .. ..........
... ............................................ ..
... ... ....
.... .. ........
.. ..... . ...... . ...... ..... ....
.... ..................... .....
Figure 12: The angle of phase-matching is found where the refractive index ellipsoid of the extraordinarily polarized beam of the harmonic (2ω) intersects with the
refractive index circle of the ordinarily polarized laser beam (ω).
Autocorrelation measurement
Usually the duration of ultrashort light pulses cannot be measured using electrical
devices because of their insufficient bandwidth. The autocorrelation measurement
technique is an elegant method to determine the pulse duration up to several fs
(10−15 s): A light pulse is split into two equal parts. One part runs through a
fixed delay line, while the other one goes through a tunable one. Both parts are
spatially overlapped in an optical nonlinear crystal. In the crystal (here: BBO
β-bariumoxide) we generate the harmonic of the laser pulse which is detected as
a function of the relative delay time. As long as both parts overlap temporally, a
measurement of an autocorrelation signal W2h can be made, otherwise it disappears.
Mathematically the convolution of the pulse of intensity IL with itself is:
Z ∞
W 2h (tD ) ∝
ILo (t − tD ) · ILo (t)dt
The amplitude Eω0 of the field should vary slowly compared to 2π/ω.
In mode-locked operation, the Nd:YLF-laser generates almost gaussian pulses:
IL (t) = I0 · e
− 2 ln
= I0 · e−At
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4 ln 2
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where τ : full width at half maximumum (FWHM) of the laser pulse.
Equations (23) (23) and (24) (24) together yield:
Z ∞
e−A(t−tD ) · e−At dt =
W (tD ) ∝
Z ∞
A 2
2 D ·
e−2At dt
= |e−{z
| −∞ {z
Term I shows that the autocorrelation function depends on the delay line tD
√. It
describes a gaussian with FWHM τ 10 , which is τ 1 multiplied with a factor of 2.
τ0 =
Question 9:
Is it possible to determine the temporal shape of the laser pulse from
the autocorrelation function? Compare W 2h (tD ) and W 2h (−tD ).
Koechner, Solid-State Laser Engineering, Springer (1996)
Yariv, Quantum Electronics, John Wiley & Sons (1968)
Siegman, Lasers, University Science Books (1986)
Boyd, Nonlinear Oprics, Academic Press (1992)
Svelto, Principles of Lasers, Plenum Press (1989)
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Experimental setup
Figure 13: Experimental setup
Pol: polarizer, R1,2 : resonator mirrors, VD: variable delay line,
BBO: nonlinear crystal (β-bariumoxide),
DET 1/4/5: fast photodiode, DET 2/3: Si-avalanche-diode
Experiment and data analysis
Characteristic line of the laser diode
Record the characteristic line of the laser diode. For this, the output power at the
polarizer (POL) has to be determined as a function of the input current. As the
fiber produces totally un-polarized light, 50% of the laser radiation is coupled out
at the polarizer. Increase the diode current starting with 5 A in steps of 0,5 A up to
20 A. The detector signal (DET4) is plotted on a computer. The maximum power
of the laser diode is 10,5 W at a diode current of 20 A (U=1,8 V). Use appropriate
filters in front of the detector.
Do NOT increase the diode current to values higher than 20 A! This
might cause permanent damage to the laser diode.
Plot the characteristic line and determine the efficiency and the laser threshold of
the diode.
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Transverse laser modes of the Nd:YLF-laser
Switch on the Nd:YLF-laser and optimize the laser output power with a closed
aperture in the resonator at a diode current of 15 A using the right mirror R2 and
the power meter. Observe the occurring modes with the detector card.
Which modes do you find for ideal adjustment of the resonator? Which changes
must be made to the aperture diameter and the resonator adjustment to find the
different modes of the laser? For this vary the pumping power, the aperture diameter
and the position of the right end mirror R2 .
Classify the observed modes using figure 6.
Slope efficiency“ of the Nd:YLF-laser in cw-operation
Optimize the laser at a diode current of 15 A with an open aperture and then reduce
the diameter until a TEM00 -mode has been reached. Now measure the laser power
with the AOM switched off as a function of the optical pumping power of the laser
diode using the power meter. The slope efficiency is the slope of the characteristic
line of the Nd:YLF-laser beyond the laser threshold. Increase the diode current
from 7 A up to 18 A in steps of 0,5 A.
Plot the experimental data and determine the slope efficiency as well as the laser
threshold. Note that only 50% of the output power of the laser diode is used to
pump the resonator because of the polarizer.
Mode-locked operation of the Nd:YLF-laser
Now switch on the frequency generator of the AOM (f = 79.838.001 Hz) and look
for the starting point of mode-locking by tuning the resonator length with mirror
R2 . In order to do this, observe the temporal development of the laser emission
using the detector (DET 5), which is connected to an oscilloscope.
Because of the insufficient speed of semiconductor diodes we cannot measure the
pulse duration in that way. This is only possible if we look at the harmonic in the
following section.
Autocorrelation function of the laser pulse
Bring the beam to the autocorrelation setup by guiding it through both apertures infront of it. Optimize the signal of the harmonic by fine adjustment of the incoupling,
the angle of the crystal and the position of (DET 2).
Now you can optimize the laser operation by changing the resonator length and at
the same time observing the error bar of the fundamental on the screen. Measure
the autocorrelation function of the laser pulse of the Nd:YLF-laser by varying the
delay with the measurement program, which records the autocorrelation signal of
the detector (DET2). (DET 1) is used to normalize the signal.
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Plot the measured autocorrelation function versus the delay time. Fit a gaussian
to the measured curve using a suitable program.
How can we determine the pulse duration from the FWHM of the autocorrelation?
Please choose suitable units and an appropriate visualization of your results so that
the results of your fit can also be verified graphically!
Angular dependency of the harmonics
Determine the intensity of the first harmonic (DET 3) as a function of the crystal
For this, the laser must be guided through the iris and the generated harmonic
through the 50 µm pinhole, which is mounted 15 cm behind the crystal. Don’t
forget to rotate the norm detector (DET 1) by about 180◦ from its position in the
last experiment.
Afterwards, vary the angle of the crystal with the motorized rotation table using
the measurement program. Pay attention to an exact measurement of the principal
maximum and the minima. The curve should at least be recorded until the fifth
side maximum.
The refractive indices of the BBO Crystals (Thickness: 4 mm) are:
for 1047 nm:
no/ω = 1.65547
neo/ω = 1.54273
for 523.5 nm:
no/2ω = 1.6757
neo/2ω = 1.55606
a) Calculate the angle Θ needed for wave-vector matching. The crystal surface
can be assumed to be orientated perpendicular to the laser beam.
b) Plot the intensity of the first harmonic as a function of the rotation angle of
the crystal. Determine graphically the angle where the argument of the sinc2
function from equation (20) equals π and π2 respectively.
c) Calculate the effective path length through the crystal for the incidence angles
from b).The refraction at the transition to the optically denser medium has
to be taken into account. Hint: Snell’s law.
d) Determine the wave-vector mismatch for
∆klef f
= π and
e) Explain briefly why the curve does not vanish in the side minima.
Dependency of the harmonics on intensity
Determine the intensity of the first harmonic (DET 3) as a function of the intensity
of the fundamental (DET 1), which can be adjusted by hand using a λ/2-polarizercombination. The experimental setup is equal to the previous one. By rotating the
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λ/2-plate, one can manually set different intensities of the fundamental.
Plot the intensity of the first harmonic as a function of the laser intensity.
Which shape do you expect and which dependence do you determine by fitting the
data by a polynomial?
Measurements with the spectrometer
Before the actual measurements you have to calibrate the spectrometer. Please pay
attention to the following aspects: In order to increase the resolution, a finer grating
was mounted (higher line density). This influences the internal calibration of the
spectrometer. Therefore, the wavelength set at the device must be twice the actual
For calibration we use a He-Ne-laser because of its well defined wavelength (λ=632,8 nm)
its very narrow spectral width (≤ 10−3 nm). Set the spectrometer to λz = 1266 nm
(slitwidth: 50 µm, for adjustment extend open slit to 500 µm) and record a spectrum. Afterwards change the wavelength by 20 nm and save this spectrum too.
From these two measurements, you can determine the resolution of the spectrometer and the spectral spacing of the pixels.
Recording the Spectra:
With the same slitwidth, measure the spectra of the mode-locked Nd:YLF-laser and
the laser diode for different diode currents (region of fluorescence, transition region,
a) Plot the spectra of the He-Ne-laser (intensity over pixel number). Now you
can determine the spectral spacing of two pixels ∆λ using the spacing of the
two pixels ∆pixel :
∆λ =
20 nm/2
Because of the new grid, you have to additionally consider a wavelength dependent offset. The conversion formula (from pixel to wavelength) is
− ∆λ · (P ixel − 256) + 0, 0189 · (
− 1064, 36 nm).
To verify this formula, one can convert both He-Ne-spectra with it. After
doing so, both laser lines must be identical.
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b) Plot the measured spectra of the laser diode as a function of wavelength and
describe them. Compare the laser threshold of the diode with the value from
In fact, the measured bandwidths δm of the laser lines are a convolution of the real
spectrum (bandwidth δr ) with the resolution of the spectrometer δ:
2 − δ2
δr = δm
c) Why does the resolution of the spectrometer, in the first approximation, correspond to the measured bandwidth of the He-Ne-laser? Determine δ using
gaussians to fit the He-Ne-laser spectra.
d) Plot the spectrum of the Nd:YLF-laser. Determine δr and calculate the timebandwith product using the pulse duration from the autocorrelation measurement. Compare your result with the theoretical minimum.
Advanced Lab Course
Laser and nonlinear optics
Status: 17.11.2014
Page 21
A different safety standard must be observed with the laboratory equipment used
in this experiment in comparison to usual household equipment. Competence in
the use of the apparatus is required to minimize the risk to the experimenter. In
particular, the risk in this experiment is
The radiation of the Nd:YLF Laser used in the experiment is in the near-infrared
region, and therefore invisible to the human eye. The power output of both the laser
and the pump source are strong enough that even reflected radiation can harm your
retina. Therefore, the use of the
is obligatory every time the laser or the pumping source is running.
Please observe the following rules:
a) First think, then act!
b) Never trust that insulation, readouts, etc. are fully functional. In case the
laser is not operating, do not try to find the defect by yourself, but ask the
c) The laser is shielded by a box of plastic windows. Never open the box while
the laser is operating without the instruction of the tutor.
d) The adjustment of the power supply units in the laboratory must not be
changed by the experimenters without the instruction of the tutor.
e) Never put your hands in the beam of the laser or the pumping source while
it is running. Adding/Removing optical elements into/from the experiment is
only permitted when the pumping source is turned off.
Read these instructions carefully and ask the tutor if some details are not clear.
I declare that I have taken note of the instructions above.
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