Cloaking and Invisibility: A Review
... blue circle in Fig. 3(b). This explains why the phase velocity in the cloak at the inner radius must be infinite, according to (1). The cloak therefore requires superluminal propagation because any ray that goes through it has more distance to travel in an equal time than it would have in the associa ...
... blue circle in Fig. 3(b). This explains why the phase velocity in the cloak at the inner radius must be infinite, according to (1). The cloak therefore requires superluminal propagation because any ray that goes through it has more distance to travel in an equal time than it would have in the associa ...
Mechanisms of Pulsed Laser Ablation of
... logical structure that provides an improved mechanistic understanding of pulsed laser ablation of tissue. We consider ablation to be any process of tissue incision or removal, regardless of the photophysical or photochemical processes involved. We restrict this review to pulsed ablation (pulse durat ...
... logical structure that provides an improved mechanistic understanding of pulsed laser ablation of tissue. We consider ablation to be any process of tissue incision or removal, regardless of the photophysical or photochemical processes involved. We restrict this review to pulsed ablation (pulse durat ...
Frontiers in Optics 2010/Laser Science XXVI
... and an exhibit hall featuring leading companies in the field. Headlining the popular Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony were Alain Aspect, speaking on quantum optics; Steven Block, who discussed single molecule biophysics; and award winners Joseph Eberly, Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane. Led by ...
... and an exhibit hall featuring leading companies in the field. Headlining the popular Plenary Session and Awards Ceremony were Alain Aspect, speaking on quantum optics; Steven Block, who discussed single molecule biophysics; and award winners Joseph Eberly, Henry Kapteyn and Margaret Murnane. Led by ...
... The 3-dB modulation bandwidth and linewidth enhancement factor (LEF) of a semiconductor laser both directly benefit from an increased differential optical, which is typically improved through the use of strain, quantum confinement, or p-type doping in the active region of the device. All of these me ...
... The 3-dB modulation bandwidth and linewidth enhancement factor (LEF) of a semiconductor laser both directly benefit from an increased differential optical, which is typically improved through the use of strain, quantum confinement, or p-type doping in the active region of the device. All of these me ...
Integrated Opto-Micro uidic Lab-on-a-Chip in
... mixed and analysed, allowing for parallel processing and for large sets of data to be acquired in a short time. There are three main droplet generation techniques: co-owing systems, T-junction and ow-focusing devices. In all cases the dispersed phase is injected in the device where it comes in con ...
... mixed and analysed, allowing for parallel processing and for large sets of data to be acquired in a short time. There are three main droplet generation techniques: co-owing systems, T-junction and ow-focusing devices. In all cases the dispersed phase is injected in the device where it comes in con ...
Development of a Tm3+-doped Fluoride Glass - DORAS
... 1.4.3 Solid state lasers Solid state lasers are usually based on a host crystal or glass doped with active laser ions. The first report of an operational laser was made by Maiman in 1961§. This was a ruby laser, in which chromium ions were used to emit a high intensity pulse of red light when excite ...
... 1.4.3 Solid state lasers Solid state lasers are usually based on a host crystal or glass doped with active laser ions. The first report of an operational laser was made by Maiman in 1961§. This was a ruby laser, in which chromium ions were used to emit a high intensity pulse of red light when excite ...