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For use with the Britannica Student Encyclopedia article “Roman
Empire” up to but not including “The Empire Is Established.”
Rulers and Leaders
In the statements below, fill in the blanks with the correct names from the list. Not all the
names will be used.
Ancus Martius
Junius Brutus
Numa Pompilius
Octavius Mamilius
Servius Tellius
Tarquinius Priscus
Tarquinius Superbus
Tullus Hostilus
1. Legendary founder of Rome ___________________________________
2. First Etruscan king of Rome, drained the marshes and founded temple to Jupiter
3. Second Etruscan king, made Rome head of all Latium, supposedly built wall around the city
4. Last king of Rome, a tyrant who opposed the people ___________________________________
5. Led a rebellion to overthrow the last king of Rome ___________________________________
6. His Latin revolt to restore the Etruscan kings was crushed at the battle of Lake Regillus
© 2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Places and Peoples
In the statements below, fill in the blanks with the correct names from the
list. Not all the names will be used.
Latin League
1. River that runs through Rome ___________________________________
2. Sheepherding and farming people who inhabited the area where Rome was founded
3. One of the seven hills that make up Rome ___________________________________
4. Wealthy tribe that lived north of the village of Rome ___________________________________
5. Rome’s seaport at the river’s mouth ___________________________________
6. People from the north who invaded the Po Valley near the end of the 5th century
7. Group of southern cities that united in a treaty with Rome for mutual defense
8. Phoenician colony that was the chief sea power of the Mediterranean, leading it into over a century
of war with Rome ________________________________
© 2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Match the following names and terms from the Roman Republic with the
correct description.
A. Commissions of 10 men who put the state laws
into writing in 450 BC
1. _______ Cloaca Maxima
2. _______ censors
B. Huge public sewer still in use in Rome today
3. _______ The Senate
C. The common citizens of Rome
4. _______ comitia tributa
D. Judges
5. _______ proconsuls
E. Tax collectors
6. _______ plebeians
7. _______ concilium plebis
F. Two patrician magistrates who ruled Rome
together for one-year terms
8. _______ publicans
G. Kept lists of citizens and assessed taxes
9. _______ quaestors
H. New voting body in which all men’s votes
counted equally
10. _______ consuls
I. Officials who represented the plebeians
11. _______ decemvirs
J. The plebeian assembly
12. _______ patricians
13. _______ comitia centuriata
K. Important political body made up of 300 patricians, chosen by the consuls
14. _______ praetors
L. The wealthy and aristocratic citizens of Rome
15. _______ tribunes
M.Assembly that chose the consuls
N. Treasurers
O. Governors
© 2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
For each event below, write the year then place the letter of the event in its
correct spot on the timeline.
A. _____________ Legendary date of Rome’s founding
B. _____________ Rome conquered by Etruscan princes who become kings
C. _____________ Rebellion expels Etruscans from city, and Rome becomes a republic
D. _____________ Rome takes the Etruscan stronghold after a 10-year siege
E. _____________ Gauls lay waste to Etruria and sack Rome
F. _____________ Rome prevents the Latin League from breaking away
G. _____________ Rome finally defeats the Samnites, giving it supreme control over central and
northern Italy
H. _____________ Rome defeats Pyrrhus at Beneventum, and so Rome rules all Italy
I. _____________ The Punic Wars with Carthage (show the beginning to the destruction of Carthage)
800 BC 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 BC
For each of the dates in the chart below, determine what law, reform, or change was made in
the Roman government and explain what it did for the plebeian class.
509 BC
494 BC
450 BC
445 BC
367 BC
287 BC
© 2002 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.