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Name: __________________________________________
Date: ________________________________
World History _______ period
Social Studies Benchmarks Covered:
The Israelites
Language Arts Benchmarks Covered:
Created by: Gretchen Stopyra January 2013
Based upon the textbook: Discovering Our Past: A History of the
World Early Ages Chapter 6 The Israelites (Florida Edition)
Chapter 6
• Basic beliefs of the Israelites
• Formation of Judaism
• Key Figures
The article History of Judaism written by: Colleen Messina
© EdHelper 2013
The article Judaism’s Influence on Christianity and Islam
was written by Gretchen Stopyra © 2013
• Impact on Christianity and Islam
Page 2
Page 15
Key Terms
Chapter 6
Word List:
3 Moses received laws from God known as the ____________, on the top of
Mount Sinai.
5 The departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt is known as the
6 The Israelites believed that _____, communicated important information
from God.
7 A sacred song or poem used in worship
8 forced absence from one’s home or country
1 The Israelites believe that they have a special ____, or agreement from God
that would give the land of Canaan to Abraham and his decedents forever.
2 Most cultures in the area practiced, ______, or the belief in many gods.
4 The Israelites were different from other cultures of the day, they practiced
________, or the belief in one God.
6 a wise saying
Page 14
2. Are Jews, Christians, and Muslims considered to be monotheistic or polytheistic? ______________________
3. Why do Jewish people feel that Jerusalem is important?
4. Why do Christians feel that Jerusalem is important?
5. Why do Muslims feel that Jerusalem is important?
The 10 Commandments
Page 3
1. Do not _________________ and god except me.
2. Do not… bow down and worship _________________.
3. Do not _________________ my name.
4. Remember the _________________ Day and keep it
5. _________________ your father and mother that your
days may be long on the earth.
Abraham’s Journey from Ur to Canaan
Directions: Color the Map on page 15 and answer the questions
BLUE – water
YELLOW – land area inhabited by the Israelites
BROWN – all other land areas
1. What direction did Abraham travel to get from Ur to Canaan?
2. Ur is located on the southern banks of what major Mesopotamian river? _____________________________
3. Approximately how far was the journey from Ur to Canaan?
A. 250 km
B. 1435 km C. 1000 km D. 500 km
6. Do not _________________.
7. Be _________________ in marriage.
8. Do not _________________ .
9. Do not testify falsely (tell ______ ) about others.
10. Do not want _______________
that belongs to someone else.
(Paraphrased from Exodus 20: 3-17)
4. Use your textbook maps to identify the body of water in the
southeastern corner of the map.
_____________ ___________
5. Use your textbook maps to identify the body of water to the
west of Canaan. _____________ ___________
from Chapter 6 Lesson 1 page 143
Page 13
Page 4
The Ten Commandments
1. Think about the rules and laws that
we have in America today, choose
one law that we have and explain
what it is and which commandment it
relates to.
2. What is the main idea of the tenth commandment?
3. How were the ten commandments different from other
ancient codes, like Hammurabi’s Code?
The History of Judaism
Colleen Messina
The Jewish people have faced severe persecution during their
long history, but they have also demonstrated great strength. Judaism began about 3,500 years ago. Abraham, the first Jew, was a
respectable 99 years old at the time. It is believed that God made a
covenant with Abraham that Abraham's descendants would reach
the "Promised Land" in exchange for their worship and obedience.
Abraham believed in one God rather than many idols. Judaism
became a major world religion. It is at the heart of both Christianity and Islam.
for the poor and to give a tenth of their earnings to God.
Christians continue the tradition of giving a tenth of their
earnings to the church called a tithe. The Prophet Muhammad
once said, “He is not a believer who eats his fill while his
neighbor remains hungry by his side. People practicing the
Islamic faith have a duty to pay a special tax which goes to help
the poor.
Each of the three religions view Jerusalem as a holy place.
Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike travel to the Holy land. Jews
believe that Jerusalem is sacred land that God promised to their
ancestor Abraham. Christians flock to Jerusalem to be able to
follow the steps of Jesus of Nazareth and to see the tomb where
he was buried and is said of have risen on the third day. Muslims
believe that Jerusalem holds special significance because the
Prophet Muhammad is said to have ascended to heaven there.
The Dome of the Rock is the earliest known Islamic monument
where he stood as he ascended to heaven in during his Night
Both Christians and Muslims look to the prophets of
Judaism as prophets from God.. They also look upon their holy
books as Word from God. The Christian Bible is divided into
two sections. The Old Testament in the Bible is made up of the
Jewish holy books. The New Testament contains many letters
from disciples of Jesus and other apostles (believers) who spread
word of Jesus’ teachings. The Islamic Quran is the message of
God delivered by the messenger the Prophet Muhammad,
however in addition to honoring the prophets of the Jewish faith
they also pay some honor to early Christians and honor both
Jewish and Christian prophets as “people of the Book.” The
Muslims view both Jewish and Christian holy books as coming
from God.
© Gretchen Stopyra 2013
1. What is the author’s purpose in writing “Judaism’s Influence
on Christianity and Islam?” ____________________
Page 12
Page 5
Judaism’s Influence on Christianity and Islam
By: Gretchen Stopyra
Both the Christian and Muslim faiths trace their
beginnings back to Abraham the founder of Judaism. Abraham
founded the Jewish faith around 1800-1700 B.C. Christianity
began around 30 A.D. with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
After his death in c. 33 A.D. his disciples continued to spread his
teachings throughout the Roman world. The Prophet Muhammad
founded the Muslim religion after the Angel Gabriel appeared to
him in a cave in Saudi Arabia in 610 A.D. Three years later in
613 A.D. he began to teach the things that he had received in his
The three religions belief in many of the same truths.
They are all monotheistic and believe in one true God. Jews,
Christians, and Muslims alike believe that Abraham was chosen
of God. Christians and Jews believe that God
blessed Abraham and his wife Sarah with a son,
Isaac, in their old age. Jews and Christians
believe that Isaac is God’s chosen son and that
their inheritance comes through him. Muslims
too honor Abraham as a great prophet of God.
Unlike the Jews and Christians, Muslims believe
that Ishmael should also be considered a child of
God through Abraham, as his firstborn son
through a maid servant, and trace their inheritance to Ishmael.
Each faith teaches divine assistance is available from
heaven and pray to God to help meet their needs. The followers
all believe in the important of daily prayer to God. Each faith has
a special holy day for weekly worship. Muslims worship on
Friday, Jews worship on Saturday, and Christians traditionally
worship on Sunday. Fasting (not eating or drinking for a period
of time) is an important part of their faith and is practiced for a
variety of reasons.
Members of all three faiths recognize the importance of
giving money. Jewish people believe that it is important to care
Abraham lived in present-day Iraq in 1800 B.C. His son, Isaac, and
his grandson, Jacob, also became patriarchs of Judaism. Jacob's twelve
sons became the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel. Their complicated
story fills the Hebrew Bible, which is the Old Testament to Christians.
Even Disney has made movies about Bible stories!
The story goes that the Hebrews went to Egypt because of a famine
and later became Pharaoh's slaves. By 1200 B.C., the Pharaoh worried
that the Hebrew people might rebel. He ordered his thugs to throw all
Hebrew boys into the Nile! One boy's mother saved him by placing him
in a covered basket in the river. Pharaoh's daughter rescued the baby,
and she named him "Moses." This name means "one who was drawn
out," and the story of Moses is a well-known Bible story.
Moses rejected his royal family when he grew up. Pharaoh was Moses' adopted grandfather so this must have taken great courage. Moses
asked the Pharaoh to free the Hebrew slaves. Pharaoh said no, so God
sent ten nasty plagues to the Egyptians. The Nile turned to blood,
hoards of frogs hopped over the land, billions of bugs bothered the
Egyptians, and then all the people got boils. With the death of all
firstborn sons, including his own, the Pharaoh finally let his slaves go,
but soon changed his mind and sent his soldiers after the Israelites. According to the Bible, the Red Sea split into walls of water. The Israelites
escaped to Canaan, but the Pharaoh's soldiers never were able to "catch
a wave" and died in the attempt. This exodus was only one of many that
Jews had to make at different times in their history.
The Israelites faced new
problems in Canaan. The Canaanites worshiped idols, but the
Israelites formed a powerful
kingdom under King David
around 1000 B.C. His son, Solomon, built the first temple in Jerusalem. Unfortunately, under
Solomon the Israelites split into
two kingdoms who fought
against each other. In spite of the
violence in their lives, the Jews
had one great triumph during this
time. All of their holy writings
were collected into one book
called the Talmud in 500 B.C.
Page 6
Later, the Roman Empire conquered much of the known world. Romans took over Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D. Since
Jerusalem could no longer be the center of their life, Jews were scattered. Persecution of the Jews became a theme in their existence.
Page 11
The Phoenicians
pages 144-145
section removed…..
Today, not all of the world's twelve million Jews follow the same
tradition. Orthodox Judaism upholds the strictest interpretation of Jewish law. Conservative and Liberal Judaism have outlawed dietary restrictions and the exclusive use of Hebrew in their services. However, at
the heart of Jewish tradition is their first commandment, which says,
"Hear O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all
your might." (Deuteronomy 6:4)
Copyright © 2013 edHelper
1. The “Promised Land” is in modern day _______________.
2. What did the Israelites call the “Promised Land?” _________
3. What city is central to the Jewish faith? _________________
4. Two new religions that have their roots in Judaism are
_____________________ and ___________________.
5. What did the Egyptian people do to the Hebrews in order to
stop a possible revolt? _______________________________
Ch. 6 L 1
What leadership role did Abraham play in the early history of
the Israelites?
1. What characteristics of the Phoenicians indicate that they
were skilled sailors?
2. What impact did a written alphabet probably have on trade
in the region? ___________________________
3. Of the goods that the Phoenician traders worked with, which
was the most valuable? ______________________
4. Which Phoenician city became the most powerful city in the
Mediterranean World? ______________________
5. Why was the Phoenician alphabet considered an important
contribution of their society? __________________
Page 10
Chart taken from Chapter 6 Lesson 2
Name Time Period
874 - 840 B.C.
Only God should be worshipped - not
idols or false gods.
780 - 740 B.C.
The kingdom of King David will be
restored and will prosper.
750 - 722 B.C.
738 - 700 B.C.
Both rich and poor have to do what is
735 - 700 B.C.
right and follow God.
God is loving and forgiving.
God wants us to help others and
promote justice.
Jeremiah 626 - 586 B.C.
God is just and kind—he rewards as
well as punishes.
Someone who has done wrong can
choose to change.
597 - 571 B.C.
1. What do the teachings of Hosea and Jeremiah have in
common? _______________________________
2. Which prophets taught at the same time and could have been
friends? ______________ and _______________
and also ______________ and _______________
3. Which prophet taught that people who have done bad things in
their lives can choose to change to become a better person?
4. Why would the teachings of Micah have been unique at the
time? __________________________________
Page 7
Ch. 6 L 1
1. What caused Jacob’s family to leave Canaan land?
2. Why did the Egyptian pharaoh enslave the Israelites?
Ch. 6 L 1
1. How did Moses come to grow up as a child in the pharaohs
household? __________________________________
2. How did Moses come to be the Israelites’ deliverer from
Egypt? ___________________________________________
King Saul
Ch. 6 L 2
1. What did the prophet Samuel warn the Israelite people
against when they requested a king? ________________
2. Who was Saul? Why is he an important figure for Israel?
Page 9
Page 8
King David
Ch. 6 L 2
1. How did David become the second king of Israel?
2. Why was David given command of an army? ____________
3. What contributions did David make to the Hebrew Bible and
Christian Bible? ______________________________
4. Explain why the Israelites believed David was their greatest
king. ____________________________________________
King Solomon
Ch. 6 L 2
1. What was King Solomon known for? ________________
What are proverbs? ____________________________
How are we able to access King Solomon’s words of
wisdom? ___________________________________
Why did the Israelites turn against Solomon? __________
5. Before King Saul was appointed the first king of Israel by the
Prophet Samuel, he had warned the people that they would
not want a king. He told them a king would tax and enslave
them, how were the Prophet Samuel’s words proven to be
true in King Solomon?
Ch. 6 L 2
1. What punishment did Daniel face because he refused to
follow the polytheistic religion of the Babylonian King?
2. What lesson does the story of Daniel provide for Jewish
people? ____________________________________