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Strength and Conditioning 1
Rules and Safety
 1.
No horseplay is allowed. Proper conduct will be
observed at all times.
 2. No students will be permitted in the weight room
 3. Proper workout clothing must be worn, including
 4. All weights must be taken off of the bars at the end
of your work out and at the end of class.
Rules and Safety
 5.
All equipment must be used and cared for
properly. Cleaning spray is provided…use it!
 6. Be courteous. Do not tie up any particular piece of
equipment with excess sets or reps.
 7. No one should be standing around watching
everyone else do his or her workout.
 8. Use a spotter when lifting heavy weights.
When you are physically fit you:
 Are more likely to be at your ideal weight
 Have more energy
 Can cope with stress better
 Are less likely to be depressed
 Have stronger bones
 Can relax and sleep better
An Ideal exercise program
 Incorporate aerobic activity
 Resistance training
 Flexibility exercises
Elements of Fitness
Strength- is the ability of a muscle to produce force
Muscular endurance- is the ability of a muscle to
produce force repeatedly over a period of time
Cardiovascular Endurance-is the capacity of the
respiratory system and the circulatory system to supply
oxygen and nutrients to the muscle cell so an activity can
continue for a long period of time
Flexibility-The ability to move the body through a full
range of possible motion
 Static Stretching
 Static stretching means a stretch is held in a challenging
but comfortable position for a period of time, usually
somewhere between 10 to 30 seconds.
 Static stretching is the most common form of stretching
 Safe and effective for improving overall flexibility
 Dynamic Stretching
 Dynamic stretching is a stretch that is performed by
moving through a challenging but comfortable range of
motion repeatedly, usually 10 to 12 times.
 Dynamic stretching requires more thoughtful
coordination than static stretching (because of the
movement involved)
 Dynamic stretching is controlled, smooth, and
Order of exercise
 Start with large or
multiple muscle
followed by small
muscle groups
Train all muscle groups and
train them in the right order!
 As a rule, it is best to work Good starting point:
the larger muscles first and 1. Hips and legs
work in descending size
2. Back
3. Chest
4. Shoulders
5. Biceps
6. Triceps
7. Forearms
8. Abdominals
Two types of lifting
Low reps/high weight
High reps/low weights
Weight training programs
15 to 25
50-60 %
1 to 3
10 to 15
3 to 6
5 to 6
3 to 6
5 to 6
3 to 6
2 to 4
How many sets/reps?
 In the beginning of a program your goal should be
3 sets and 10 reps
How much weight should you
-Use as much weight as is comfortable for 10 reps
-The last rep should be fairly hard to perform
 Once you’re able to do more than 10 reps, increase
the weight
 It takes approximately 8-12 weeks to achieve gains in
Communication is the key.
Use these guidelines when spotting:
1. Be sure you are strong enough to help with the weight
being lifted.
2. Know the signs or signals the lifter will use when they
need your help.
Stay alert! Do not look away from the lifter.
Do not touch the bar if the lifter can complete the lift.
If needed gently provide the amount of help need to
complete the lift.
Language of Lifting
 Withering away-decrease in size
People may lose 20 to 40 percent of their muscle - and, along with it, their
strength - as they age. Scientists have found that a major reason people lose
muscle is because they stop doing everyday activities that use muscle power, not
just because they grow older.
Barbell (bench bar)
 A steel bar five to six feet long with an average weight
of 45 lbs
 Too much weight used on an exercise therefore
relying on surrounding muscle groups for
assistance in the movement
Body Composition
 The proportions of lean tissue as compared to fat
tissue in the body
Curl Bar
 A steel bar designed with bends for ease with curling
exercises, weighs an average of 25 lbs.
 A short barbell 10-12 inches in length
 Ability of a muscle to produce force continually
over a period of time
Number of sessions per week for each muscle group
 Increase in size of muscle fiber
Isokinetic Exercise
* Isotonic exercise in which there is an
accommodating resistance.
 Nautilus and Cybex are two types of isotonic
Isometric Exercise
The muscle contracts but does not shorten,
giving no movement.
They are quick to do and don't hurt.
The muscle gains strength only at the angle
you use in the exercise.
They don’t need expensive equipment During an exercise, the blood flow to the
muscle stops, and less blood flows back to
the heart. It could be dangerous if you have
heart problems.
You can do them anywhere
Isotonic exercise
Muscular action in which there is a change in
length of muscle and weight.
The muscle contracts and shortens, giving
movement…nearly all the training you do is
Muscle balance
 Balance the program to include opposing muscle
Negative reps
 When you slowly lower the weights
 This technique focuses on the negative portion of muscle
contraction (the eccentric or lowering phase).
 Each negative rep should take about six to ten seconds to lower.
 Focus on negative work at the beginning of your workout when you
are at your strongest.
Progressive overload principle
 Duration-the length of time spent exercising
 Intensity-the degree of exertion put forth by the body
during exercise
 Frequency-the number of days per week an individual
exercises. (at least 3-4 days is recommended
Range of motion
 Movement allowed by the body’s joints and body
position in a particular exercise
 The specific number of times you repeat weight
training exercise
A group of repetitions that make up a unit
 Example 3 set of 5 reps
 Person responsible for the safety of the one who is
performing the lift.
Maximal strength testing(Max)
 Lifting as much weight as possible for one repetition