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Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
1. Convert the following:
a. 675 mg = __________g
b. 45 km = __________mm
c. 568 m = __________cm
2. Sally is 17 years old today. How old is she in seconds?
Distance (m)
3. What kind of relationship exists
between the data in this graph?
Draw a smooth curve through the
Time (s)
4. These position vs. time graphs show that:
a. Object 1 moves with ____________________
b. Object 2 is at ________________________
c. Object 3 moves with ____________________
Object 1
Object 2
Object 3
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
Position (m)
Time (s)
5. For the graph above:
a. Which section of the graph above shows the object at rest? _____
Which section of the graph above shows changing velocity? _____
Which section of the graph above shows negative velocity? _____
What is the velocity of the object in section D? _____
What is the starting position of the object? _____
What is the velocity of the object in Section B? _____
6. The slope of a position vs. time graph is ________________________________
7. The slope of a velocity vs. time graph is ________________________________
8. The area under the velocity vs. time graph is _____________________________
9. During a race, Andra runs with an average velocity of 6.02 m/s to the east. What distance
does she cover in 137 s.
10. A car moves east at 18 m/s for 300 seconds. What’s its displacement?
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
11. What is the acceleration of Sally’s car as she changes its speed uniformly from 32 m/s to
96 m/s in 8.0 seconds?
12. Roger’s rocket powered tricycle, traveling at an initial velocity of 20.0 m/s, is accelerated
uniformly at the rate of 1.6 m/s2 for 6.8 s. What is its final velocity?
13. Draw a right triangle. The hypotenuse is 5.6 m and  = 75°. Calculate the opposite side.
14. Draw a right triangle. The hypotenuse is 98 miles and  = 44° above the horizontal.
Calculate the adjacent side.
15. Draw a right triangle. The adjacent side is 45.6 m/s and  = 22° north of east. Calculate
the northern component of the velocity vector.
16. Draw a right triangle. The opposite side is 28 m and the hypotenuse is 56 m. Calculate
the adjacent side.
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
17. Your friend tells you that she needs you to drive her to Target which is 18 miles due East
and 29 miles due North of your house. How far away and in what direction is Target
from your house?
18. What is the difference between a vector and scalar quantity?
19. Give some examples of scalar quantities:
20. Give some examples of vector quantities:
21. Toss a ball upward. What is the change in speed each second on the way up? On the
way down?
22. How far will a freely falling object fall from rest in 5.0 seconds? in 6.0 seconds?
23. Calculate the velocity and distance fallen for an object that falls freely from rest for 8
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
24. Toss a ball upward. What is its velocity at the top of its flight?
25. Write Newton’s 3 Laws
26. Define inertia. Give a real-life example of inertia in action.
27. What does inertia depend on?
28. Which of these two objects has the greater inertia: 15kg object moving at 5 m/s or a 20
kg object moving at 2.5 m/s?
29. Is a force needed to keep an object in motion?
30. List the two types of forces and give examples of each:
31. What does it mean for forces to be balanced? What is the acceleration of an object that
has balanced forces acting on it?
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
32. Define mass and list its unit.
33. Define weight and list its unit.
34. Draw the following free body diagrams:
a. a force applied to a book in order to move it across a desk.
b. an egg in free fall from a tree top nest
c. a bucket of nails being pulled upward through the air by a rope.
35. State Newton’s 2nd Law with an equation.
36. What happens to the acceleration of an object when the net force on it is doubled? what
if the mass is doubled?
37. Which is greater, kinetic or static friction?
38. What is mu?
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
39. State Newton’s 3rd Law of motion.
40. Why do action-reaction forces NOT cancel each other out?
41. When a fly hits the windshield of a moving bus, the force exerted by the fly onto the bus
IS EQUAL TO the force exerted by the bus onto the fly. Explain why the fly explodes
but the bus does not.
42. How is a rocket propelled through space?
43. An 1100 kg elevator is supported by a cable. What is the tension in the cable if:
a. it accelerates upward at 1.6 m/s2 ?
b. it accelerates downward at 1.6 m/s2 ?
c. it moves up at constant velocity ?
44. What is the mass of a box that weighs 25 N?
45. What is the weight of a box of mass 25 kg?
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
46. A sled of mass 50 kg is pulled along flat, snow-covered ground. The coefficient of static
friction is 0.10 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.03.
a. what does the sled weigh?
b. what force will be needed to start the sled moving?
c. what force is needed to keep the sled moving at constant velocity?
d. once moving, what total force must be applied to the sled to accelerate it at 3m/s2?
47. Draw a free body diagram of a projectile (ignore air resistance)
a. Does the horizontal velocity of the projectile change? Explain
b. Does the vertical velocity of the projectile change? Explain
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
48. What is the horizontal acceleration of a projectile? (ignore air resistance)
49. What is the vertical acceleration of a projectile? (ignore air resistance)
50. What does the trajectory of a projectile launched horizontally look like?
51. What does the trajectory of a projectile launched at an angle look like?
52. Fill in the boxes below to show the horizontal and vertical velocity vectors. Each of
locations of the ball happens at 1 second intervals. Assume the acceleration due to
gravity is downward at 10 m/s2 (10 m/s each second.)
20 m/s
1 0 m/s
Honors Physics
Midterm Exam Review Worksheet
53. A pool ball leaves a 1 meter high table with an initial horizontal velocity of 2.3 m/s.
a. Predict the time required for the pool ball to fall to the ground
b. How far from the table does the ball land?
c. What is the horizontal component of the ball’s velocity right before it lands?
d. What is the vertical component of the ball’s velocity right before it lands?
54. A football is kicked with a velocity of 10 m/s at an elevation of 29°. What are the
horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity? What are the horizontal and
vertical components of the velocity at the top of the flight?
55. Define momentum
56. Define Impuls