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Cultural Assumptions in Marketing - Advertising
 You need to write an analysis of
how male antiperspirant
products are marketed to men.
You will need to conduct
independent research to
successfully tackle the essay.
Analyse examples of existing advertising for
antiperspirant/deodorant for males on the
television and in magazines.
 You need to consider:
 The channel or publication, including timing if
The dominance of the producer
Key slogans or logos
The main image or text – the selection of focus
The style and tone
First, visit the Unilever Website.
Read all the information about Dove products.
Take notes on their mission statement and how
they try to market the product.
Read all the information about Lynx products.
Take notes on their mission statement and how
they try to market the product.
How are the ways in which they market their
 Lynx Website
 Lynx Blog
 Various print adverts (at least
 Various television adverts (at
least two)
Comment on:
 Use of slogans
 Use and placement of text
 Font type, size and colour
 Where the product is placed
 The image(s) that accompany product
 Use of sound/dialogue
 Where the advert appeared (magazine, channel,
 Keep any and all research
notes, advertisements and
information that you
 These can be used for your
assessment, and must be
submitted as well.
What have you learnt about the way in which print
and television ads are constructed?
How is the product marketed (needs, etc)?
Who is it marketed to? How do you know this?
Who made the adverts?
Where and when do the ads tend to appear?
What assumptions does the advert make about its
intended audience?
 What interests does the advert suggest?
 What sort of images/representations are made?
 What stereotypes are used? What is their effect?
What comparisons can be made to the print and
television adverts? Similarities? Differences? Which is
most effective and why?
Design a storyboard for a television advertisement for a
new antiperspirant/deodorant product for males and a
print-based advertisement for the same product.
Explain where and when the television advertisement
would appear and where the print advertisement would
 You need to consider:
Your target audience(s)
Your product
How you want to represent your product
The codes and conventions of the chosen medium used
Any regulations you may need to consider for your product
Where can your advert appear to gain the maximum effect?
One storyboard
One print advert
One written
explanation of choices
made in storyboard and
For example:
The product I created was _____. I based my
product on ______, because ______. My
television advert used ______, because _______.
My print advert used _______, because _______.
Explain all choices made, in terms of shot types,
music, actors, action, product placement, text,
font, slogans, etc.