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Energy Atoms and Elements Practice Problems
1) Knowing that gravity on the moon is about 0.6 times that on the earth, how is the mass of
an astronaut on the moon related to the mass of the same astronaut back on earth?
2) The phrase "ability to do work" is a definition of __________.
3) The energy stored in the chemical bonds of a carbohydrate molecule is __________ energy.
4) The property associated with the motion of particles in a substance is called __________. It
is a form of ____________energy.
5) In which of the following samples would the water particles be moving most rapidly?
A) ice at -20°C
B) ice at 0°C
C) water at 20°C
D) boiling water
E) steam at 110°C
6) The dietary calorie (Cal) is equal to __________.
A) 4.184 J
B) 1 000 J
C) 1 "real" calorie
D) 1 kilocalorie
of one McDonald's french fry
7) How many joules are in a candy bar that has 320 Cal?
8) The specific heat of copper is 0.385 J/g °C, and the specific heat of silver is 0.235 J/g °C. If the same
amount of heat is added to one g of each metal starting at the same temperature, what is the
expected result?
A) The two samples will decrease in temperature.
B) The two samples will remain the same temperature.
C) The copper will reach a higher temperature.
D) The silver will reach a higher temperature.
9) If enough energy is added to a block of ice at 0 °C to melt half of it, what will the temperature of the
liquid water be?
A) 4 °C
B) slightly lower than 0 °C
C) slightly higher than 0 °C
D) 0 °C
10) Matter:
A) makes you fatter
B) is made from fire, earth, air, and water
C) is what solids and liquids are made of, but not gases
D) is anything that has mass and occupies space
11) Which of the following is a property of a solid?
A) It has no definite volume and takes the shape of the container.
B) It has definite volume and takes the shape of the container.
C) The particles are very close together and can move past each other.
D) The particles are very close together and have fixed positions.
12) Conversion of a gas to a solid is known as
A) sublimation.
B) deposition.
C) condensation
D) evaporation
E) gasmosis
13) Compounds are pure substances that by definition consist of __________.
A) solids
B) nonmetals
C) metals
D) two or more atoms
E) two or more elements in combination
14) Classify the following using the classification scheme of matter. Be as specific as possible.
A) oxygen gas (O2 )
B) gasoline
C) stainless steel
D) zinc metal
E) rubbing alcohol (70% isopropyl alcohol in water)
F) baking soda (sodium bicarbonate: NaHCO3 )
G) yellow crystals of sulfur (S8)
H) a bacterial cell
15) What is the name of the elements represented by the following elemental symbols:
A) Na
B) B
C) Mn
D) S
16) What is the elemental symbol for the following elements:
A) potassium
B) silicon
C) manganese
D) phosphorus
E) lead
F) tungsten
G) radium
E) Au
17) Which of the following statements are correct?
A) A neutron has no charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu.
B) An electron has a negative charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu.
C) A proton has a positive charge and a mass of approximately 2 amu.
D) A proton has a positive charge and a mass of approximately 1 amu.
of an amu.
E) An electron has a negative charge and a mass of about
18) Which of the following is NOT a statement of Dalton's Atomic Theory.
A) All matter is made up of tiny indestructable particles called atoms.
B) Atoms are niether created or destroyed during a chemical reaction, just rearranged.
C) All atoms of a given element are identical and atoms of different elements are different in
some fundamental way
D) Atoms from different elements combine in specific ratios to form compounds.
E) John Dalton is the best looking guy in England.
19) The Rutherford gold foil experiment demonstrated that atoms
A) are actually made of pudding.
B) consist of large particles with very little empty space.
C) absorb all -particles that are aimed at them.
D) deflect all -particles that are aimed at them.
E) are mostly empty space, consisting of a dense nucleus surrounded by tiny electrons.
20) In an atom, the nucleus contains __________.
A) only protons
B) only neutrons
C) only electrons
D) all the subatomic particles that make up an atom
E) all the protons and neutrons
21) The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of __________.
A) neutrons
B) neutrons plus protons
C) electrons
D) protons
22) The number of neutrons in an atom is equal to the __________.
A) mass number
B) number of protons
C) mass number + the atomic number
D) mass number - the atomic number
23) The mass number of an atom can be calculated from the __________.
A) number of neutrons
B) number of protons
C) number of electrons + protons
D) number of protons + neutrons
24) Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have __________.
A) the same atomic number, but different number of protons
B) the same atomic number, but different number of electrons
C) different atomic number, but the same mass number
D) the same atomic number, but different number of neutrons
25) Which of the following is NOT true for the atoms 13N, 14N, and 15N?
A) They all have the same atomic number.
B) They all have 7 electrons.
C) They all have 7 protons.
D) They are isotopes.
E) They all have the same mass number.
26) The atomic mass on the periodic table is equal to __________.
A) the mass number
B) the mass of one atom in grams
C) the average mass of all of the naturally occurring isotopes of the element
D) a weighted average mass of all of the naturally occurring isotopes of the element
27) Identify the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the following species:
23 +
32 3P
C) 35Cl-
D) 239U
G) 63Cu2+
28) An atom has 13 neutrons and 10 electrons. If it is a cation with a charge of +1, what is its
correct symbol?
TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
29) The specific heat of a substance is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 g of the
substance by 1°C.
30) Two different elements can have the same mass number.
31) Atoms always retain their identity during a chemical reaction.
32) Atoms always retain their identity during nuclear reactions such as radioactive decay, fusion and
33) All atoms of a given element are identical.
34) Silicon is a nonmetal.
35) Sodium and potassium are in the same period.
36) The halogens are group 17.