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Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
Chapter Nine
Media Vehicles
Learning Objectives:
1. Know about the different
advertising messages
2. Evaluation of Broadcast Media
3. Evaluation of Print Media
4. Evaluation of Digital Media
5. Evaluation of Out of Home (OOH) Media
6. Examine the pros and cons of each media option
9. Introduction
9.1 Introduction
Media planning and media selection are increasingly
becoming complex due to technology advancements. Digital
media is sweeping the media landscape as it offers
influence media selection are product type, target group,
type of ad campaign, budget and availability of media
space. Media vehicle refers to specific methods of media
used by advertisers to deliver advertising messages to
the target audience. It is different from media channel /
class – TV, Radio, Print etc. If TV is a media channel /
class, Star TV is media vehicle. Thus, first right
channel / class is selected and later media vehicle is
selected. It‟s the media vehicle which takes you to your
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
target customers. Media vehicles not only encompass
conventional, new age media but also collaterals. The
role of any media could be to deliver brand message,
create brand relationship, sustain brand relationship,
strengthen brand relationship and connect companies with
customers. Message delivery is only the first step in
connecting as it opens the door to touch a customer in a
meaningful way with brand message. Each media channel /
class and media vehicles with their „reach‟ and
„viewership (readership)‟ have a significant role to
play. Right mix of vehicles ensures meeting the
advertising and media objectives Eg: print – generates
awareness and reinforcement, TV – build awareness and
persuasion, radio is suitable as a reminder medium,
Outdoor can help as reminder and building initial
awareness during product launches, the internet will help
you to engage with the consumers. Advertising can thus
become effective when suitable media is used to carry the
message. The Time and space with chosen media vehicles
needs to be booked to ensure release. Once, media scholar
Marshall McLuhan has said “the medium is the message”.
What he meant was that medium or manner, through which
the message is transmitted, shapes the meaning of the
message. People perceive media from their eyes and attach
significance based on their life and stature. Thus their
significance they give to respective media.
Each media has own strengths and weaknesses. Different
media available to advertisers are broadcast media like
TV, Radio, Cinema, print media like
magazines, Out of Home Media like billboards, neon
displays, digital media like internet, direct mail
advertising, point of purchase advertising and other
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
media like yellow pages, product placements, infomercial,
in-cinema etc.
9.2 Broadcast Media
Broadcast media covers television and radio. Individuals
spend 85% of time with broadcast media. However, it is
fleeting thus once message appears, it‟s gone till it‟s
repeated. Commercials are more intrusive than print as
they are presented in stream during a program. In print,
reader has choice to ignore add.
9.2 Broadcast Media
a) Television
terrestrial, cable and iTV (Interactive TV) through which
it reaches millions of viewers simultaneously and allows
advertisers to make ad memorable and emotional. It has
large viewership as one TV set attracts many viewers.
However, there are few limitations of TV advertisements
namely intrusive in nature thus ads get skipped,
technology allows blocking of commercials, high cost of
ads releases due to multiple vehicles – Star, Life Ok,
Sony. It needs to be brief thus complete message can‟t be
There are few advantages of TV advertisements as well
such as it has high impact and a very creative medium. It
has widest reach and widest demographic coverage. Ads can
be directed at both the masses as well as a particular
target audience by choosing broadcast time. Producer can
combine audio-video-text and colors to make ad memorable
and emotional. Also, with simple voice over's, same ad
can become suitable for different regions / languages.
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
Prominent disadvantages of TV advertisements are that TV
commercials are very costly to air & produce; it has so
much of clutter, message needs to be repeated several
time to get noticed and have lasting impression and it is
considered as intrusive in nature as it comes in-between
b) Radio
Radio as a media channel covers vehicles like AM, FM and
community centers. Radio reaches lakhs of local listeners
simultaneously. Wide variety of program especially on FM
channel appeals to everyone thus you can target better.
Radio is used as an excellent complimentary medium,
suitable to create buzz and hype. Radio advertisement is
Advertisers can easily adjust their message to local
market conditions and marketing situations. Radio is
cost-effective medium appropriate for increasing brand
awareness and drive direct sale. With radio, it is
possible to target national and local audiences.
Advantages of radio advertisement are namely low cost and
thus cost-effective medium – low radio time and low
production cost, low cost and other features allows
advertisers to build reach and frequency both, offers
high degree of audience selectivity available through the
various radio stations, allows focused advertisement on
specialized audiences such as certain demographics /
lifestyle, commands high attention and radio encourages
listeners to use their imagination when processing
delivered message, leading to high level of engagement.
Disadvantages of radio advertising are lack of visual
image thus not possible to build emotional appeal, high
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
level of audience fragmentation due to large number of
channels and stations, need frequent repetition due to
low reach, increased clutter needs widespread vehicle
selection thereby increasing cost
9.3 Print Media
Print media covers newspapers, magazines, brochures etc.
National dailies, weekly, financial newspapers are
variations available. Same is with magazines.
a) Newspapers
Newspapers have wide reach, visibility and readership.
Readership has different hues which gets captured during
NRS and used by media planner for developing media plan.
Newspapers give reach and frequency both. A newspaper
advertisement cost is moderately high but low production
cost makes it cost-effective per reach.
Advantages of newspapers advertisements are numerous such
as it has very good reach, With many newspapers being
dailies frequency can be built quickly, readers are above
average in terms of education and covers semi-literate to
professionals, upscale individuals. Newspapers ads can be
produced with extremely short deadline and it is possible
to modify its content. It allows ads to be built in any
size. Newspapers editorial equity ads legitimacy to the
brand being advertised, being tangible form it allows
reader to read at its own convenience, re-read if needed
and newspapers ads are not intrusive as it allows reader
to see ads for their requirements while others can ignore
the advertisements.
Disadvantages of newspapers advertisements are that with
high readership and circulations their advertisement
charges are very expensive, source of very high clutter,
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
printed on newsprints thus re-production is not very
good, average lifespan is just few minutes in a day
besides high percentage of media wastage likely – poor TG
coverage, online editions reading etc.
b) Magazine
Magazine is referred as bundled publications with
articles of interest, analyzed news, investigated stories
frequency (weekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly), by
professional). Magazine is a chosen medium by the reader
thus most preferred and attention grabbing. Reader
himself engages with the medium. Magazine classification
helps you in proper targeting and offers far better print
quality. Many special magazines are designed for welldefined consumer segments – Filmfare, Outlook thus ads in
take can attract like minded people and thus more
Advantages of magazine advertisement are like excellent
reproduction quality of advertisement, offers flexibility
in terms of types, size, placement of the advertising
material, allows you to reach specific target audience,
allows readers to read at their own time. Magazines are
kept for longer duration, frequently used for reading
thus offers frequency, message being seen and impact
Disadvantages of magazine advertisement are like it is
more costly than newspaper ads. Cost of ads rate differ
based on popularity, circulation and readership and
nature of readership they reach, their overall reach
among the target audience is lower, longer lead time to
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
print, materials for print needs to be reached before
scheduled dates thus less flexibility, can‟t offer
frequency as they appear as per their print frequency and
especially more among popular magazines.
9.4 Digital Media
The internet provides a cost-effective way to connect
connectivity. Internet attracts younger generation more.
Websites as a digital media helps customers to find more
information about the brand. Other digital media such as
social media, banner ads, pop-ups, sponsorship, blogs,
search engines. People are more engaged with social
media. Digital media can enhance selling support efforts.
Digital media are suitable for both B2C & B2B industries
and it can enhance trial, comparison and demonstrations.
Internet enables companies to gain exposure to potential
customers at a fraction of the investment. It has the
capability to target specific groups of individuals with
minimum waste coverage as only interested individuals
will visit the website.
Advantages of digital media is its capability to offer
precise targeting thus messages can be designed to appeal
to the specific needs and wants of the target audience.
As it is interactive, it provides strong potential for
increasing customer involvement and satisfaction and
almost immediate feedback for buyers and sellers.
Disadvantages of digital media are few like it has ads
clutter being such a powerful medium, consumer come to
internet for some need and thus gets irritated by
frequent ads like banner or pop-ups. Its reach is still
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
behind television due to poor infrastructure not allowing
it to spread. There is no reliable research data to vouch
for its reach and its user-friendliness depends on
backbone infra such as download speed, broadband reach,
Wi-Fi connectivity etc.
9.5 Out of Home Media
Using outdoor board in a local market is a good way to
extend reach and frequency. Outdoor boards also provide
geographical flexibility for targeting. Outdoor boards
can be signs by the road or hoardings at prime locations
besides posters on buses, bus shelters, local trains etc.
Modern outdoor mediums are like bulletin boards, posters,
neon displays including shopping bags, uniforms and
vehicles branding etc.
Advantages of Out of Home Media are few such as it gives
proper placement to get broad base of exposure possible
thus gives you high rich, can be placed at many strategic
locations, helps you to cover local to national market,
can be creative and innovative thus medium to create
awareness and recall. Outdoor ads with promotion can
technologies have reduced production times thus it has
rapid turnaround time.
Disadvantages of Out of Home Media are few such as it
gives high degree of waste coverage as everyone who pass
by need not be target customers, exposure time is so low
that it has to be limited to a few words or
illustrations, due to high cost, it is an expensive
medium for reach and now a days in many vantage points,
OOH media face restrictions due to high rates of
distraction to drivers resulting in accidents.
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231
Summary – Advertising & Sales Promotions
Next , Chapter 10 ‘Legal &
Ethical Aspects of Advertising’
ASHISH V. HATHI, [email protected], 9920345222 / 24140231