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Name__________________ Period_________
Unit 1: Age of Exploration
Guided Notes- Standards 7-1.1 & 7-1.2
Europe Explores
During the 1400’s Europeans set out on an Age of _______________.
Europeans looked past their borders to new land, waters, and new
Many events led to the closure of the _______________. This led
Europeans to find an all water route to _________.
Active European Explorers
1. ____________ – East and North Coast of Brazil
2. ____________– New Spain, Mexico, South
3. __________ – New England, Southern Atlantic
4. ___________ – Caribbean, Northern Atlantic
5. ____________ - South America, Caribbean,
New York
The Church and Pope’s Role
Spain was able to get the most land in the New World
because of a _________________ being drawn between
them and Portugal
New Technology
A. 2 major inventions helped navigate a ship’s course over
1. _________
2. _________
B. Navigators also improved their map-making techniques:
New Ships
A. The Portuguese designed a new ship called a
_____________. It has:
1. Several masts
2. Rudder to steer
3. Sits high on the water and stays close to shore
Weapons used to Conquer
A. ______________ from China to Europe.
B. With new fire power ______________ could take
captives and conquer new lands for their country without
superior numbers of people! It had the power to conquer
the world.
A. ______________nations wanted to conquer New World for
B. England, France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands created
___________ in New World- show off- power & wealth
A. Plantation Colonies –___________and _____________, grew
B. Trading Posts- __________and __________- traded mostly in
C. Settler Colonies –____________, purpose- expand
empire and have religious freedom
D. Asia was ___________until they began trading with
Characteristics of Asia
 modern and militarily strong civilizations
 “equals” with Europe- trade
 European nations- ______________ in port cities and along
coastal regions
 Created a ___________ in Asia
Plantation Colonies- Spanish & Portuguese use Native Americans and
then enslaved ___________; British- indentured servants
Trading colonies- French and Dutch worked with locals
Settler colonies- British pushed the Natives off land and used Africans
as ______________.
_________________ - slaves -died from European diseases (no
immunity), or escaped.
The solution- the _____________________ - biggest forced migration
in history.
__________did not invent slavery- they followed a long history going
back to ancient times.
The exact number is not known but more than 11 million Africans lived
to set foot in the _____________.
The forced migration of Africans increased the number of people living
in the colonies.
The majority of Slaves came from West___________, this decimated
their culture, but also freed up land for warring tribes to expand and
capture more slaves.
A. Africans ran away or revolted on ships.
B. __________started to end slavery
C. ____________ and __________ were the first countries to
outlaw slavery.
The Triangular Trade
A. Ships sailed several routes, each of which formed the three legs
of a geographic triangle
B. The First Leg- European ships carried goods to ________.
C. The Second Leg- The European ______ were traded for slaves
(Mostly from West Africa then shipped to America.
D. Third leg: Europeans used the profits from the sale of ________
in the Americas to buy items to be sold back in Europe for a
From Europe
To the Americas (_____)
To Africa (_____)
The Middle Passage
 The worst part of the voyage for the slaves coming from
Africa to the Americas was called the
 Many died of ______________ from overcrowding and
unsanitary conditions.
 Those who died were thrown over board
 Some just decided it was better to jump
_______________and die than to endure the conditions.