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I. European Exploration A. Reasons: 1. Wanted direct trade route with Asia (wanted spices) 2. improved technology that enable them to explore: a. caravel ships with cannons b. more accurate maps c. astrolabe to determine latitude 3. Gold, glory & God B. The Portuguese 1. Prince Henry the Navigator: explore W. Africa in hopes of finding gold & to spread Christianity 2. With the achievements of Dias and DaGama, the Portuguese dominated the spice trade in the Indian Ocean. II. Conquest in the Americas A. Spain in the “New World” 1. 1492: Columbus 2. Conquistadors look for gold in the Americas & enslave native peoples a. pan for gold b. Forced conversion to Christianity c. Diseases: smallpox, influenza, & measles which kill many d. The conquistadors: i. Hernan Cortes (1519): Conquers Aztec Empire in Mexico ii. Francisco Pizzarro (1532) conquers Incan Empire in Peru Aztecs and Incas 3. Reasons Spain conquered Central & South Americas: a. superior military technology b. internal divisions in Native American Empires c. weak resistance to European diseases d. natives gave up • BUT many indigenous people resisted by maintaining their own culture III. Dispute between Portugal & Spain A. Rival claims to colonies 1. Pope Alexander VI solves with the Line of Demarcation a. west of the line: Spain b. east of the line: Portugal IV. Spanish & Portuguese colonies in the Americas: A. Religion: Church authority expands with the empire B. Economics: Mercantilism 1. Sugar, gold, & silver are the main exports 2. Columbia Exchange C. Social Hierarchy 1. Peninsulars: Spanish born. Held powerful positions in the government & the Church 2. Creoles: American born descendents of Spanish settlers. Owned most of the plantations, ranches, & mines 3a. Mestizos: People of native American & European descent. 3b. Mulattoes: People of African & European decent. 4. Native American & African mix a. When the enslavement of natives is outlawed and many already died of new diseases, begin to import & enslave Africans i. Africans outnumber the Europeans ii. many rebel, run away, or buy freedom V. Atlantic Slave Trade (slavery existed since ancient times) A. From 1500s to the late 1800s over 10 million Africans were shipped to Americas to use as slaves on plantations (most used in Caribbean) 1. Many were captured & sold to European slave traders by other Africans for gold, guns, & rum B. Triangular Trade 1. finished goods transported from Europe to the West Coast of Africa 2. Slaves transported from west coast of Africa to the Americas 3. goods produced on the plantation were sent to Europe for sale in markets (tobacco, sugar, coffee, etc.) 4. The route that slave ships took was called the Middle Passage 5. Slaves suffered horrible conditions a. very little food, fresh water, exercise during the passage b. approximately 20% die along the way c. worked in mines, fields, or as servants 6. some slaves would resist