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Triratna Buddhist Community wikipedia , lookup

Borobudur wikipedia , lookup

• Borobudur, is a 9th
century Mahayana
Buddhist monument in Magela
ng,Central Java, Indonesia. The
monument consists of six square
platforms topped by three
circular platforms, and is
decorated with
2,672 relief panels and
504 Buddha statues.[1] A main
dome, located at the center of
the top platform, is surrounded
by 72 Buddha statues seated
inside a perforated stupa.
• The monument is both
a shrine to the Lord
Buddha and a place for
Buddhist pilgrimage. The
journey for pilgrims
begins at the base of the
monument and follows a
path around the
monument and ascends
to the top through three
levels symbolic
of Buddhist cosmology:
Kāmadhātu , Rupadhatu
and Arupadhatu .
The monument was listed
as a UNESCO World
Heritage Site .
Sari monastery
• It is an 8th century Buddhist
temple located at Kalasan,
Sleman regency, Yogyakarta.
• The temple was a two story
building with wooden beams,
floors, stairs completed with
windows and doors; all from
organic materials. It is suggested
that the original function of this
building was
a Buddhist monastery , a
dwelling place for monks. The
temple's name Sari translates as
"to sleep" in Javanese, which also
confirms the habitation nature
of the building.
• Batujaya is an
archeological site
located in West
Java, Indonesia. The
site is five square
kilometers in
area.The site was
first found and
examined by
archaeologists from
the University of
Indonesia in 1984 .
• The discovery of this
archaeological site was
important as although it
was the location
of Tarumanagara, the
oldest Hindu-Buddhist
kingdom in Indonesia, West
Java lacks ancient temple
remains. Before the
discovery, only four temple
sites have been found in
West Java, namely they
are Cangkuang Temple (in
Garut), Ronggeng Temple,
Pamarican Temple, and
Pananjung Temple (in
Mendut is a ninth
century Buddhist temple,
located in Mendut
village Central
Java, Indonesia. The temple
is located about three
kilometres east
from Borobudur. The 26.4
metres tall temple is facing
• The temple is located about
three kilometres east
from Borobudur. Mendut,
Borobudur and Pawon, all of
which are Buddhist temples,
are located in one straight