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Mathematics and Science Planning For Learning Topic Planner
Learner context
Topic: Magnetism Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance
Topic Focus: exploring the forces of attraction and repulsion between magnets
Level of schooling: Year 4
School and class context:
What is the learning focus?
• Magnets exert a force that can be described as a ‘push’ or a ‘pull’.
• Magnets exert a force field that is called a ‘magnetic field’. A magnetic field is a region in space around a magnet that will exert force on another magnet or
magnetic material.
• Magnets attract materials composed of iron and nickel; these materials are described as being magnetic.
• Magnets vary in strength, size and shape.
• Magnets have north and south poles. The attracting power (magnetic field)
of a magnet is greatest at its poles.
• Like poles of a magnet attract; unlike poles repel.
• Atoms are tiny constituents of matter and act like tiny magnets. In magnets and magnetic materials atoms form groups called ‘domains’, where their
magnetic poles are aligned.
• In magnets, domains align themselves (north poles are in the same directions). In non-magnetic materials domains do not align themselves magnetically.
• Magnetic materials are made into temporary magnets by bringing them near a permanent magnet.
• Earth can be considered to be one large magnet.
• Temporary magnets can be made from a nail, wire and battery because an electric current produces magnetism.
Thinking and Working Scientifically:
Testing (Skamp pp62,63) - Experimenting and reproducing experiments as methods of proving concepts.
scientific discussion (Skamp 2012, p63, Faire and Cosgrove 1988, p16) this is part of the engagement activity as well as being evident throughout the unit.
Predicting, (Skamp pp63), this is part of the before views and exploratory experience 1,4 and 5.
Discovering (Skamp pp61) used throughout the unit.
Observations (Skamp pp67) exploratory experience 2,3,4 and 5
Questions (Skamp pp62, 83)
Explain (Skamp pp80)
Dispositions: Critically thinking about science and voodoo science. How to differentiate between useful scientific discoveries and fake discoveries. How to
discover if claims are true. Experimenting and reproducibility as ways of proving concepts.
How will the students engage with this learning? (learning experience sequence based upon A Sequence for Interactive Teaching (Faire and
Cosgrove 1993))
Engagement experience for this topic
view youtube how to make a monopole magnet
debate the veracity of this video. There is a facebook group set up for this activity. Each student has to post an answer to the question “is this video
real” the students are allowed to read the comments posted on the video and I will lead a discussion about why this may not be real (as a
communicator of other peoples ideas Faire and Cosgrove 1988 p 64)and what this means if it is real.
This will generate a lot of interest and discussion about magnetism and its uses in everyday activities, also the ideas about free energy if we could
discover monopoles.
©Mathematics and Science Planning for learning topic planner
Developed by the Studies in Science and Mathematics Education team: Mike Chartres, Kathy Paige and David Lloyd
This is in Skamp: “`Scientifically literate people are sceptical and questioning of claims made by others about scientific matters” In order to be
scientifically literate the students must gain an understanding of what is science and how it works.
In Faire and Cosgrove, “Children are learning successfully in science when they offer their own ideas, back up those views with evidence, listen to
and consider other’ ideas, seek clarification by probing, challenging or investigating others’ viewpoints.”
Before views
What is magnetic.
In groups of 3 the students will make a list of all items that they think are magnetic from a box of items, these include things like Nutri-grain,
electric motors, speakers and other household items. These are put on to the facebook page for this topic as a group post along with a justification.
Then they watch ABC Splash to see the iron from nutri-grain video. Everyone gets to do the activity followed by testing the magnetism of items
with their magnets. The results are posted to the facebook page as replies to the question I have posted.
Exploratory experiences that explore and challenge students’ before views and to generate possible
investigable questions
Exploratory experience 1 reproducing an experiment to prove its veracity
Exercise: make a monopole following the instructions in the video. The magnets will be cooled down in the freezer prior to the lesson. Groups post
their predictions, and results recorded on video. If they do not succeed with the first attempt, they will need to experiment with different techniques.
Exploratory experience 2 The Earth as a magnet
Begin with video “earths magnetic field”, Students use iron filings to create a magnetic field, from this they can predict the earths magnetic field.
Students create an animation showing the creation of the magnetic field using iron filings dropped on to the piece of paper which will show the field
for two of the following: a bar magnet, a horseshoe magnet, a circular magnet, which one is a good predictor for the earths magnetic field? Why?
Exploratory experience 3 Indian rope trick
Key ideas: Magnetic force extends into the space surrounding the magnet. Magnets push and pull through some types of matter but not others.
This activity involves a visual illusion, and can be quite compelling if set up in a room for students to discover. The paper clip floating is indeed a
surprising sight. It turns out that only iron or steel objects (e.g. a pair of scissors you can use to cut the ‘invisible thread’) will affect the force, and
not paper or plastic or aluminium or copper. Iron and steel objects are attracted by magnets also.
You can make a paperclip float in midair by attaching it to a piece of cotton thread taped to a bench, and placing a magnet above so that the clip is
almost touching the magnet but is held by the cotton. The magnet needs to be quite strong to make this work. The magnet can be covered by a card
with a sign—’Indian rope trick’.
You could also do the same trick by having the cotton stretch horizontally across the gap between two benches.
What do you think might break the magnet’s influence? Test by pushing different materials between the magnet and paperclip. Try paper, cardboard,
plastic, aluminium foil, copper, brass, iron or steel. (Deakin 2104)
Exploratory experience 4 Strength of magnets
Key idea: Unlike poles of magnets repel each other.
You can make a suspended paper doll dance unexpectedly using ring magnets. Make a stand and a base out of wood and wire or anything else that
comes to hand.
Cut out a cardboard dancing figure, with enough cardboard at the feet to conceal a ring magnet.
Suspend the dancer from the stand using cotton thread. Tape a ring magnet horizontally in the figure’s feet, and another on the base close to where
the dancer’s feet would settle. Arrange the magnets so they have repelling poles.
Swing the dancer gently and observe what happens. (Deakin 2104)
Does this have any relationship to the video of the monopole magnet?
©Mathematics and Science Planning for learning topic planner
Developed by the Studies in Science and Mathematics Education team: Mike Chartres, Kathy Paige and David Lloyd
Exploratory experience 5
Key ideas: Magnets are strongest at their ends. Magnets have different shapes and strengths.
Requirements 4-5 different types of magnet, spring balance, small masses paperclips recording materials.
Touch the hook of a spring balance to a magnet. Carefully pull the magnet away from the spring balance until it just lets go. Record the reading on
the spring balance at the point of ‘letting go’.
Try another method. Starting with the smallest, test which masses you can lift with the magnet. Record the maximum mass each magnet can lift. Or
see how many paperclips you can pick up, end-to-end, with each magnet. Record your findings for each magnet on your record sheet.
Invent another method to compare the strength of different magnets. Try it out. Describe your method and record the results on the bottom of your
record sheet.
In addition, draw up some bar graphs to compare the different magnets. Create one bar graph for the spring balance readings, another one to show
the heaviest masses lifted and another for the number of pins or paperclips supported. You can also create a graph to show the results using your
own method of testing magnets. (Deakin 2104)
Use the middle of a magnet, how well does this work, is it stronger than the end?
What are some possible investigable questions?
Are all magnets permanent?
Can we make a magnet?
What is an electromagnet and how is it different from a normal magnet?
What does the name magnet derive from.
Why can’t we make a monopole magnet?
Can we cut magnets in half and what happens?
How come magnets lose their strength?
Are big magnets stronger than small magnets?
Are long magnets stronger than short magnets?
What makes the strongest magnets?
Why do magnets ruin hard drives?
How does magnetic storage work?
Are magnets metal?
What are some possible investigations?
Why can’t we make a monopole magnet?
What causes the earth to be magnetic?
How do we build an electromagnet? What makes this work?
How do magnetic trains work?
Making a magnet
How will students compare before and after views?
Their before views will be on the topic facebook group page. There it will be possible to compare the before views with their after views. It will also
be possible for each group to compare their views with that of the other groups
©Mathematics and Science Planning for learning topic planner
Developed by the Studies in Science and Mathematics Education team: Mike Chartres, Kathy Paige and David Lloyd
How will you know what the students have learnt? (Assessment)
What will you assess?
Earth is a magnet
A Magnet can attract
A magnet can push
How will you assess? Who leads the
When will you assess?
How will you record your
View students film of their earth model
View group postings on “Indian rope
View students model of a dancer
Exploratory experience 2
Exploratory experience 3
Exploratory experience 4
Record in book
I will assess these questions as they are
formed and collaboratively we will permit
investigations that have suitable merit.
This will be assessed after the
questions are formed and is a part
of the next stage of the 5 e’s
Thinking and Working
Generating your own investigable
Planning and setting up
investigations to answer these
Conducting the investigation
Record in book
What are the forms of feedback provided for each student about his / her learning? Posts on each video, overall grade given for group.
Links with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) Australian Curriculum
Strand: Science Understanding
Sub strand: Physical sciences
Year level, content descriptor / proficiency standard (mathematics) or content descriptor (science) and general capability that frames this topic:
Year 4, Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (ACSSU076), exploring the forces of attraction and repulsion between
Teacher Resources (What has informed your planning, background knowledge, learning experiences,
discussion of student understanding?)
Deakin University School of Education, 2014, Resources – Science and Education, Deakin University, viewed 10 August 2014,
DECD Victoria, 2014, Magnetism: a non contact force, DECD Victoria, viewed 10 August 2014,
Hickey, Ruth, and Renato A. Schibeci. "The attraction of magnetism." Physics Education 34.6 (1999): 383-388.
©Mathematics and Science Planning for learning topic planner
Developed by the Studies in Science and Mathematics Education team: Mike Chartres, Kathy Paige and David Lloyd
Hoban, G., 2009, Using mobile phone cameras to capture images for slowmations: Student-generated science animations,
University of Woolongong Research Online, viewed 10 August 2014 <>
Li, J., 2012, Improving students understanding of electricity and magnetism, PhD Thesis, University of Pittsburgh
Rutledge, N., 2012, Primary Science : Teaching the Tricky Bits.: McGraw-Hill Education, Berkshire, GBR
Skamp, K., 2012, Teaching primary science constructively, Cengage, Melbourne
Tennant, Alan, magnetic monopoles
Student Resources (Resources that engage students with the learning)
ABC Splash, 2014, viewed 20th October 2014
Deakin University School of Education, 2014, Resources – Science and Education, Deakin University, viewed 10 August 2014,
Monopole magnet, 2014, Viewed 20th October 2014,
Teacher Evaluation (How effective have you been?)
To consider:
What worked?
What didn’t work?
Was it worth learning? Why and why not?
How were the skills integrated into other learning areas?
How was the learning shared with others?
©Mathematics and Science Planning for learning topic planner
Developed by the Studies in Science and Mathematics Education team: Mike Chartres, Kathy Paige and David Lloyd